The circle An Liang is currently in is different. There are many smart people in the top circles!

Because if you are not a smart person, it is impossible to enter the top circle.

On the contrary, it is at the bottom that there are more fools who think they are smart.

If you are really smart, how can you always be at the bottom?

Is it just bad luck?

In the circle that Anliang lives in, it is completely reasonable to deduce the thousand-year-old Astragalus through comprehensive information and reasonable analysis.

After all, no evidence is needed?

"By the way, Uncle Zhao, after the exposure of Millennium Astragalus, if anyone else in the imperial circle needs it, do you have any suggestions?"An Liang asked.

In the imperial capital circle, there is more than one person in a situation similar to Zhao Zhuangkang.

Now that Zhao Zhuangkang has been discharged directly from the hospital, how can other similar people not be moved?

Zhao Xingguo thought silently for a moment before asking,"Xiao An, it's convenient for you to reveal Qian Qian. The quantity of astragalus slices?

An Liang responded affirmatively,"Of course." The total number of Millennium Astragalus slices is 226. We used three slices in the experiment. Yesterday, Grandpa Zhao used one slice, and Lao Huang asked for one. Today, nine slices were delivered, and there are currently 212 slices left."

Zhao Xingguo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The number of thousand-year-old Astragalus slices was not too small.

"Do you have any plans to sell thousand-year-old astragalus slices?" Zhao Xingguo asked.

An Liang shook his head in denial.

For An Liang, there are many ways to make money. For example, through Game Station, An Liang's cash assets soared to more than 50 billion Xia Guoyuan.

If he wants to make money, An Liang can definitely Make a quick buck in the stock market, the international foreign exchange investment market, or even the international spot gold market. Selling

Millennium Astragalus?

Is the price of each piece sold at one million, or 10 million?

Although according to the actual effect of Millennium Astragalus, even if If you set a price of 100 million for sale, there will definitely be people who will buy it, but so what if it is 100 million?

Currently, all the remaining 212 thousand-year-old Astragalus slices have been sold for only 21.2 billion Xia Guoyuan, which is not enough for Anliang's profit from the game station. Woolen cloth!

"For now, I have no plans to sell Millennium Astragalus slices."An Liang responded

"That's it..."Zhao Xingguo hesitated.

An Liang immediately added,"Although it will not be sold to the public, I am planning to slice the thousand-year-old astragalus into pieces and open it for exchange inside the Sky Baiyujing Club."

"Our Tiantian Baiyujing Club has recently undergone changes in the contribution system. I plan to invest a certain number of thousand-year-old Astragalus slices in the Tiantian Baiyujing Club and let some members redeem them through their contribution points."An Liang added.

Hearing An Liang's words, Zhao Xingguo breathed a sigh of relief. He became more and more satisfied with An Liang!

This time, An Liang's handling seemed simple on the surface, but in fact, his technique was very clever because An Liang used contradiction. Transfer plan.

If Anliang clings to the thousand-year-old Astragalus slices and is unwilling to release any of them, it will definitely offend everyone.

Although based on Anliang’s current status in the imperial capital circle and the resources he controls, coupled with the Wealth, even if Anliang is alone in processing thousand-year-old Astragalus slices, others can't do anything to Anliang.

But like a volcanic eruption, energy is accumulated bit by bit, and the same is true for conflicts. If Anliang offends people again and again, when the resentment reaches the After a certain level, I'm afraid we will face a situation where everyone will overthrow the wall, right?

So An Liang cleverly used the conflict transfer plan. He did not directly release the thousand-year-old astragalus slices, but placed the thousand-year-old astragalus slices in the Baiyujing Club in the sky. Contribution system exchange.

Such a plan strengthens the value of the contribution system of Tianshang Baiyujing Club, makes the contribution system of Tianshang Baiyujing Club more recognized, and allows more people to own Millennium Astragalus Slices.

When the number of owners of Millennium Astragalus Slices increases , Anliang is not the only choice. When Anliang's road fails, there are other options, so naturally he will not resent Anliang.

This is a good strategy that kills two birds with one stone!

Zhao Xingguo naturally saw through Anliang's plan, so Zhao Xingguo He became more and more satisfied with An Liang. If An Liang didn't understand anything and was just a fool, Zhao Xingguo would really look down on him.

"What is the specific contribution system of your Tiantian Bai Yujing Club?"Zhao Xingguo asked with interest.

An Liang introduced,"It is still being formulated, but generally speaking, members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club can obtain corresponding contribution values ​​if they contribute to the club."

"The specific contribution value is shared by Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, Qian Xiaogang, your family Zhao Wanxi, Hu Xiaoyu from the Hu family, Zhou Ronghua from the Zhou family, Lin Yili from the Dalin family, and Ye Xiangyu from the Ye family. Judge."An Liang said in detail.

Zhao Xingguo couldn't help but praise,"Well done!"

If the contribution system of Tianshang Baiyujing Club is based on Anliang's words, the fairness of the contribution system may be questioned.

But if it is decided by nine people, the value of the contribution system of Tianshang Baiyujing Club is very high!

"I am suddenly curious to ask, in your Heavenly Bai Yujing Club, how much contribution do you plan to set in exchange for a thousand-year-old astragalus slice?"Zhao Xingguo asked with interest.

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