Bund Source, Snow Carbon Barbeque Restaurant.

An Liang brought up the matter of drinking red wine, and Li Xiyan asked stupidly,"I...I haven't gotten my driver's license yet..."

Li Xiyan meant that Anliang drank and she couldn't drive the car back.

An Liang looked helplessly at Li Xiyan. Some people learned to drive smoothly, while others were afraid of the instructor. It was obviously their first time learning to drive. Why were some people so good?

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing couldn't help but laugh. Obviously they also knew about Li Xiyan's learning to drive. It was simply a sad story.

"Baby, are you still stuck in Section 3?"An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan responded sheepishly,"Well, it's still subject three. When I was practicing driving,..."

Speaking of this, Li Xiyan stopped

"Um? An Liang asked.

19"Yu Qing, what do you want to say?""Li Xiyan looked at Guo Yuqing a little embarrassed.

An Liang also looked at Guo Yuqing,"Guo Nuxia, what is going on?"

Guo Yuqing couldn't help laughing,"Your Xiyan hit someone, and she hasn't learned to drive recently."

"Hit someone? An Liang asked with concern,"What's going on?" Are the injured serious? How was it handled?"

An Liang didn't ask about Li Xiyan's situation, because Li Xiyan was sitting next to him well, so what else could be wrong?

Guo Yuqing continued,"Don't worry, Master An!"

"..."An Liang looked at Guo Yuqing speechlessly,"What the hell is your name?"

"You are Master Yin Yang. I call you Master An. Is it not a big problem?"Guo Yuqing responded.

An Liang shook his head helplessly. Is he an Onmyoji?

Of course not!

An Liang just likes to tell the truth. Is this wrong?

"When Xi Yan was practicing driving, she accidentally hit a person, but that person rushed onto the road by himself and was a thief being hunted by the police, so Xi Yan had no responsibility at all."Guo Yuqing explained.

Li Xiyan added on the side,"Yes, yes, I was driving properly, and he suddenly rushed up. I didn't step on the brake for a while, so I accidentally hit him."

An Liang was shocked!

How can it be like this?

Should he say that Li Xiyan is lucky, or that Li Xiyan is unlucky?

It seems that the plan to buy a Rolls-Royce for Li Xiyan is going to be shelved again?

Everyone starts from Li Xi Yan Xueche returned to the matter of choosing red wine. In the Xia Kingdom, the most famous red wine is the red wine from France, especially the red wine from the Bordeaux region. It seems that the red wine named after Bordeaux has a special magic.

For example Speaking of the famous Lafite, a bottle of 1982 Lafite has almost become synonymous with red wine in Xiaguo, and has also become a symbol of high-end red wine.

In the field of red wine, France is indeed ranked first in Xiaguo’s import volume rankings position, the import volume in 2019 exceeded 120 million liters, and the total price exceeded 4 billion Xia Guoyuan

"I am going to choose the 2015 Chateau Margaux red wine. What do you think?"Yao Qi looked at An Liang

"France’s 1855 first-class winery is still the best 2015 vintage, I think it’s okay!"An Liang responded.

Yao Qi's eyes lit up,"You also have research on wine?"

"There is no research. An Liang responded,"I just treated it as a piece of knowledge and learned some content forcibly. For me personally, I have no particular preference for red wine or white wine.""

Yao Qi looked at An Liang helplessly. Isn't this person too real?

Li Xiyan showed a happy smile on the side,"You bullied Qiqi again!"

"Where do I have it? An Liang said innocently.

Guo Yuqing answered at the side,"Master An, do you have anything to say about the 2015 Chateau Margaux wine?""

An Liang responded casually,"Actually, there is no explanation. In the wine field, the quality of a wine is not only related to the storage period, but also to the year of production, including the amount of sunshine and rainfall in that year, etc."

The relationship between wine and age is not particularly great. Many people think that the older the wine, the better, probably because of the 1982 Lafite. But in fact, it is because 82 was a good vintage and it just happened to be right.

If we take Chateau Margaux red wine as an example, the 1999 vintage only costs about 6,000 yuan, which is far less expensive than the 2015 new wine.

Anliang 767 continued. In order to give the wine a specific grade, so Wine rating scores were born, including the RP score and JS score, which are relatively highly recognized in our country. These two scores are not equal parts character score and profiteer score. They are the abbreviations of the names of two tasters. If you are interested, check them out. check"

"Take the 2015 Chateau Margaux red wine selected by Yao Qi as an example. It participated in three wine ratings, namely JS, WE, and JL. They all received a perfect score of 100, so its price is as high as 29.800 yuan.." An Liang explained.

Then he lowered his voice and said,"This price is a bit tricky. If you buy it directly from Chateau Margaux, the price should not exceed 20,000.

Guo Yuqing said casually,"As expected of a profiteer!"

Yao Qi responded slightly awkwardly,"This store belongs to our family.""

An Liang and the other three all looked at Yao Qi speechlessly.

Treating guests to dinner in your own store?

May I ask Yao Qi's nickname, Xiu'er?_Fei

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