Tianfu, International Expo Center.

An Liang met Yao Qi again. There was some fatigue in the other person's eyes. It seemed that the exhibition for two consecutive days was tiring.

In the back seat of the Audi A8L, An Liang took the initiative to ask,"Are you tired these two days?"

Yao Qi nodded,"It is indeed a bit tiring, but it is worth it. We have currently established four WeChat groups, and now three have been filled. There are more than 400 people in this group, and the fourth group also has more than 400 people. These people are all our potential customers."

"When I go back and lay out the samples, I can get things started at the Harufen Weaving House!" Yao Qi explained.

An Liang said jokingly,"So you learned to be a host in radio and television, and finally"563" want to start your own business?"

"is it not OK?"Yao Qi rolled her eyes at An Liang.

"Yes, of course, I wish you all the best!"An Liang responded

"Thanks. Yao Qi responded.

Nearly an hour later, at the VIP security check entrance of Tianfu International Airport, Yao Qi pushed two suitcases and walked over. Naturally, she purchased the first-class cabin. Before the security check entrance, Yao Qi suddenly stopped. Turning to look at An Liang,

An Liang waved,"Have a good trip."

Yao Qi jogged and came to An Liang. She hugged An Liang hard, and An Liang froze. This Yao Qi was troublesome, and An Liang didn't want to cause trouble.

Yao Qi felt An Liang's stiffness, and she leaned into An Liang's ear. He said softly,"Don't worry, I won't tell Xiyan. Sometimes I really envy her. You protect her so well."

An Liang remained silent and didn't speak.

Sometimes silence is golden, such as now. Because no matter what he says now, it's wrong, he just doesn't speak.

Yao Qi hugged An Liang for nearly a minute before letting go. She didn't look back this time. Entering the security entrance, An Liang remained silent as he watched Yao Qi disappear.

This Yao Qi was indeed trouble. Unless Yao Qi changed his mind first, An Liang would not cause trouble. An Liang was very satisfied now, and he was unwilling to take the initiative to cause trouble for himself.

The problem of fire in the backyard is particularly serious. Even if An Liang can solve the problem of fire in the backyard, An Liang does not want to have such a problem.

Any normal person does not want to face troubles, right?

Of course, some tadpoles have a few fistfuls on their brains Except people!

It was almost twelve o'clock late at night. An Liang unexpectedly received a message from Yao Wei.

Yao Wei: Mr. An, thank you for taking care of Qiqi.

An Liang: Uncle Yao is polite, as you should.

The two of you surrounded Yao Qi After chatting for a while, Yao Wei continued to send messages.

Yao Wei: There is one more thing that Mr. An needs to make a decision. The current blockade of Bao Province is becoming increasingly serious. Shall we continue?

An Liang: Of course we will continue!

An Liang: By the way, Yao Uncle, I would like to know if there is much communication between Nanyang Port in Shanghai and Da'ao?

Yao Wei: Of course!

Yao Wei: Da'ao is our country's main foreign trade partner, and Da'ao has a large amount of supplies shipped to Our country, especially iron ore, is constantly being transported to the Shanghai Iron and Steel Plant.

Anliang: Is there any way to increase the price of routes to the Great Ao Country?

Yao Wei: President An plans to attack the Great Ao Country?

Er : Uncle Yao hasn’t read the recent news?

Yao Wei: I’ve been paying attention to the situation in Bao Province recently, and the situation there seems to be more serious.

Er Anliang: Then you can pay attention to the news about Da’ao, which is in iron ore The price increase above targeted the Xia Kingdom.

Yao Wei understood instantly!

But Yao Wei also had difficulties, because the size of Da'ao Country and Bao Province were different. If it targeted Da'ao Country, their transportation losses would be relatively large. Zhiyuan Shipping is simply unable to promote such a big plan..........

Yao Wei: Mr. An, I understand what you mean, but Da'ao is very difficult to deal with. There is a lot of shipping business between the two parties.

An Liang: I need a piece of transportation information about iron ore. Can Uncle Yao get it?

Yao Wei: No problem, I will collect it as soon as possible.

An Liang: Well, thank you Uncle Yao. I will contact you as soon as you have any news.

Yao Wei: Okay.

An Liang: It's getting late. Uncle Yao should go to bed early.

Yao Wei: You too.

After the exchange between the two parties ended, An Liang considered suppressing the Great Ao country. If there were no unexpected circumstances, he would use the shipping power of Yao Wei and others to first target the steel transportation business of the Great Ao country.

Although the distance to transport iron ore from Baqi is longer and the transportation cost is more expensive, this loss is not borne by Anliang alone. Huang Guoxiang should also bear some, right?

Besides, suppressing Australia is not without profit!

5.8 is actually a profitable state. Anliang can target the stocks of the BHP company in the Great Australian Country in the Bald Eagle Country, thereby achieving corresponding profits.

The only problem is that the three major iron ore companies in the world are in the same boat. They prefer to have a tacit and silent alliance with each other to relatively monopolize iron ore, thus firmly controlling the pricing power of iron ore..

It is very difficult for Anliang to break the three alliances!

But you have to do difficult things. If you don’t do them if they are difficult, how can you achieve development?


Update time: January 9, 2021 01:52:14. Late at night, sleepy and depressed. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - ∪ collection, recommendation, and sharing!

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