settle down.

Faced with An Liang's petty behavior, Sun Xia didn't accept it at all. She complained in turn,"How old are you? You are about to be twenty years old, and you still need your parents to worry about you?"

"..."An Liang said he was unable to refute.

An Shengyu happened to come out, and he looked at An Liang with gloating.

An Liang looked at An Shengyu and sighed,"Dad, you are lucky!"

An Shengyu, who was originally gloating about his misfortune, immediately put on a mask of pain.

After breakfast, An Shengyu and Sun Xia went out together. An Liang cleaned up the dishes. Fortunately, there was a dishwasher. This gadget is a good thing to improve family happiness.

After loading the dishes into the dishwasher, An Liang asked the dishwasher to wash the dishes by itself. He sent a message to Yun Xiyue.

‘An Liang: Sister Xiyue, are you in Shengqing? '

Yun Xiyue replied to the message almost instantly

‘Yun Xiyue: Yes, what's the matter?’

‘An Liang: I'm back to Shengqing. I went to my hometown yesterday to pick some peaches. I'll send them to you later.’

‘An Liang: These peaches are quite good. They are very high in various vitamins.’

‘Yun Xiyue: Thank you then. We are in Zhongyu District. Do you know the way?’

‘An Liang: I know.’

‘An Liang: Is Xinxin at home?’

‘Yun Xiyue: I’m there too’

‘An Liang: OK, see you later. After the exchange

, Yun Xiyue put down the phone. She shook her head slightly and sighed softly.

Now that An Liang is getting higher and higher, she feels that the distance between herself and An Liang is getting farther and farther.

The once handsome young man, in just over a year, has completely integrated into the imperial circle where she once was, and has reached a high position.

This situation made Yun Xiyue sigh.

Yun Xiyue knew the situation in the imperial capital circle, and she had also heard the gossip about An Liang and Zhao Wanxi. Even she could not compete with Zhao Wanxi in the past, let alone now?

"What a waste of time!"Yun Xiyue smiled mockingly. She felt that she was being troublesome.

After taking a deep breath, Yun Xiyue suppressed her complicated emotions. She picked up her phone again and walked to Yun Xin's children's room, preparing to get Yun Xin up.

"Xinxin, get up soon. Yun Xiyue called.

Yun Xin responded in a daze,"Mom, I want to sleep for a while.""

"Your brother An will be here soon. Do you still want to sleep? Yun Xiyue reminded.

Yun Xin, who originally wanted to sleep, immediately opened her eyes,"Brother An is really coming over?""

"real!"Yun Xiyue responded affirmatively.

"Ahhhhh! Yun Xin cheered,"I'm going to get up. Mom, pull me up quickly.""

This naughty child likes An Liang very much. Even though An Liang is very strict with her, Yun Xin just likes An Liang. Maybe this is the father's love that single-parent families lack? There was also a traffic jam in Shengqing in the morning. It took almost an hour for An Liang to arrive at Yun's house..

Yun Xin, a naughty child, was already looking forward to it. She asked Yun Xiyue no less than ten times why An Liang hadn't arrived yet.

"Ding dong~"

An Liang rang the doorbell.

"Brother An, let me open the door! Yun Xin, a naughty kid, cheered and ran towards the gate.

When she reached the gate, she asked through the door,"Is it brother An?" An Liang responded affirmatively,"

Yes, is it Xinxin?""

"Yes, yes! Yun Xin opened the door happily and then greeted,"Brother An, you are finally here!""

Yun Xiyue stood behind Yun Xin. She looked at An Liang with complex eyes. He was as graceful and elegant as ever.

She took the initiative to say hello,"Long time no see." An

Liang responded with a smile,"It didn't take long actually, didn't it?""

Yun Xin focused her eyes on the two peaches carried by An Liang. These peaches were extremely red and fragrant. It could be said that they were both beautiful and fragrant.

"Brother An, I want to eat peaches." Yun Xin spoke directly.

An Liang said firmly,"No problem, but you have to let me in first."

An Liang was still blocked at the door by the naughty child!

Yun Xin asked An Liang to come in. She closed the door and then reached for the peach.

An Liang stopped him and said,"You naughty child, you really don't know how to be afraid. You see these Is there fuzz on the surface of the peach? Yun Xin wondered,"

What are these?"

An Liang explained patiently,"I picked these peaches from the tree yesterday and haven't washed them yet, so there is a layer of fuzz on the surface. If you come into direct contact with these fuzz, they may be itchy and uncomfortable.""

An Liang said as he placed the two fruit baskets next to the coffee table in the living room. He continued to add,"We can use a napkin to isolate them before picking them up, then wash them with water and then peel them."

"Oh, Xinxin learned it!"Yun Xin responded quickly, then took out a napkin and wrapped a peach, picked it up, and walked to the bathroom.

An Liang followed behind. He knew that wooden steps were built in the bathroom of the Yun family to make it easier for Yun Xin, a bear. The child used the sink.

In the washroom, Yunxin placed the peach in the sink, but An Liang stopped her from further operation.

"Next, let me do it while you watch and study hard, you know? An Liang reminded him.

Yun Xin nodded,"Yeah!""

Looking at the well-behaved Yun Xin, An Liang smiled. As long as this Yun Xin doesn't do naughty things, she's quite cute.

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