Shiliwan, country road.

Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi returned to Huang Song's yard while dealing with mosquitoes.

The two returned to the yard of Huang Song's house and found Li Xiyan and An Liang lying on the recliners enjoying the cool air and chatting. Looking at the two recliners side by side, An Liang was holding Li Xiyan and chatting, Yao Qi's psychological defense line returned again. took a step back

"Are you back so soon?" Li Xiyan asked pretending to be confused, but she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

An Liang reminded at the side,"Baby, if you want to laugh, just laugh. It's hard to hold it in.""

"Ha ha ha ha!"Li Xiyan burst out laughing.

Guo Yuqing complained,"Did you already know there were mosquitoes?

An Liang nodded," Of course!""

"Then you won't tell us?"Guo Yuqing was speechless.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Isn't it common sense? Just like people need to eat, it is basic common sense."

"yes! It’s common sense that mosquitoes exist in summer."Li Xiyan agreed with Anliang



Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi were both speechless.

An Liang added on the side,"Don't worry, it's just a mosquito bite and it won't leave any scars."

"Are there no mosquitoes in the yard?"Guo Yuqing asked curiously

"Look around the yard."An Liang reminded.

Guo Yuqing found a circle of green plants planted around the yard, but she didn't know what they were.

Yao Qi used her mobile phone to identify the plants.

"Wormwood? Yao Qi asked.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"Yes." In the history of our Xia Kingdom, the earliest mention of mugwort for repelling mosquitoes was in the Book of Songs. Planting a circle of mugwort around the yard can naturally effectively repel mosquitoes and prevent insects."

Li Xiyan continued,"My mother also planted some mugwort in the garden on the roof of our house. Guo

Yuqing's eyes lit up,"Then let's go there now. We really want to experience the infinity swimming pool on the roof of your house.""

"OK, let's go back now."Li Xiyan stood up.

An Liang naturally followed suit.

There was a daily traffic jam in Shengqing in the evening, and the original drive of more than half an hour was stretched to a little more than an hour.

By the time we returned to the flower source, it was already close to eight o'clock. Liu

Ling had already returned home from work. She came to the living room wearing yoga clothes to greet Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing.

"Wow! Auntie is so young!"Guo Yuqing said with praise.

Yao Qi also felt that Liu Ling was really young and looked like Li Xiyan's sister. She greeted politely,"Hello, aunt, please forgive me for disturbing you. Liu

Ling responded with a smile,"You're welcome. You are welcome to come to our home." You guys sit down first and rest for a while. I'll prepare a supper for you. An

Liang was the first to respond,"Don't bother, Auntie, we have a full meal tonight." Li

Xiyan answered immediately,"Yes, Mom, we had a very full meal tonight. You can practice yoga by yourself, and we will go swimming later.""

Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi looked at An Liang and Li Xiyan suspiciously. They felt something was wrong.

Liu Ling rolled her eyes at Li Xiyan, and she added,"I'll make you a fruit plate. You can eat it later when you swim."

"Oh oh! Li Xiyan responded,"That's no problem!""

It turns out to be a fruit plate?

Then it's okay!

Li Xiyan was afraid that Liu Ling would make some strange dark dishes again!

When Liu Ling went to the kitchen to peel the fruit, Li Xiyan asked Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing,"You brought them Swimsuit?"

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing shook their heads together.

"It's okay, we have a lot of new swimsuits at home. Li Xiyan responded,"I'll take you to choose.""

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing followed Li Xiyan to her suite.

In the independent cloakroom of Li Xiyan's suite, Li Xiyan asked Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing to choose swimsuits.

Guo Yuqing sighed in the cloakroom,"There are actually Separate bathroom and dressing room, Xi Yan, I am envious again!"

Yao Qi didn't say anything.

Because Yao Qi's family is also very rich, and their house in Magic City has such a design.

Guo Yuqing's family's conditions are just ordinary, so naturally it is impossible to have a luxury house with an independent cloakroom in Magic City.

Li Xiyan responded,"There is a separate bathroom and cloakroom in the room, which is really more convenient. Take a look, what kind of swimsuit do you want?"

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing made a selection, and both finally chose a relatively conservative long swimsuit. After all, with An Liang present, they subconsciously chose a more conservative style. In the kitchen, Liu Ling was peeling fruit.

An Liang stood at the door of the kitchen and asked casually,"Auntie, have you discussed whether the cooperation between the bank and our family has officially begun?"

"Um! Liu Ling responded,"The jointly supervised account has been established. According to the cooperation agreement, the corresponding funds can only be used for the development project of the sail power production base.""

"When is AXA going to start the sail power production base project?"Liu Ling asked back.

Before An Liang answered, Liu Ling added,"I will also be responsible for the follow-up of this project, including fund use review, project progress review, financial review, etc.

Faced with Liu Ling's inquiry, An Liang replied,"Auntie, will we swim together later?""

Liu Ling's face suddenly turned red....


Update time: May 17, 2021 00:03:27, good night.

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