If Neon discharges nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, the end result will indeed be that nuclear contaminated wastewater floats around the world through ocean currents, thereby bringing down the world's marine ecological environment.

But the first unlucky one is definitely Neon himself!

A large number of fishermen who rely on fishing in the Neon Sea for a living inevitably become victims.

Among neon cuisine, sashimi is one of the biggest features. If nuclear contaminated wastewater is discharged into the sea, what will happen to neon cuisine?

This further expanded the scope of the sacrifice, causing a large number of neon catering industries to suffer along with it.

In economics, there is also the concept of affecting the whole body.

On the surface, discharging nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea seems to only affect fishermen and further affect the neon catering industry. But in fact, from point to point, the income of the fishing industry and catering industry has declined, corresponding to the income of employees. decline, their consumption power will decline.

In view of the decline in the consumption power of relevant employees, it will affect all walks of life and eventually cause an avalanche effect.

Therefore, a large number of neon people will oppose the neon court's discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea.

After An Liang finished reading the information on the Internet, he checked the information sent by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan has prepared a new round of attack plan.

All it takes is An Liang's order, and a new round of cyber attacks will be generated immediately.

An Liang first read the message sent by No. 4, and then sent a message to ask about the situation.

‘Zero: Is the news confirmed?’

‘Number 4: 100% sure’

‘No. 4: We not only obtained enough information from the Internet, but also obtained a large amount of information from the real world, which fully proved the accuracy of the corresponding information.’

‘Number Zero: In that case, let’s execute a new round of attacks!’

‘Number 4: Got it!’

‘Number Zero: Pay attention to safety’

‘No. 4: Don’t worry, this round is a fishing boat attack, and the probability of us facing danger is very small. '

Following An Liang's instructions, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan immediately led the team into action


Neon, the aftermath of the Dongjing cable phone ghost incident has not yet completely calmed down, especially the issue of pay-on-demand, where content service providers and cable phone operators are wrangling.

Content service providers provide paid services, but wireline phone operators do not record or recognize them, and users are even less likely to accept them. After all, they are also victims.

In this dispute, each party has its own difficulties, each party is a victim, and the only winner has long since exited.

In the dark night, no one realized that a new round of attacks was coming one after another.

The first to bear the attack was NHK, a well-known neon TV station. On the official website of NHK TV station, there was a large-scale report on the dangers of nuclear contaminated wastewater, as well as the recent situation of former chief minister Abe Shinzan who once supported the discharge of nuclear pollution.

Abe Jinshan was the previous chief minister of Neon. He once clearly supported the discharge of nuclear pollution and said that nuclear pollutants treated by Neon already meet environmental standards.

To prove this point, when Abe Shinzan was the chief minister of Neon in 2015, he personally went to Tomshima Matsukawa Fishing Port to taste local aquatic products, thereby stating that the nuclear contaminated wastewater from Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant had no impact on marine life.

To further prove that the threat of nuclear contamination is very small, Abe Jinshan also tasted cucumbers, peaches, and dried persimmons, a specialty of Tomishima, from nuclear-contaminated areas.

All these performances were done in front of the cameras of the news media, and not only the Neon news media, but also a large number of overseas news media, so the probability of cheating was very small.

However, Anbei Jinshan's show results were almost non-existent!

Because after the show, ordinary people are still afraid of products from nuclear-contaminated areas.

Now these things have been re-explained, and the latest situation of Anbei Jinshan is attached, such as the colorectal cancer that has been diagnosed but kept secret.

Photos of Anbei Jinshan's haggard condition were also posted together.

Although there is no clear connection between Abe Jinshan's current colorectal cancer and his experience of tasting food from nuclear-contaminated areas, it is precisely because of the uncertainty that there is more room for association.

After the news about former Chief Minister Abe Shinzan was revealed on the official website of NHK TV station, it was immediately reprinted by other news media. They did so on their own initiative, and there was no need for the No. 4 Divine Calculation to arrange it.

This is breaking news after all!

The choice of NHK TV station for No. 4 is also very simple. The main reason is that NHK TV station is also known as Neon Agent TV station. This TV station's coverage of Xia Guo is almost always very good.

If you learn about Xia Kingdom through NHK TV station, you will most likely come up with the concepts that Xia Kingdom created human civilization, Xia Kingdom saved the world, and Xia Kingdom led the world to progress.

Therefore, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation chose the official website of NHK TV station to publish unfavorable news for Neon.

News like this has also been reprinted in Xiaguo, especially on Weibo. Quite a few neon elements are crying and scolding NHK TV station for being a neon TV station and a cancer for neon.

But more and more people are asking whether the news is true or false. According to what is revealed in the news, the threat of nuclear contamination is so great that even the former chief minister of Neon has been affected. How can ordinary people not be affected?

At this critical moment, NHK TV station made a cool move!

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