Real steamed fish restaurant.

An Liang looked at the menu. The charcoal-grilled garlic oysters that Li Xiyan chose were clearly marked on the menu as using French Ginado N0 grade oysters.

Ginado oysters are known as the Rolls-Royce of oysters. Their traditional grading ranges from N5 to N0, with N5 being the lowest and N0 being the highest.

Now the N0 level is derived from the N00000 level with up to five zeros.

The menu price of four N0-level Ginado oysters reaches 398 yuan, and the actual channel sales price will be at least 200 yuan.

Normally, Ginado oysters are eaten raw as sashimi, but in fact, most people in Xia country cannot accept the taste of raw oysters, even Ginado.

For those who say that Guinado oysters are suitable for eating raw, Anliang doesn’t know if they have actually eaten Guinado oysters?

If they haven’t eaten it before, Anliang suggested that they try eating Ginado oysters raw.

Anyway, An Liang doesn’t like it, and Li Xiyan doesn’t like eating raw Ginado oysters as sashimi either.

"How about another charcoal-grilled golden sea bream?"An Liang asked Li Xiyan casually.

The golden-eyed sea bream is the neon national fish, the golden fish.

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan naturally agreed.

After a while, the dishes ordered by An Liang and Li Xiyan were served one after another. Li Xiyan started eating without politeness. It seemed that she was 'tortured' by Liu Ling's eating habits at home. ?

Thinking about all kinds of healthy and light meals every day, An Liang felt that he couldn't bear it!

While eating, An Liang said casually,"Baby, I have to go to the Imperial Capital for work in two days. Will you go and play with me?""

An Liang is retreating to advance!

It is mainly because of his danger premonition ability that An Liang can do this kind of operation.

Because his danger premonition ability does not remind him of the danger.

Li Xiyan directly refused,"I don't want to go. I have a lot of things to do every day, and I have to do it. We have to practice yoga, swim, and study. The holiday homework assigned by our school is simply toxic."

"What homework? An Liang asked curiously.

Li Xiyan complained,"We are required to do at least two news reports during the holiday.""

"Can self-media news be used?" An Liang said jokingly.

Today's self-media news is really the first picture. The story is all made up, which is almost like a thank you for the invitation.

Li Xiyan rolled her eyes at An Liang, she hummed,"Of course it's impossible! The minimum requirement is to enter the local news media. Taking our Shengqing as an example, my report must be entered into the local news media."

"What if it can't be done?"An Liang asked again

"If it cannot be completed, the group assignments after returning to school will become more numerous, and at least four more on-campus reports will be arranged. Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang responded with a smile,"That's no problem. At least it gives a backup option.""

"If you can’t find the news, I’ll contact you. An Liang added,"You can report about our AXA. We, AXA, acquired Fengfan Power. According to the plan, we will build a large comprehensive commercial center at the production base of Fengfan Power.""

"This matter has not been officially announced yet. After we at AXA get it done, I will make appropriate arrangements for you and you will report the whole process."An Liang explained.

"OK!"Li Xiyan accepted it happily. She also accepted the gift An Liang gave her with pleasure, and it's the same now. After all,

An Liang is her boyfriend. Could it be that her boyfriend is good to her and she still doesn't accept it?

Could it be that he must be pretentious ? Is rejection the way to prove pure love?

It can only be said that people are different.

Li Xiyan has such a simple view of love, without too many thoughts and routines

"When will you go to the Imperial Capital?"Li Xiyan asked additionally.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"Probably in the last two days. Honey, I will arrange a driver for you. When you want to use the car, you can contact her at any time."

There were security personnel from Renyi Security Company around Li Xiyan, but now it's just that one of the security personnel has been changed from covert to covert.

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan responded affirmatively.

After lunch, because the weather was too hot, both Li Xiyan and An Liang returned to the Flower Garden. In the living room, Li Xiyan rested on An Liang's lap, and she was chatting with her little sisters.

An Liang checked Anliang also likes to check the financial report of Anxin Investment. Although the Life Winner System guarantees the profits of Anxin Investment, Anliang also likes to check the financial report of Anxin Investment.

At present, the operations of Anxin Investment are normal, and the main funds are in the international spot gold market and silver market. There is also the foreign exchange market for gaming.

There are relatively few funds in the U.S. stock market. Because of the recent turbulence in the U.S. stock market, Anxin Investment Company has avoided risks in advance and sold off some stocks, leaving only a small number of core stocks.

For example, Apple stocks.

After Apple cooperated with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the stock price rose a lot, and Anxin Investment Company took the opportunity to make another large sum of money.

When Anliang was checking the financial report of Anxin Investment Company, Li Xiyan suddenly He opened his mouth and said,"Bad guy, Qiqi said she wanted to come to play, when will you come back from the Imperial Capital?"

Yao Qi is coming over?

An Liang once again thought of Yao Qi's image in ancient costumes. She is really charming in ancient costumes!

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