Facing Zhao Xingguo's inquiry, An Liang did not respond immediately.

"The specific exchange price cannot be determined at the moment because the contribution system is still being improved and the initial contribution of all members of the club has not yet been made."An Liang explained the situation.

"However, I will give all members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club a preferential quota, allowing them to redeem the first thousand-year-old astragalus slice at a relatively low discount."An Liang added

"For example, under normal circumstances, the exchange price for a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus is 10 million contribution points, but everyone has a quota of 100,000 points to exchange for a thousand-year-old astragalus slice."An Liang gave an example.

Zhao Xingguo laughed. An Liang's move is an upgraded version of conflict transfer. His move will completely eliminate the crisis caused by the thousand-year-old astragalus. Anyone who wants to slice the thousand-year-old astragalus will have many more choices.

At this time, Zhao Wanxi walked into the main hall. She said first,"I have put the slices of thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus in the fresh room of the refrigerator. I stopped by the kitchen to take a look and specially ordered to make Shengqing-style braised beef for you. As well as spicy chicken and fried peanuts"

"Um! An Liang responded,"How is the club's contribution system going?""

Zhao Wanxi glanced at An Liang doubtfully, as if she was wondering why he mentioned the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club's contribution system in front of Zhao Xingguo.

Zhao Xingguo took the initiative to speak,"I just talked to Xiao An about your club's contribution system. Xiao An is going to slice the thousand-year-old Astragalus into pieces and open it for exchange within your club."

Zhao Xingguo explained in detail what An Liang just described.

Zhao Wanxi then explained the contribution system,"The club's contribution system has basically been improved. In order to make the contribution system fairer and more transparent, I plan to make the contribution system Quantify"

"How to quantify?"An Liang asked back.

"Refer to the company's mergers and acquisitions and equity exchange plans, quantify the value of any matter, and determine all other ancillary issues through value."Zhao Wanxi explained

"According to the preliminary idea, the contribution value of our Heavenly Bai Yujing Club will be exchanged for one point based on the contribution of 10,000 Xia Guoyuan. Taking the Dalin family and the Ye family as examples, during the Tesla operation, after comprehensive calculation, both families made a contribution of close to 80 billion Xia Guoyuan, so it can be roughly converted to a contribution value of close to 8 million points."Zhao Wanxi gave an example

"I have given detailed explanations and value reference demonstrations for the specific data." Zhao Wanxi added

"Let’s talk about the issue of our club’s headquarters in Dongerdao. Our family’s contribution can be converted into about one billion Xia Guoyuan, so we can get a contribution value of 100,000." Zhao Wanxi added

"Such a value quantification scheme is exactly what you want. The core members of the club will gain greater benefits, while those members who are unwilling to contribute to the club will gradually be marginalized."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Are you satisfied with this plan?"Zhao Wanxi asked confidently.

This value quantification plan was Zhao Wanxi's final choice after weighing the pros and cons. This plan is fair and transparent, and no one can refute it. It is indeed a very good plan.

An Liang affirmed The response,"I’m very satisfied!"

"Is there an approximate figure for the initial contribution values ​​of all members?" An Liang asked.

Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively,"Basically, we have made clear data. You can look at the specific data in detail."

"What is the median?"An Liang asked.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"The median is more than 110,000, and Hu Xiaoyu is the representative of the median, but the polarization is very serious. The contribution value of the last ten members does not exceed One hundred points."

Zhao Wanxi continued,"You are currently ranked number one. You have contributed too much, so I have set a contribution value of 100 million for you. If you don't make up for the excess, you won't be refunded."

According to the ratio previously set by Zhao Wanxi, the contribution value of 100 million means that Anliang has created a value of 1 trillion for the Baiyujing Club in the sky. If the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is included, the contribution value of 100 million is actually nothing at all. Not an exaggeration

"How many are there in your family?"An Liang asked

"Taking all the circumstances into consideration, our family’s total contribution value is 14.2 million."Zhao Wanxi responded,"I have given a detailed explanation of the specific judgment situation."

"It's okay, I believe you."An Liang responded,"According to the median situation, the exchange standard I just assumed is basically no problem. The regular exchange price of the Millennium Astragalus slice is set at 10 million contribution points, and the limited-time exchange price is 100,000 points. Contribution."An Liang explained

"Members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club whose initial contribution exceeds 10 million can redeem two pieces, while other members should only be able to redeem one piece."An Liang added again.

With this exchange plan, according to the ratio set by Zhao Wanxi, the value of each thousand-year-old astragalus slice is 100 billion!

Although it is not the actual price, the value behind it does indeed need to be created One hundred billion.

An Liang finally felt that he had not suffered a loss!

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