The deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is equipped with auxiliary systems that far exceed those of the firefighting version, the power grid version, and the medical version of the flying motorcycle.

Especially the intelligence of the flight control system. The automatic driving system of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle has very high authority in daily operations.

Zhao Wanxi is right. When flying in the woods, after the autopilot system analyzes the image through the laser ranging radar and depth-of-field camera, it can completely drive through automatically. Why do you need manual intervention and risk?

It is not that the fire-fighting version of the flying motorcycle needs to perform extreme operations or illegal operations at certain times, so the fire-fighting version of the autopilot system has a lower priority and is only suitable for automatic driving in cruising and flying.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi browsed around the flight training center. As Huang Guoxiang said, it only takes about a week to complete the basic construction work.

If nothing unexpected happens, the flight training center should be put into use soon.

When noon was approaching, An Liang was still thinking about what to eat for lunch. Zhao Wanxi received a call and her expression suddenly changed.

"Anliang, my grandfather's situation has changed, we will go back now."After Zhao Wanxi hung up the phone, she immediately told An Liang about the situation.

"good."An Liang responded directly.

Although it was almost twelve o'clock, An Liang didn't say to have lunch first.

Things have priorities. Zhao Wanxi's grandfather's situation has changed. It is a more urgent situation and is far higher in priority. It’s past lunch.

Noon is not the time for traffic jams. It took nearly two hours to arrive at Fengning area in the morning, and now it only takes less than an hour and a half to rush back. At the

Imperial Capital First Hospital near Xiaobieyuan, Anliang is After parking in the parking lot, he followed Zhao Wanxi into the hospital.

In the hospital, An Liang met Zhao Wanxi's eldest brother Zhao Dongliang, sister-in-law Jiang Wanying, and niece Zhao Yin.

Among them, Jiang Wanying and Zhao Yin were in the flight crisis He was rescued by An Liang, so the relationship between An Liang and Zhao Wanxi's family is also quite good.

In addition to Zhao Wanxi's eldest brother's family, An Liang also found a middle-aged man who was somewhat similar to Zhao Dongliang, and a man who was similar to Zhao Wanxi. Wanxi is a middle-aged woman who looks similar to her.

Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to introduce Anliang,"Anliang, this is my father Zhao Xingguo, and this is my mother Liang Yudie. An

Liang quickly took the initiative to say hello, and stretched out his hands to shake hands with Zhao Xingguo to express his attention,"Hello, Uncle Zhao, Aunt Liang.""

Zhao Xingguo looked at An Liang carefully, then stretched out his hand to shake An Liang's hand,"I heard Lao Huang said about you, the young man is quite good."

An Liang was slightly embarrassed. Zhao Wanxi's father knew Huang Guoxiang?

Doesn't that mean that Zhao Xingguo knew everything about him?

"Thank you Uncle Zhao for the compliment."An Liang responded shamelessly.

Liang Yudie looked at An Liang and then at Zhao Wanxi. She then said,"Thank you, Xiao An, for coming to visit. An Liang asked smoothly,"

How is Grandpa Zhao doing?""

Liang Yudie shook her head,"It's very bad. As people age, their body functions deteriorate, and there are still shrapnel in their bodies, I'm afraid..."

"cough!"Zhao Xingguo coughed and said,"Okay, Yudie, I won't talk about the old man's affairs."

Zhao Wanxi's eyes turned red again, and she asked,"Is grandpa's condition very dangerous?"

Zhao Dongliang answered,"The doctor has issued a critical illness notice. If he is not rescued this time,..."

While Zhao Dongliang was talking, a doctor in a white coat walked in and took the initiative to say,"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao's condition has barely stabilized, but..."

At this point, the doctor did not continue.

"Dr. Sun, if anything happens, just tell me."Zhao Xingguo asked. He did not avoid suspicion that An Liang was also present.

Sun Jingye sighed,"Mr. Zhao is too old. Although we have barely suppressed the condition this time, the situation is still very dangerous, and we cannot guarantee the final result."

"Mr. Zhao, we can only do our best and obey fate. Sun Jingye said carefully.

Zhao Xingguo remained silent.

Zhao Dongliang frowned,"Doctor Sun, is there no other way?" Sun

Jingye shook his head,"We will definitely do our best to save Mr. Zhao's life, but we really can't guarantee what the outcome will be.""

An Liang was listening to this situation, and he was secretly moved in his heart, and then he took the initiative to speak,"Is Mr. Zhao's current situation particularly dangerous?"

Sun Jingye glanced at An Liang. He did not reply immediately. Instead, he looked at Zhao Xingguo, waiting for Zhao Xingguo's instructions. Zhao

Xingguo also glanced at An Liang, and then nodded slightly, indicating that Sun Jingye could tell the truth.

Sun Jingye said this Then he started to speak,"Mr. Zhao's situation is indeed very dangerous. He is not out of danger yet, but we will try our best."

"What is the biggest problem Mr. Zhao currently faces?"An Liang asked again.

Sun Jingye responded,"The most important thing is that I am older and my physical fitness has declined significantly. An Liang nodded slightly,"

Okay, thank you Dr. Sun.""

"You're welcome."Sun Jingye responded.

Zhao Wanxi stood next to An Liang. She looked at An Liang and asked proactively,"You have a way, don't you?"

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