Source of flowers.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Liu Ling was a little flustered. She quickly refused and responded,"No, I will continue to practice yoga later."

An Liang stopped when he saw that he was good. He responded to the previous topic again,"About the development of the sail power production base. Question, our family is making plans, including soliciting design proposals from all over the world, etc."

"Regarding the planning of the Sail Power Production Base, our original intention was to build a new commercial center that would be compatible with a 50-level office environment, so the design plan was very important."An Liang added

"However, the first step of leveling the site and digging the foundation should be carried out soon."An Liang added.

No matter what kind of design plan is made, leveling the site and digging the foundation are the foundation of the foundation.

This step is what An Liang is most concerned about!

Because digging the foundation will reveal the golden age.

When An Liang and Liu Ling were chatting, Li Xiyan and the others changed into their swimsuits and came out. Li Xiyan also brought a new pair of swimming trunks to An Liang. Is this little fool really relieved about An Liang?

Otherwise, her best friend is present, and she is a very beautiful best friend. He actually took the initiative to prepare swimming trunks for An Liang. Isn't this inviting the wolf into the flock?

"An Liang, what do you think of this pair of swimming trunks?"Li Xiyan asked

"Not good! An Liang shook his head in denial,"Baby, you can play by yourself. I have work matters to deal with later." An

Liang looked at Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi again,"Two beauties, I'm sorry, I have important things to deal with later, so I can't swim with you."

At this point, An Liang jokingly added,"I'm still at a disadvantage, right?" Guo Yuqing rolled her eyes at An Liang and said,"

Thank you, Mr. An, for your noble hand.""

Yao Qi secretly guessed that An Liang didn't have any work to deal with, but that he was avoiding suspicion.

Such a reason seemed a bit ridiculous.

After all, Yao Qi herself knew that An Liang had other girlfriends, but she still felt that it was An Liang is avoiding suspicion because she guesses that An Liang is taking care of Li Xiyan's feelings.

"I'm leaving first, you can play by yourself."An Liang said to Li Xiyan

"Don't play too late and be careful not to catch a cold."An Liang added

"Know it!"Li Xiyan responded

"See you tomorrow." An Liang waved goodbye.

After An Liang left, Guo Yuqing sighed and said,"Mr. An is so gentlemanly. Xi Yan, you are so lucky!"

"I also feel that I am very lucky!"Li Xiyan responded affirmatively.

"..."Guo Yuqing said she wanted to be autistic.

Li Xiyan is still the little fool who can always cause trouble at critical moments. Isn't it normal for things like this to leave people speechless?

"Come this way."Li Xiyan took Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing to the rooftop garden.

When they came to the infinity swimming pool, Guo Yuqing exclaimed,"It's so beautiful!"

The infinity swimming pool is indeed beautiful. The milky white ambient light strip, combined with the lights of thousands of houses in the distance, creates a very comfortable feeling.

Yao Qi pays more attention to details. She found that there are lights inside the infinity swimming pool, which will The entire swimming pool is illuminated without being dazzling, and the water quality is very clear. There are no fallen leaves, no green algae, no moss and other aquatic plants, and no weird aquatic insects.

"The water quality is so good!" Yao Qi praised.

Li Xiyan responded,"I remember telling you before that this swimming pool has disinfection function, water purification function, and heating. It can also simulate a hot spring in winter. Guo

Yuqing couldn't help but said with envy on the side,"I'm so envious, this infinity swimming pool is so great!""

Yao Qi looked at the essence through the phenomenon. The total cost of filtering materials consumed by these functions should be a large expense.

But she felt that Li Xiyan, a little fool, had never paid attention to these filtering supplies and did not even know about them. The cost.

In fact, it is indeed the case.

When Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing were swimming in the infinity swimming pool, An Liang returned to his home in Sky Realm.

Today's An home is empty again.

An Shengyu He is not at home, and Sun Xia is not at home either. An Liang is obviously not an orphan, but he lives the life of an orphan. He is too lazy to send messages to An Shengyu and Sun Xia. Anyway, they will not come back early if he sends messages.

An Liang returns to his suite , after he simply washed up, he began to check the information on the Internet to see the reaction of netizens to Neon being hacked.

However, whether on Weibo or in the short video app, the melon-eating masses of Xia State Everyone was gloating over the misfortune, and some even called for crowdfunding on Weibo for the mysterious hacker organization to attack Neon again. What’s even more exaggerated is that the official did not block such Weibo messages.

In the short video, one after another A short video revealed the tragic situation in the neon winter Kyoto, and even a taxi driver cried, saying that he had received three false orders and ran around the winter Kyoto without any real customers. It was obviously a It’s a very tragic thing, but in the eyes of the melon-eating people in Xia, it’s so funny!

Some netizens who don’t mind the melon-eating thing even gave Neon Taxi drivers some advice, suggesting that they set up an online ride-hailing app. , and even engage in things like paying first and then booking.

An Liang looked at the information on the Neon Internet again, and most of the Neon netizens actually said they were watching the excitement, because many Neon people did not support discharging nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea..This kind of thing is a bad idea. Killing one thousand enemies and damaging yourself eight hundred!

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