The identity of the spy of NHK TV station is public, especially in Neon. A large number of ordinary people know that NHK TV station prefers Xia Guo.

When the No. 4 Divine Secret hacked into the official website of NHK TV station to publish news about the poor health of former Chief Minister Abe Shinzan, a large number of neon people questioned the authenticity of the news.

After all, the news was reported by the NHK TV station that likes Xia Guo. Can you believe it?

What's more important is that NHK TV station reported news about the former chief minister, so it must be a deliberate attempt to smear him, right?

Originally, when we were here, NHK TV station could have said that their official website was hacked, and it was the hackers who posted news about the former chief minister.

In view of the previous situation of the Tokyo Cable Telephone Ghost incident, as long as NHK TV station said that they were hacked, they should be able to gain widespread trust.

But NHK TV station did not announce that the official website had been hacked. Instead, they made a show of it.

NHK TV station first responded to the questioned information in a high-profile manner, saying that the news was not wrong and that the former chief minister's current situation was indeed a bit bad.

This operation made An Liang's scalp numb!

Could it be that NHK TV station is really Xia Guozhen's spy in Neon?

This is so awesome!

But something even more awesome continued to happen.

Faced with NHK TV's tough response, more neon-eating people condemned NHK TV's inadequate response and hoped that NHK TV would delete the news and apologize.

But how could NHK TV station be so cowardly?

Not only did NHK TV station not give in, but it went to the end and expressed its willingness to make a documentary specifically recording the health condition of the former chief minister, and it was willing to pay all the examination fees.

Faced with NHK TV station's tough decision, former Chief Minister Abe Shinzan felt as if he had eaten a fly.

Putting aside his personal health status, based on the information exposed on the Internet, he himself did not approach NHK TV station to hold him accountable. As a result, he was forced to move forward by the people who wanted to eat melons, and finally had a head-on confrontation with NHK TV station.

Now that NHK TV station has announced that it will openly confront him, what else can he do?

Refuse outright?

That is a disguised affirmation of the news reports of NHK TV station.

But accepting it publicly was also a big problem because he really had colorectal cancer.

Even though Anbei Jinshan has been suffering from colitis since he was in junior high school, the problem of colitis has been with him for decades. However, when the colitis worsened into colorectal cancer, Anbei Jinshan himself doubted whether he had ever eaten Those are the causes of nuclear contamination of food.

The NHK TV station openly faced off with the fans and fought hard to the end. However, in the end, Abe Jinshan could only choose to retreat, as if he did not know about this matter.

After all, no matter what Anbei Jinshan chooses in this matter, he has already lost in advance!

Because rejecting NHK TV station's dialogue is a disguised admission, and pretending to be deaf and indifferent is also a disguised admission.

Otherwise, how could there be no countermeasures when the former chief minister was slandered?

In this case of disguised recognition, some people in Neon also came back to their senses, especially fishermen and catering workers who may be at risk of unemployment. They even started to build momentum on the Internet, asking the Neon court not to sacrifice their lives. The interests of a small number of people.

The situation on the Neon Internet has spread around the world, and the melon-eating people in Correa are the most active. They also openly expressed their hope on the Internet that the Neon court should calm down.

Corea and Neon are so close!

If Neon dumps nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, Corea will be in trouble very quickly.

So Corea is always positive.

However, there are also different voices in Corea’s network.


《The Holy King of Dongming joins the battle! 》

Will the Neon Court continue to lie now?

The dangers of nuclear contamination have been proven by the former First Minister!

Under such circumstances, would the Neon Court forcefully discharge nuclear-contaminated wastewater?

Has the Neon Court considered how many countries and ordinary people around the world will be affected by nuclear contamination?

Faced with the irresponsible behavior of the Neon court, our Dongming Holy King organization officially announced its participation in the war, and we will target Neon without limit in the subsequent time.

If certain actions threaten the life and property safety of ordinary people in Neon, we apologize in advance.

Because we are also learning from the Neon Court.

The Neon Court can not care about the life and death of ordinary people and forcefully decide to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater, but we can only learn to imitate it.

Finally, we hope that heroes with a sense of justice and ability around the world will join us in our actions and let us target Neon together.

In order to save economic costs, the Neon Court decided to discharge nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea. Then we will cause them more serious economic losses and let them understand that the losses of discharging nuclear-contaminated wastewater will be greater. Then they will repent, right? ?

The battle is decided!

Dongming Holy King Organization, greetings!


This online statement was naturally planned by the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan behind the scenes, and the Dongming Holy King Organization does exist. It is a hacker organization established by the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, which specializes in attracting hackers from the Corea region.

At present, the Dongming Holy King organization has seven masters from the Corea region and more than a hundred peripheral members. It is an emerging powerful organization in the hacker world.

This kind of declaration of war and inviting other hacker legions to participate in the war must not be publicly announced by Renyi Security Company, so Corea's chess pieces were asked to jump out and wave the flag.

After all, if Qiu Hou settles the score, it will be Corea's chess piece that will be unlucky in the end, right?


Update time: May 18, 2021 00:02:59, a friendly reminder to ordinary players not to enter the stock market, good night.

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