Facing An Liang's inquiry, Li Xiyan thought for a moment before responding,"If there is a meteor shower, my wish is that Neon will eventually give up dumping nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea."

After Li Xiyan finished speaking, An Liang immediately Ask about the winner system in life in your mind. Is Li Xiyan’s wish reasonable?

If it were the former Anliang, he would care more about financial interests.

But An Liang now has a sufficient financial foundation, and he cares more about things that satisfy his own spirit, such as preventing the Neon Court's nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan.

The Life Winner System confirmed that Li Xiyan's wish was reasonable, but did not provide more detailed information. It only stated that the [Girlfriend Wishing Card] was in effect.

After getting such an answer, An Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

"So baby is an environmentalist?"An Liang smiled and pinched Li Xiyan's tender face.

"cough!"Liu Ling coughed.

Li Xiyan rolled her eyes at An Liang with a rosy face.

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing were both watching the excitement. They were a bit gloating, but they both underestimated An Liang's ambition. They couldn't even guess what had just happened. Maybe it was An Liang's deliberate move?

An Liang couldn't verify Liu Ling, so couldn't he verify Li Xiyan?

"Yao Qi, Guo Nuxia, are you going back tomorrow? An Liang asked casually.

Yao Qi responded affirmatively,"Yes.""

Guo Yuqing added,"We have already booked the flight tickets, and we will leave at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Well, we won’t keep you here. Tomorrow morning, I will send someone to bring you some Shiliwan peaches. All of them will be preserved with nitrogen-filled preservation technology. You can take them back to the Magic City."An Liang explained.

Under normal circumstances, fruits are only prohibited on international flights, while domestic flights have looser restrictions. Except for fruits with strong pungent smells like durian and jackfruit, common fruits can be carried.

"Thank you Mr. An, I like your Shiliwan peaches. Guo Yuqing responded with a smile.

Yao Qi also responded with thanks,"Thank you!""

"You're welcome."An Liang waved his hand.

At nearly nine o'clock in the evening, the barbecue party ended.

Li Xiyan, this little fool, was full again. She didn't seem to worry about her weight at all?

Liu Ling was the most restrained. She only ate a little king crab legs, and then They restrained their appetite and only tasted a little bit.

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing also stopped. They were worried about gaining weight. Even if it was seafood, they did not indulge themselves. Only Li Xiyan ate and drank.

An Liang did not stop him because he was not there. When Li Xiyan followed Liu Ling, her weight would naturally drop.

According to Liu Ling's daily eating habits and amount of exercise, it would be difficult to gain weight, right?

After Li Xiyan and his party got up from the swimming pool, showered and washed, they After getting dressed, An Liang ordered Li Yang to bring someone up to clean up the mess. He accompanied Li Xiyan and the others back to their home downstairs.

After Liu Ling came back, he went to the yoga room to catch up on his yoga practice. Li Xiyan, this little fool Han lay down on the sofa very directly, Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing were similar, but their movements were more regular than Li Xiyan, and they did not lie down completely like Li Xiyan

"Baby, how much do you weigh? An Liang asked with a smirk.

Li Xiyan hummed in response,"I won't tell you!" When you are busy with work, I will naturally lose weight"

"Yes, yes, I believe you will lose weight."An Liang responded affirmatively.

In less than half an hour, Li Yang led people to deal with the mess in the barbecue party area on the roof garden, took away all the remaining ingredients and the generated kitchen waste, and cleaned it along the way.

Two outdoor air conditioners and barbecue grills, as well as related barbecue supplies, etc., were all left in the rooftop garden barbecue party area to facilitate the next barbecue party.

After Li Yang and the others had dealt with the mess, An Liang also said goodbye and left.

Now Liu Ling is at home, and Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing are guests at Li Xiyan's house. An Liang dare not move at all and can only leave honestly.

On the way home, An Liang sent a message to An Shengyu

‘An Liang: Dad, are you at home?’

‘An Shengyu: Are you back?’

‘An Shengyu: [Picture]’

‘An Shengyu: We are having a midnight snack, spicy crayfish and garlic crayfish. Come back and peel the shells for us.’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Excuse me, I’m not going home today’

‘An Shengyu: At my little girlfriend’s house?’

‘An Shengyu: You kid, please be careful, I don’t want to be a grandfather so early!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Come on, eat slowly. An

Liang had no intention of returning to the Sky Realm. He ordered Li Yang to go to Tianhu Community. An Liang planned to stay one night in his old house.

Although the An family has moved to the Sky Realm, the old house is still not vacant. Sun Xia sometimes plays cards too late. She and An Shengyu take a late night snack and drink a little beer, then they will live here directly.

When Anliang returned to his old house in Tianhu Community, he felt a little sigh in his heart, as if it was just yesterday that he got the winner system in life.

It was close to ten o'clock. After An Liang finished washing, he lay on the sofa and casually sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

‘Zero: How is the situation against Neon? '

Li Xiyan has already made a wish, so the operation of No. 4's secret calculation should go smoothly, right?


Update time: May 24, 2021 00:04:37, congratulations in advance to Anji, golden rain, and good night.

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