Neon, almost midnight.

A thrilling hacker attack came quietly and then disappeared silently, just like waking up from a nightmare in the middle of the night without a trace.

But it's not a nightmare, it's a real hacker terror attack!

JR Neon Railway has arranged investigators, the Cybersecurity Division of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau has also arranged investigators, and intelligence agencies that ordinary people are unaware of are also involved in the investigation.

An Liang didn't care about the detailed process of the matter at all, he only cared about the results.

An Liang browsed the information on the Neon Internet, and he smiled. Judging from the comments on the Neon Internet, his plan was successful again.

So Mr. An won another round?

In the Internet world of Xia State, various short video apps have forwarded the video of the mercy show on the M1043 train. An Liang also saw the mercy show on his Peier video, and saw a divine comment.


Yamamoto Treasures:

The Neon nation is indeed the best nation in the world. Even when terrorist attacks occur, they will actually lay down their butcher's knife.

Apart from the neon nation, no other nation can do this, right?

So proud of the Neon people!


The number of downvotes on this one comment is huge!

Peer's videos can not only be liked, but also downvoted to express disgust.

Whether it's likes or dislikes, it's all traffic.

An Liang took a look at the most popular replies to this divine comment.


Is it Nima Club: uneducated jingni elements?

Do you want to laugh to death?

I beg you to find out where the Dongming Holy King organization is from, please?

The most powerful Corean in the universe fainted in the toilet with laughter!


The first popular reply received a lot of likes. Yamamoto Hobo, a neon elementer, lacked some brains and actually mistook the Dongming Holy King organization as a local neon hacker organization.

Isn't this mindless?

An Liang browsed Weibo by the way, and there were a lot of discussions about the Dongming Holy King organization on Weibo. As expected, most people who eat melons are more inclined to the Dongming Holy King organization.

An Liang smiled. He did not use the Dream Future Graphene official blog account to participate in the discussion. He just took a look. This kind of thing is not suitable for public participation.

After all, it was a terrorist attack. Unless it was the brainless Yamamoto Hobo, how could he blatantly support it?

An Liang closed Weibo and sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Zero: How is the situation on the dark web? Has anyone declared their participation in the war? '

After the high-profile attack on the JR Neon Railway by the Dongming Holy King Organization, An Liang wanted to know if any other hacker groups had expressed their intention to join the war?

If the Dongming Holy King organization is allowed to fight against the Neon Court independently, even with the support of Renyi Security Company behind the scenes, it is still unrealistic, and the Neon Court will definitely beat it to the ground.

‘No. 4: None at the moment’

‘No. 4: But there are already hacker groups waiting to see the situation.’

‘Number 4: BOSS, if we can put a bounty on the dark web against the Neon Court, even if the bounty amount is slightly lower, there should be a large number of hacker organizations participating in the attack. '

An Liang rejected No. 4's proposal without even thinking about it.

This proposal is poisonous!

Although all kinds of lawless things are happening in the dark web, if there is really a bounty for the Neon Court, even if you think about it with your big toes, there must be Neon Court chess pieces in the dark web, and the Neon Court may pass the chess pieces. Let’s reverse engineer the bounty party.

An Liang was not swollen enough to feel that he could fight against the Neon Court.

Neon is the third largest economy in the world!

‘Zero: Your proposal is terrible! '

No. 4 Tianjishen is considered a technical geek. There is definitely no problem in terms of technology, but in other aspects, it is a little lacking.

‘No. 0: Stay on hold for now, let’s wait and see what happens.’

‘Zero: You also stop taking action to avoid exposing yourselves.’

‘No. 0: Even the Dongming Holy King organization must stand still.’

‘Number 4: Got it’

‘Zero: You continue to select targets that can be attacked, but only select, do not launch actual attacks.’

‘No. 4: Received. '

After An Liang ordered No. 4, he secretly thought about how to deal with the Neon Court. Direct confrontation was not an option. The best way was to provoke other hacker organizations to besiege the Neon Court.

But how to provoke other hacker groups is a big problem.

An Liang thought about it for a while, but he still didn't have a sure way. He stopped wasting his brain cells and prepared to sleep.

It was now approaching midnight of Xia Kingdom time. An Liang had an important matter to deal with personally the next morning, so staying up late was not advisable.

The next day, it was just after seven o'clock in the morning.

An Liang woke up early. When An Liang finished washing, he found Sun Xia cooking in the kitchen.

This is a strange thing!

"Oh, am I hallucinating? An Liang teased without hesitation.

Sun Xia also shot back without hesitation,"You don't want to eat?""

"So love disappears, right? An Liang said in a distressed tone,"Ever since I went to college, I began to wonder if I was your biological child!""


Update time: May 20, 2021 00:02:42, good night.

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