The next day.

It was just after seven in the morning.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang both got up early, and An Liang was also woken up by Chen Siyu's cell phone alarm. He asked casually,"Are you going to school?"

"Um!"Chen Siyu responded first,"I can't be late. I just promised yesterday that I won't be late today."

Chen Siyu used to be late every day.

But after experiencing the International Piano Competition, Chen Siyu is full of ambition. She wants to win a higher ranking in next year's International Piano Competition.

Ning Ruoshuang also responded,"I want to enter October. The National Day celebration performance is very difficult and I need to practice hard.

An Liang yawned,"Okay, you go to school, and I'll go to the flight training center to check on the situation.""

When Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang went out to school, An Liang sent a message to the friends group in the Imperial Capital.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Are brothers awake? '

However, Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang didn't respond. Apparently they stayed up late last night, right?

An Liang was just about to send a message to Huang Guoxiang when he received a message from Zhao Wanxi

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you have time today?’

‘An Liang: Whether I have time depends on what you want to say’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [roll eyes]’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I'm in a bad mood and want to relax. If you have time, you can walk around with me. '

An Liang thought about it for a while and decided to agree.

‘An Liang: No problem’

‘An Liang: I’m going to go to the flight training center in Fengning to see the construction progress. Do you know the Fengning area?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I know about the flight training center’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [Location information: No. 8, Xiaobieyuan, West 2nd Road]’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Come and pick me up. I don’t want to drive. An

Liang looked at the positioning information sent by Zhao Wanxi and sighed secretly in his heart. This Zhao Wanxi is worthy of being a princess in the imperial capital circle. She actually has a villa on the edge of Beihai within Erdao.

‘An Liang: OK! '

The two sides ended their chat, and An Liang drove the black emblem version of the Rolls-Royce Ghost to the location where Zhao Wanxifa was located.

In less than half an hour, An Liang drove to the location. Zhao Wanxi was waiting at the gate of the small courtyard, and she sat on the passenger seat without thinking about herself.

An Liang glanced at Zhao Wanxi. She was wearing gray sportswear today. Her eyes were a little red. She looked like she had cried?

An Liang was secretly curious, who made Zhao Wanxi cry?

Are you in a bad mood because you cried?

An Liang didn't ask. He didn't seem to notice anything strange about Zhao Wanxi and drove quietly to the Fengning area.

Zhao Wanxi turned to look out the car window. She had no intention of speaking actively.

Nearly an hour later, Anliang drove away from Beiliu Road in the Imperial Capital. He took the initiative and said,"There is a bit of traffic jam, so it will take about two hours for us to go to Fengning area.""

"Um."Zhao Wanxi responded. Her voice sounded a bit nasal, so she had indeed cried?

After responding, Zhao Wanxi seemed to have started talking. She continued,"Are you guessing why I cried? Pass?

An Liang responded jokingly,"You are a smart woman.""

"I did cry because my grandfather's health is not very good and the doctors currently have no good solution, so I am very sad." Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang sighed,"I see, I wish your grandpa good luck and good luck."

"Hope so!"Zhao Wanxi's eyes flashed with sadness.

An Liang asked further,"What is the specific situation of your grandfather?"

Zhao Wanxi did not hide anything,"My grandfather is eighty years old this year. In addition, when he was young, he participated in the original war and was injured, so his physical condition is relatively poor now."

"Turns out to be a hero!"An Liang sighed.

Zhao Wanxi was silent. So what if you are a hero? Isn't it the end of the world?

"I will take you for a while first and give you a gift in two days."An Liang added.

Zhao Wanxi did not respond. She was indeed in a bad mood. Even though An Liang said he wanted to send gifts, Zhao Wanxi was not interested.

Nearly two hours later, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi arrived in the Fengning area. , and came to the flight training center under construction.

The flight training center does not require much infrastructure, because the flight training center is aimed at flight training and does not require a lot of ground infrastructure like a racing track.

So flight training The construction speed of the center is very fast.

At the flight training center, An Liang took Zhao Wanxi around. Currently, the flight training center is mainly building a ground charging station. This is the most important ground facility of the flight training center. It will be built into a large-scale A graphene battery charging station to facilitate the charging needs of flying motorcycles.

As for the setting of flying obstacles, they mainly set up obstacles that simulate wire networks, and use native woods as obstacles.

Looking at these obstacle design plans, Zhao Wanxi took the initiative and said,"Such an obstacle design is not difficult at all for the third-generation flying motorcycle, and the automatic driving system can easily pass it.""

"What if it is done manually?"An Liang asked back.

"Why manual operation?"Zhao Wanxi also asked, and she gave an example,"For example, in the woods, the automatic driving system can easily determine where it can be passed and what cannot be passed, and automatically controls the flying motorcycle to pass, so why should we drive it by ourselves? ?"

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