On the way from Modu International Airport to Fudan University, An Liang thought about what Yao Qi meant.

While An Liang was thinking, Yao Qi took the initiative to call, and An Liang answered on the car phone.

"Have you come to Magic City?"Yao Qi asked first.

"Xi Yan told you?"An Liang asked back.

"Yes. Yao Qi didn't hide anything,"I'll treat you to dinner. Thank you for taking care of me in Tianfu.""

"What are you going to do?"An Liang asked back.

"Simply thank you for taking care of me in Tianfu. Yao Qi repeated.

An Liang complained,"You are poisonous!""

"which I do not have. Yao Qi responded,"I really just treat you to dinner." An Liang chuckled and said,"

Sixty-seventy" OK!"

Since this Yao Qi wants to play, An Liang will fight with her.

With the dual assistance of the interpersonal scanning system and the danger premonition ability, An Liang is really not afraid of fighting with the little goblin.

If the little goblin wants to fight with him, he will have to kill him. If one dies, two will kill a pair.

Why did An Liang refuse to take the initiative to kill someone?

"Will you come to school to pick us up first?"Yao Qi asked

"OK"An Liang agreed.

More than half an hour later, An Liang drove to Fudan University. Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing were already waiting at the door. When the three of them got in the car, An Liang saw Ma Yingjun on campus. He peeked furtively at the door.

An Liang said casually,"I saw Ma Yingjun, do you want to call me over?"

Li Xiyan was naturally in the passenger seat, and she responded,"Where is he?""

"Behind the gate, he was there just now, but he should be hiding behind it now. Do you want to give him a call? An Liang asked.

Guo Yuqing responded from the back seat,"Classmate An, I beg you to stop being an onmyoji. Let's leave quickly. I have a headache recently.""

"Ma Yingjun’s question? An Liang started the engine and then added,"Where should we go to eat?""

Yao Qi responded," Bund Yuan, I chose a wagyu barbecue restaurant. An Liang nodded,"

Send me the address and I'll guide you.""

Yao Qi shared the address with An Liang. An Liang set up the navigation before setting off, and then brought up the old things again."Nvxia Guo, what happened to you and Ma Yingjun?"

An Liang knew that Ma Yingjun liked Guo Yuqing, but An Liang was not optimistic about this story.

After all, Guo Yuqing has the best appearance level in a thousand. Ma Yingjun's name is Yingjun, but he is not handsome, and other conditions are not common. Ordinary, how can this develop?

It won't work at all!

Although An Liang is not optimistic about the story between Ma Yingjun and Guo Yuqing, it does not prevent An Liang from teasing him.

Guo Yuqing responded helplessly,"Do you understand the feeling of not liking someone?"

"Could it be that Ma Yingjun confessed his love?"An Liang continued to tease

"No, if he confesses his love directly, I will refuse directly, but he always takes a roundabout way. Although he doesn't say it clearly, he also shows his feelings. I can't refuse him directly, so as not to hurt his face."Guo Yuqing sighed

"I think Ma Yingjun is pretty good, honest and upright. Why shouldn't I like Nvxia Guo? An Liang teased again.

Guo Yuqing said helplessly,"I'm afraid of you. You are really an Onmyoji." Xiyan, why don't you just ignore your boyfriend? He's such a bully. I'm really worried about you.

Li Xiyan responded calmly,"He doesn't bully me!""

An Liang seconded,"I don't bully our baby."

"I..."Guo Yuqing is helpless, having a best friend with a boyfriend is really amazing!

Yao Qi smiled on the side. She did not participate in the discussion because she could not defeat An Liang if she did.

Nearly an hour later, everyone arrived at the Bund. The city is also a traffic jam-hit area. The traffic situation during rush hour is really bad.

In the Snow Tan Barbeque Restaurant in the Bund, Anliang and the other four were looking at the menu..........., this barbecue restaurant has a very high-end positioning, and the menu is naturally prepared for every customer.

Yao Qi introduced the situation while flipping through the menu,"All their Wagyu beef comes from Qindao. They are raised on self-built pastures. Their quality is not inferior to that of Neon and Da'ao." The Wagyu beef promoted by Neon is not exported. , what is the legal provision? Although there is indeed such a provision, it is nothing more than feelings and raising the status of neon and cattle.

But in fact, Wagyu beef has long been spread. It is owned by Da'ao State, Xia Guo, and Europa, and it is really doing very well in terms of quality.

Someone once did a blind test, where Neon, Tai O, and Xia Guo Wagyu were competed on the same stage, and seven gourmets were asked to conduct a blind test evaluation. As a result, only one of the seven was correct.

Even if the person is correct, I don’t know whether he tasted the difference or just made a random guess.

"This store is a bit ruthless, the fillet costs 2888 yuan per pound! An Liang said teasingly,"Classmate Yao Qi, are you sure this store isn't a scammer like Kongchan next door?" Yao

Qi responded helplessly,"Don't worry, I've already tried this store, and there's absolutely no problem!""

"Okay 3.5! Then Feili will look at it more carefully, and by the way, he will also get some sirloin that costs 2,288 yuan per pound, and the same price with the same price."An Liang explained.

"Baby, what do you want to eat? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan closed the menu and said,"I can do anything. I'll eat with you.""

Guo Yuqing seconded the idea.

Yao Qi added some fruit salad to relieve her tiredness, and then added,"Would you like some wine?"

"Red wine?"An Liang asked back.

This time when he came to the Magic City, the problem An Liang wanted to solve was the problem of red wine!


Update time: January 10, 2021 02:57:29, good night, depression, sweet dreams. _

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