Jingjing Pharmaceutical Company has a registered capital of 50 million, but its actual assets are only half.

There are advantages to having more registered capital for an enterprise, and there are advantages to having less registered capital.

A smaller registered capital means that the company will bear less liability after bankruptcy, and there are also some tax advantages.

But the advantage of small registered capital is also its disadvantage.

If the registered capital is smaller, the liability for corporate bankruptcy will be smaller. Does that mean that the founders have insufficient confidence in the company?

Under normal circumstances, partners and customers also have certain concerns about companies with small registered capital. After all, who knows if such a company with small registered capital is a company?

It is precisely because of this that there are companies with large registered capital.

Especially for some companies that require goodwill and credit, higher registered capital is often easier for people to believe and makes people feel that the company has strong funds and strength.

This is the case of Jingjing Pharmaceutical Company. For a company in the pharmaceutical field, if the registered capital is 1 million, there is no need to mix it at all. With a registered capital of this size, you will think it is a scammer at first glance, right?

Therefore, Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company would rather raise financing than increase its registered capital to 50 million to obtain more goodwill.

In terms of the investment ratio of Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company, Wang Anfeng personally contributed 6 million yuan, his partners contributed 5 million yuan, and Wang Anfeng borrowed another 6 million yuan, and used his own 6 million yuan and the borrowed 6 million yuan. For funds, United borrowed 8 million from the bank, raised a total of 25 million, and refinanced another 25 million, completing a registered capital of 50 million.

If everything goes smoothly, there will be no problem with Wang Anfeng's operation.

But now all is not well!

Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company has been in business for half a year, but it has not received even a single order. The start-up company that once had six people now only has Wang Anfeng himself and his partner Wu Yonghua.

It would be fine if there were no orders, but with bank loans and the pressure of borrowing and debt collection, Wang Anfeng was almost overwhelmed.

When An Liang arrived, Wang Anfeng was preparing to go out to run business. When he saw a bright yellow Lamborghini Urus and a black Mercedes-Benz S450L driving over, Wang Anfeng's heart suddenly moved.

An Liang looked at the unshaven Wang Anfeng, and he took the initiative to say hello,"Hello, Mr. Wang, my name is An Liang, from Ansheng Construction."

Naturally Wang Anfeng had heard of Ansheng Construction, and he had also heard of Anliang's name,"It turns out he is from Ansheng. Prince."

Prince Ansheng?

An Liang was unable to complain. Who gave him this nickname?

If it was twenty years ago, the nickname Taizi Ye would have been majestic, but in today's era, the nickname Taizi Ye is simply poisonous!

Wang Anfeng has a very high level of observation. He found that An Liang did not like the title Prince, so he immediately changed the title,"What's the matter with Mr. An?"

An Liang responded,"I heard that your Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company is going to be sold, right? ?"

Wang Anfeng hesitated before nodding in response,"Yes."

In fact, Wang Anfeng did not want to sell, but the pressure on bank loans and the problem of debt collection gave Wang Anfeng no choice.

"Say a price, and if it’s right, I’ll buy it!"An Liang responded straightforwardly.

Wang Anfeng did not quote directly. He responded,"Mr. An, let me first show you the internal situation of our Jingjing Medicine."

An Liang did not refuse. He followed Wang Anfeng into Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company.

On the first floor of Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company, An Liang saw complete sets of stainless steel equipment. These equipment were very new, with no dust on the surface, and were obviously carefully maintained.

Wang Anfeng introduced An Liang,"Mr. An, this is a supercritical extraction equipment. It can extract the active ingredients of Chinese medicinal materials with almost no damage, thus giving a new lease of life to the criticized Chinese medicine."

"Almost lossless?"An Liang raised his eyebrows

"Yes!"Wang Anfeng responded affirmatively.

When Zhengyou Pharmaceutical Company was making holly seeds oral liquid, Anliang invested 11 kilograms of holly seeds. In theory, it could produce 550 bottles, but in fact only 510 bottles were produced.

Although the loss included holly seeds , There are damaged fruits in the fruit, but this loss is not much. An Liang estimates that the damage to the machine may exceed 5%.

This loss is huge!

Although the loss is large because the processing quantity is too small, An Liang also unwilling to accept

"Do you know holly? An Liang asked.

Wang Anfeng nodded affirmatively,"Of course I know!" It nourishes the liver and kidneys, clears away heat and detoxifies, and improves eyesight, right?"

"If holly seeds are put into this set of supercritical extraction equipment and they are made into an oral liquid containing 20 grams of holly seeds per serving, how much is the loss?"An Liang asked.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Wang Anfeng did not directly answer an accurate consumption rate. He suggested,"We can actually test the specific situation. Wang

Anfeng continued,"Let's buy a hundred kilograms of holly seeds and produce them ten kilograms at a time. Finally, let's look at the loss rate each time. What does Mr. An think?"

An Liang naturally agreed.

As the saying goes, practice leads to true knowledge, and practice leads to conclusions that are far better than eloquence!

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