Tianhu community.

In the old house of Anliang's family, he lay on the sofa after taking a bath and sent a message to Tianji Shensuan No. 4, who immediately replied to the message.

‘No. 4: Still in preparation, almost ready’

‘Number 4: We have screened three organizations on the dark web and are currently finalizing them. Among them, the [Dark Green] organization has agreed to participate and only needs a reward of US$2 million.’

‘No. 4: The Dark Green Organization is rumored to be a hacker organization formed by the extreme environmental protection organization Defend Nature. The organization Defend Nature has repeatedly condemned the Neon Court.’

‘No. 4: There are more than 20 people in the dark green organization. The specific number is unclear. Their strength is very good, at least world-class.’

‘Zero: What is our strength level positioning?’

‘No. 4: Our strength exceeds that of the dark green organization, but there is a gap between us and the top hacker organizations.’

‘No. 4: The other two hacker organizations we came into contact with are world-class.’

‘No. 4: They are the Seven Sins Organization and the Alliance of Braves. We have no way of knowing the specific information about their organizations, but both organizations have brilliant records.’

‘No. 4: The quotations from both companies are 5 million US dollars. I plan to lower the price to 4 million US dollars. I have already sent the agreement to the other party and am waiting for the other party’s final decision.’

‘Zero: Is it okay to lower the price?’

‘Number 4: No problem at all’

‘No. 4: In fact, it is better to lower the price. If we directly agree to the other party's quotation, the other party may suspect that we have other purposes. If we only bargain and show that we weigh the benefits and losses, the other party will not worry too much. '

Sure enough, professional matters should be left to professionals!

An Liang doesn't understand things in the hacker field at all. If An Liang were to negotiate by himself, An Liang would probably agree directly, whether it was US$4 million or US$5 million.

After An Liang communicated with No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, he checked the relevant discussions on the nuclear wastewater discharge plan on the Internet. Except for a few elite elements, the vast majority of netizens opposed the discharge of nuclear wastewater by the neon court.

However, the objections from netizens are of no use!

If the opposition from netizens is effective, how can the Neon Court be so arrogant?

After watching it for a while, An Liang felt that the discussions among netizens were boring, because the people on the Internet were all talking heads, and it was impossible to take actual actions.

This is probably also a characteristic of the times, right?

After all, the pressure to survive in this era is very high. Most people like to vent their pressure on the Internet, but it is just talk.

Otherwise, can I learn computer technology by myself and become a hacker giant?

An Liang checked the situation on Neon's Internet again. Neon's Internet was much more lively. A large number of stakeholders were posting appeals on the Internet, planning a march against the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan.

It can only be said that it is indeed a matter of interest, right?

Only when driven by interests can we take practical actions.

An Liang resisted the idea of ​​fanning the flames. Anyway, from the current situation, it seemed that these interested neon personnel had organized the demonstration spontaneously, and An Liang did not need to intervene.

It was close to eleven o'clock in the evening, Xia Kingdom time, and Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 took the initiative to send a message to An Liang.

‘No. 4: BOSS, we have confirmed our cooperation with the Seven Sins and the Alliance of Braves, and have confirmed that we will officially launch an attack on the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau at 0:00 Xia Country time.’

‘Zero: Is there a high chance of success?’

‘No. 4: That depends on whether the Seven Sins and the Brave Alliance will really try their best.’

‘Number 4: We have negotiated with the Seven Sins and the Alliance of Braves to divide the rewards into four levels. If they make no contribution during the invasion, we will not have to pay any rewards.’

‘No. 4: If Seven Sins and the Brave Alliance make a contribution during the intrusion, they will be awarded US$1 million, US$2 million according to their contribution, and finally break through the network security system of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, and receive the full US$4 million. Dollar’

‘Number 4: We also have such an agreement with Dark Green, so for the highest level negotiation bounty, the three of them should do their best to assist us in attacking the Neon Intelligence Bureau.’

‘No. 4: However, the three of them will not invade in the name of their own organizations. They will all pretend to be members of the Dongming Holy King Organization.’

‘Zero: Does anyone believe this disguise?’

‘No. 4: If we quickly break through the network security defense of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau so that the other party cannot trace back the source of the investigation data flow, it should be concealed.’

‘Number Zero: Speak human language’

‘No. 4: No one believes it’

‘Number Zero: So it’s just pretending?’

‘No. 4: I just don’t believe it, but I don’t know what organization participated in the invasion.’

‘No. 4: We are in secret contact with three organizations, and the three organizations are contacted separately. They don’t know the situation of other organizations.’

‘Zero: Well done! '

This one-line contact method is very scientific!

‘Number 4: BOSS, I have to prepare for the invasion first. The network security defense of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau is very complete. We must treat it with caution.’

‘No. 4: If it is really impossible to invade from the outside, we will apply to activate the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau’s inside line.’

‘Zero: Try to solve the problem through external intrusion. Every piece we have is hard-earned. Once the insiders of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau are exposed, it may also threaten the insiders of the Ministry of Economy.’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

Anliang has been eroding the intelligence agency within the Neon Court through two insiders, Naoto Naoto and Kozaburo Hakaga, from the Investigation Section of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Therefore, Anliang is worried that after the insider of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is exposed, the three insiders may be exposed. Naoto and Kozaburo Hiroga were involved.

That's a waste of money!

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