It's about eleven o'clock in the morning.

In Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company, one hundred kilograms of holly seeds have been delivered, and Wang Anfeng is introducing them to An Liang.

"Mr. An, this is an ultrasonic cleaning device. Through the ultrasonic cleaning device, we can clean Chinese medicinal materials almost non-destructively, especially to avoid the problem of loss of efficacy of some Chinese medicinal materials when washed with water."Wang Anfeng introduced.

When Zhengyou Pharmaceutical Company prepared Ilex Oral Liquid before, Zhengyou Pharmaceutical Company used water washing instead of ultrasonic cleaning.

Wang Anfeng continued to explain,"Hard particles like Ilex are cleaned by ultrasonic waves. , the loss rate is less than 0.001%, which can be simply ignored.

An Liang said with praise,"Very good!""

After Wang Anfeng introduced it, he weighed the first ten kilograms of holly seeds to determine the accurate weight.

When weighing, Wang Anfeng deliberately used three packages of edible salt for weighing.

The weight of the first package of edible salt The weight of the second package is 502 grams, the second package is 503 grams, and the third package is 501 grams, which are all in line with the standard weight of one pound of edible salt.

This link is self-certification, thereby proving that there is no problem with the weighing electronic scale.

This rigorous An Liang was quite satisfied with his attitude and work style.

The total weight of the first portion of holly seeds was 5,002 grams, which exceeded the weight of 2 grams. He did not particularly pursue the 5,000-gram figure.

"Mr. An, our production line is fully automated. You can personally put these holly seeds into the feed port."Wang Anfeng explained

"OK"Anliang responded, and then under Wang Anfeng's guidance, he poured the first portion of holly seeds into the feed port.

Wang Anfeng started the ultrasonic cleaner, and a low hum of the machine sounded. Wang Anfeng reminded him,"Super God Wave. The cleaning machine is working. For hard fruit Chinese medicinal materials, we will process it twice, which takes about twenty minutes."

While the ultrasonic cleaner was working, Wang Anfeng took Anliang to check the next production link.

"Mr. An, this set of equipment is a near-infrared spectrum high-speed sorter. It can distinguish damaged products in Chinese medicinal materials. Taking holly seeds as an example, it can accurately distinguish bad fruits in holly seeds."Wang Anfeng explained.

Wang Anfeng continued to add,"The losses in this round completely depend on the condition of the raw materials. If the raw materials are of high quality, the losses in this round will be very small."

"We can take a look at the results of this round of sorting later and see the accuracy of the sorting."Wang Anfeng added.

Twenty minutes later, the ultrasonic cleaner processed the holly seeds. In just one minute, the near-infrared spectrum high-speed sorter completed the sorting of the holly seeds. Those who were waiting for the ultrasonic cleaner to process During the process, Wang Anfeng introduced the third process to Anliang.

The third process is ultra-fine grinding. Through ultra-fine grinding, the holly seeds are ground into very fine particles to prepare for the next step of extraction.

At Zhengyou Pharmaceutical Company At that time, they could only do the grinding step, and it was not ultra-fine grinding.

After being screened by the near-infrared spectrum high-speed sorter, the holly seeds entered the ultra-fine grinding stage. Wang Anfeng opened the machine on the near-infrared spectrum high-speed sorter equipment. He took out the waste storage and took out the holly seeds that were screened out.

Wang Anfeng first weighed the holly seeds that were screened out. The total weight was only 23 grams, and the defective rate was only 0.46%, which was completely up to standard..After weighing the holly seeds screened out by the near-infrared spectrum high-speed sorter, Wang Anfeng handed them to An Liang

"Mr. An, take a look at these hollies and see if any of them have been mistakenly screened out."Wang Anfeng motioned to Anliang to check.

When Anliang checked, he found that the holly seeds that had been screened out by the near-infrared spectroscopy high-speed sorter all had problems. They were either shriveled, or there were traces of moths, or the surface was damaged..

Surprisingly, not a single one was screened by mistake!

An Liang said in surprise,"Is your screening accuracy so high? Wang

Anfeng smiled,"Because our near-infrared spectrum high-speed sorter is very expensive. It is a specially customized screening standard for Chinese medicinal materials, and the price has reached 12 million!""

"Is it so expensive?" An Liang sighed.

Wang Anfeng responded affirmatively,"Yes, it is indeed very expensive. In the entire Xia Kingdom, except for top laboratories, top pharmaceutical companies, and top cosmetics companies, we are the only ones with this level of Near-infrared spectroscopy high-speed sorter. Wang

Anfeng continued to add,"There are less than 20 near-infrared spectroscopy high-speed sorters with this precision nationwide, and we only have one in Shengqing!" An Liang nodded slightly,"

What's the price of the ultrasonic cleaner in front?""

"The price is cheap, only 600,000, but it is also very advanced, and is not available in ordinary Chinese medicine processing and proprietary Chinese medicine production companies."Wang Anfeng responded

"What about this ultra-fine grinding equipment?"An Liang asked again.

Zhengyou Pharmaceutical Company does not have ultra-fine grinding equipment, and An Liang felt that it should not be cheap.

After all, Zhengyou Pharmaceutical Company is not small, at least larger than Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company. If the price is not expensive, Zhengyou Pharmaceutical Company You should probably buy it, right?

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