On the sofa in the living room of Li Xiyan's home, An Liang listened to Li Xiyan saying that her little sister Yao Qi was coming over. An Liang responded casually,"Why is she coming here?"

Li Xiyan snorted,"Qiqi is coming to travel!"

"She comes to travel when she comes. I have to deal with things in the imperial capital recently."An Liang's attitude is very upright.

He can't be so excited when Li Xiyan's little sister comes over for a trip, right?

Isn't that asking for death?

To be honest, even An Liang can judge it himself, let alone the ability to foresee danger. , that is just looking for death!

Faced with An Liang's somewhat disgusted attitude, Li Xiyan was very happy in her heart. She said coquettishly,"Qiqi is here for a trip, we have to entertain her together!""

"I'm not sure when I can come back from the imperial capital."An Liang responded.

Li Xiyan sat up straight, and she held An Liang's arm coquettishly,"Oh, when you come back, I'll tell Qiqi, okay?"

Looking at the coquettish Li Xiyan, didn't Mr. An win another round?

An Liang pinched Li Xiyan's little face and said,"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you!"

"great!"Li Xiyan said happily, and then replied to Yao Qi's message on her mobile phone. As it was approaching five o'clock in the afternoon, An Liang sneaked away first to avoid Liu Ling having to eat some healthy light food when he came back. An Liang was really a little bit embarrassed. Live.

On the way back to the Sky Realm, An Liang received news from Tang Jinsheng, No. 1 of Renyi Security Company.

In the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company, An Liang checked the corresponding information.

‘No. 1: The preparations for the Dark Night Plan are ready, will it be implemented?’

‘Zero: Is the goal determined?’

‘Number 1: Completely determined’

‘Number 1: We have fully contacted the target and revealed our identity. The target is also willing to leave Neon with us, but requires us to implement the Dark Night Plan.’

‘Zero: It seems that hatred is really a huge power!’

‘No. 1: We in Xia State also have a saying that the hatred for killing one’s father is irreconcilable.’

‘No. 1: The target’s father was forced to death and he has not received the corresponding compensation. Naturally, the target is full of hatred.’

‘Number Zero: Plus ten years of brewing!’

‘Number Zero: Although it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, ten years have passed and the target has not found an opportunity for revenge.’

‘Number 1: Yes, we now give the target a chance to take revenge, and the target naturally wants revenge!’

‘Number Zero: Be careful!’

‘Zero: I don’t want any accidents to happen’

‘No. 1: Don’t worry, we will handle it properly and there will be no accidents.’

‘Zero: The safety of the target is the highest priority’

‘Number 1: Got it’

‘Zero: The Dark Night Project is launched!’

‘No. 1: Received. '

Anliang logged out of the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company, and then contacted Li Cunyuan by phone.

Waiting for the call to connect, An Liang spoke first,"Brother Yuan, let's have hot pot together tonight?"

"no problem! We were just discussing what to eat for dinner."Li Cunyuan replied

"Are you at the hotel?"An Liang asked again

"Well, I'm still in the hotel. I didn't get up until two o'clock in the afternoon. I was so high yesterday that I just took a shower to wake up a little bit."Li Cunyuan explained.

This is simply a life of drunkenness and dreams, right?

But An Liang is not envious at all!

After all, An Liang really doesn't like the atmosphere of the bar.

"Okay, I will pick you up at the hotel. There will be no hot pot arrangements in the evening. We will eat something lighter."An Liang is considerate of the fact that Li Cunyuan and the other three had a great time yesterday.

"That’s okay too!" Li Cunyuan responded,"Thank you Brother Liang for your understanding."

"Ouch!"An Liang said with a smile,"You are in Shengqing, of course I will take good care of you. I won't say anything anymore. Brother Yuan, tell Brother Gangzi and Brother Haiyang that we will see you later."

"See you later."Li Cunyuan responded.

In less than a quarter of an hour, An Liang arrived at the Mulingshan Summit Hotel. Li Cunyuan and the other three were already waiting in the lounge area of ​​the lobby. When An Liang arrived, they walked out of the hotel.

Qian Xiaogang consciously spoke first. ,"Brother Liang, let me drive, I’m afraid of Brother Haiyang! Yun

Haiyang complained,"If I drive a Mercedes-Benz S450L, something will happen, and I drink beer while standing upside down!""

"Please, Brother Haiyang, please don’t raise the flag. If you say this, I feel that something will happen to you while driving. Li Cunyuan complained.

An Liang seconded,"I think so too.""

Since Yun Haiyang had set up a flag, Qian Xiaogang was even less likely to let Yun Haiyang drive. An Liang had already set the navigation address, and Qian Xiaogang followed the navigation.

An Liang was sitting in the back seat. He then said,"What do you think? Is hatred powerful?

Li Cunyuan was confused,"Huh?"

Yun Haiyang responded,"Of course it's powerful!" Not to mention humans, even animals know how to hold grudges. When I was a kid, I used firecrackers to scare my neighbor's dog. The dog barked wildly when he saw me, and this continued for many years.

An Liang joked with a smile,"That's because your hands are weak!""

When I was a kid, using firecrackers to scare dogs wasn't a big deal.

Doesn't it mean that you have to blow up cow dung or mud?"

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