The special mission triggered by An Liang is to protect the marine environment and prevent the Neon Court from dumping nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea as much as possible. This mission is really difficult!

Once in the pepper export market, Anliang did successfully snipe Neon, seemingly fighting against a powerful country on his own.

But it’s not!

Anliang originally targeted Neon by targeting the pepper export market. In fact, to be precise, it was only targeting some merchants in the Neon pepper consumption industry chain. Such behavior is a commercial behavior.

Such behavior was innocuous to the Neon Court and could not threaten the Neon Court at all, so the Neon Court did not fight back.

However, if Anliang wanted to take action against the discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, it would be equivalent to a head-on confrontation with the Neon Court.

Because this matter involves the core interests of the Neon Court.

Once An Liang takes action in a targeted manner, it is equivalent to harming the interests of the Neon Court. How could the Neon Court let it go?

If in the past it targeted the pepper export market and caused trouble for Neon's domestic pepper consumption industry chain, the difficulty of such an operation would be set at 1 point.

To deal with the discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, the operational difficulty is at least 10,000 points!

The order of magnitude of difficulty between the two is completely different.

However, Anliang also has its own advantages.

The first is Anliang's traditional advantage. Anliang is the mastermind behind the scenes and always hides behind the scenes. His power is like an iceberg, with only a small tip exposed at the sea level. No one knows how huge it is under the sea level.

Secondly, Anliang has no scruples!

Renyi Security Company has always won against the National Security Bureau, not only because of mental calculations but also because they have no scruples.

Why the courts around the world only protested against the Neon Court without taking further action is because they had too many concerns.

According to the sewage discharge plan revealed by Neon, Neon plans to discharge within Neon’s territorial waters, and it lies and says that there is no problem with the purified nuclear-contaminated wastewater. In theory, this is in compliance with the law.

If other countries want to interfere with Neon's decision, they are interfering in Neon's internal affairs, which is illegal.

As for starting a war?

That is even more unlikely.

That's why Neon made a crazy and unscrupulous plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea.

However, Renyi Security Company has no such fear, and An Liang, who is hiding behind the scenes, has no such fear. If Neon wants to do disgusting things, An Liang can also do disgusting things.

For example, if Sato Mirai planned the attack on the winter Kyoto power grid, it would definitely not be possible if it were an official force in the imperial court. However, after Sato Mirai planned it, Anliang had no scruples.

The last is the most crucial point!

As the saying goes: Money is not everything.

But there is also a saying: Money can make the world go round!

An Liang happens to be rich, and he happens to be willing to spend money to let others push the wheels. Therefore, even if the difficulty of the special task is very high, An Liang has a way to handle it.

In Anliang's own suite, Anliang quickly washed up and then lay on the bed to send messages through the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company.

‘No. 0: No. 4, I have a matter for you to handle.’

‘Number 4: What needs to be dealt with?’

‘Zero: Put pressure on Neon from multiple dimensions, so that Neon finally abandons the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan’

‘No. 4: No matter what method you use?’

‘Zero: Yes’

‘Number 4: Where’s the budget?’

‘No. 0: You need to plan and budget first’

‘No. 4: The first step is to do a network warning’

‘Number 4: Cyber ​​warning is the fastest action, the easiest to implement, and the smallest budget action we can take to organize a hacking attack on the Neon Internet in the deep web’

‘No. 4: Through this hacker attack, we can ask the Neon Court to abandon its plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater.’

‘No. 4: I searched the Internet about the nuclear wastewater discharge plan. Official courts and people around the world are resisting them. Based on this analysis, our hacker attack on Neon will not only not be condemned, but Maybe even get praise and secret support’

‘Zero: Then launch a hacker war against Neon’s Internet!’

‘Zero: I want to see how far a hacker war can go in this information age!’

‘Number 4: BOSS, we don’t have enough personnel to launch a hacker war’

‘Number Zero: Then recruit people on the deep web!’

‘Zero: If you budget according to Hacker War, how much money do you think you need to invest?’

‘Number 4: The scale of the hacker war also determines the budget’

‘Number 4: For example, if we want to launch a war against all industries in Neon City, it will definitely require a very large budget. But if we only launch a hacker war against a certain industry in Winter Kyoto, the budget will be greatly reduced.’

‘Zero: How do you think we should choose? '

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