Imperial Capital First Hospital, in the high-end ward, Zhao Wanxi was questioning An Liang

"You must have a solution! Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang,"If you had no way, you wouldn't ask about the specific situation at all, so I guess you have something, right?""

Zhao Xingguo frowned.

Zhao Dongliang looked at An Liang, and he took the initiative to speak,"Brother, do you really have a way? Liang

Yudie also looked at An Liang and asked,"Xiao An, if you have any ideas, you can tell us and we will make our own judgment.""

An Liang was silent and didn't speak.

Zhao Wanxi directly took An Liang's right hand with both hands. She was a little excited and said,"An Liang, what can you do?"

Zhao Xingguo, Liang Yudie, as well as Zhao Dongliang and Jiang Wanying all watched Zhao Wanxi's movements.

An Liang looked at Dr. Sun and said,"Doctor Sun, please ask if your hospital has ultra-fine grinding. equipment, and atomization equipment."

Sun Jingye naturally knew that An Liang's inquiry was just an excuse to let him leave. He guessed that the next topic would be somewhat sensitive.

"Wait a moment, I'll go ask about the situation. Sun Jingye responded and left the senior ward.

After Sun Jingye left and closed the door, An Liang said to Zhao Wanxi,"I'm not sure yet. I'll call to ask about the situation.""

Zhao Wanxi then let go of An Liang's right hand, her face turned a little red.

An Liang took out her mobile phone and contacted No. 1 Tang Jinsheng through the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company. Waiting for the voice communication to connect, An Liang asked questions first.

"Where did that thing go? An Liang asked.

Tang Jinsheng responded according to the preset plan,"We split the item and transported it through different channels to ensure safety.""

"Is there any part about entering Xia Kingdom?"An Liang asked again

"some."Tang Jinsheng responded

"I'm in the Imperial Capital. I want one of them now. I give you the highest authority to safely deliver that item to the Imperial Capital First Hospital. I will receive it here personally and let the people who have been exposed send it over."An Liang ordered

"By the way, be careful of the guys from India chasing you. I want to ensure the safety of that thing. If someone tries to stop it, you know how to deal with it."An Liang said remindingly.

"receive."Tang Jinsheng responded

"When can it be delivered?"An Liang asked

"Within two hours. Tang Jinsheng responded.

An Liang hung up the phone directly. He looked at Zhao Xingguo and said,"Uncle Zhao, I have made arrangements here. It will take two hours.""

Zhao Xingguo sighed,"India's matter is indeed your fault!"

"Doesn’t Lao Huang know?"An Liang responded with a smile.

"Dad, what are you talking about?"Zhao Dongliang interrupted.

Zhao Wanxi looked at Zhao Dongliang and then at An Liang, and she took the initiative to speak,"You were really behind the scenes at the Krishan border?"

"I neither admit nor deny it. An Liang responded,"Do you know what Krishan has?"

Zhao Xingguo responded,"Thousand-year-old Astragalus?""

Zhao Dongliang was a little confused when he heard Millennium Astragalus. This kind of thing doesn't sound reliable, right?

"Does it really exist?" Zhao Wanxi asked back.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"Yes, it exists. We found an ancient book from the Song Dynasty on the deep web. This ancient book recorded the notes of Song Ci, a famous medical scientist in the Song Dynasty. He wrote in the book He recorded the information about this thousand-year-old astragalus, and said that this thousand-year-old astragalus was not discovered by him, but by the elders of his family."

"Originally, we didn't pay much attention to this matter, but the guys in India seemed to have discovered this matter and searched frequently in Krishan Mountain, so it attracted our attention."An Liang admitted in disguise that he was the mastermind behind the scenes.

"It is said that astragalus has the magical effect of prolonging life and longevity, and the older the astragalus, the better the effect."An Liang casually talked about the effects of astragalus.

Zhao Dongliang said a little disappointed,"That should be just a rumor, right?"

"Brother Zhao, have you ever heard of Dongqingzi oral liquid and instant peach gum?"An Liang asked back.

"Um?"Zhao Dongliang was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Wanxi responded on behalf of Zhao Dongliang,"He has both. Pang Zhengfeng and Zhou Ronghua are his younger brothers. They contributed some to my brother."

"Since holly seeds and instant peach gum have miraculous effects, why can’t Astragalus have miraculous effects?"An Liang asked back.

Zhao Dongliang was silent. He had indeed used Dongqingzi oral liquid and instant peach gum. He knew the magic of the two things.

As An Liang said, since both Dongqingzi oral liquid and instant peach gum are available Miraculous effects, does the legendary thing like Millennium Astragalus also have miraculous effects?

No one can guarantee that Millennium Astragalus has no special effects.

What if there is a special effect?

​​Zhao Xingguo felt a sense of hope,"You guys Has the effect of thousand-year-old Astragalus been verified?"

Before An Liang answered, the Winner of Life System issued a prompt.



Update time: March 18, 2021 00:25:44, good night.

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