An Liang is instructing Tianji Shen No. 4 to make a plan against Neon. An Liang believes in leaving professional matters to professionals. Tian Ji Shen No. 4 is a super hacker, so he is naturally a professional.

Therefore, An Liang is more willing to follow the advice of professionals.

‘No. 4: If the purpose is to threaten and warn the Neon Court to cancel the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan, then we should proceed step by step and first target a certain industry in a certain region to give a warning’

‘No. 4: The advantage of this choice is that we can launch an attack immediately, and the sudden attack leaves the Neon Court with no way to defend itself.’

‘No. 4: If we want to destroy Neon's Internet order to the greatest extent and cause maximum economic losses to Neon, we need to secretly plan for a period of time, form a hacker army in the deep web, and finally attack Neon's Internet all at once.’

‘Number Zero: Give the Neon Court a warning first’

‘Zero: The faster, the better!’

‘Number Zero: At the same time forming a hacker army in the deep web, Ruo Nihong will not repent...’

‘Number Zero: Forget it!’

‘Zero: Neon will definitely not repent. He will form a hacker army as soon as possible and then target Neon again.’

‘Number 4: Okay’

‘No. 4: The first step plan does not require any budget. We can complete it independently with our own strength.’

‘Number Zero: Then execute the first step of the plan!’

‘Zero: What is your goal?’

‘No. 4: Winter Kyoto wired telephone system’

‘No. 4: The wired telephone system in Kyoto in winter is an old system. Because the mobile communication system is now very developed, the wired telephone system in Kyoto in winter has not been upgraded. We can create threats against this system.’

‘Zero: Is there any risk?’

‘Number 4: No risk’

‘No. 4: We usually reserve a lot of broiler servers. By using the broiler servers as human shields, we basically have no risk.’

‘Number Zero: Act now!’

‘No. 4: Received. '

In Renyi Security Company, the network security department led by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan has a total number of 119 people. Except for No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, the others are also network technology elites.

When An Liang issued the order, the entire network security department took action. Under the leadership of No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, everyone in the network security department of Renyi Security Company attacked the wired telephone system in Dongjingdu.

Neon time is one hour ahead of Xia Kingdom time. It is now more than eleven o'clock in the middle of the night in Xia Kingdom time. It is already after midnight over there in Neon, and it is just in the dead of night.

With such a God-given opportunity, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation led an elite team to invade the wired telephone system silently, and the invasion was so fast that there was no resistance.

The old-fashioned wired telephone system is very weak in terms of network defense, and it can even be said to have no defense. Under the attack of the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation group, it was silently cracked in less than a minute, without any resistance at all.

When the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan took over the wired phone system, the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan did not act rashly. Instead, he led the team to further invade the wired phone system, thereby achieving complete control of the entire system.

This process only took less than five minutes, and the entire Tokyo wired telephone system was completely controlled by Renyi Security Company.

Now Renyi Security Company can paralyze the entire wired telephone system in Tokyo instantly, and can also precisely control a certain number, including preventing other calls from coming in, making it impossible to call out, and even selectively controlling it.

Ordinary calls can be connected, important calls cannot be connected, etc.

No. 4 immediately reported the situation to An Liang

‘No. 4: Boss, we have completely controlled the entire Dongjing wired telephone system. What is the next step?’

‘Zero: Watch the operation yourself. '

An Liang is not a hacker, so how does he know what to do next?

‘No. 4: Received’

‘Number 4: We're going to start causing chaos right away. After No.

4 Tianji Shensuan reported to Anliang, he ordered the network security department of Renyi Security Company to carry out actions to create chaos.

This step is very simple. Now that you have complete control over the wired phone system, you can call other users through the wired phone.

Currently, the number of wireline telephone users under the control of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation reaches 800,000. Although this number is less than one-tenth of the population of more than 13 million in Winter Kyoto, it seems that Quite a few.

But in fact, not everyone needs a wired phone, and there is more than one wired phone operator. Acquiring 800,000 wired phone users at one time is already a very good result.

No. 4 Tianji Shenshu ordered his subordinates to sort out all wired phone users and screen the wired phones of important people, while he himself was writing a virus program.

The No. 4 secret is preparing to use a virus program to cause a large-scale chaos event against the wired telephone network!

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