It's close to midnight late at night.

An Liang yawned. He replied to the messages and prepared to go to bed.

As for the hacking operation that invaded the Neon Intelligence Bureau led by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan behind the scenes, An Liang didn't care too much at all.

After all, An Liang doesn't understand hacking technology, so what if he cares so much?

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan is a professional, and An Liang is very confident about No. 4.

Xia Guo time, 0:00; Neon time, 1:00 in the morning.

It was late at night, and the security force of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was reduced to a minimum. Only the network security firewall automatically protected the internal systems of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, plus two security personnel.

If it were during the day, the network security department of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau would have more than two hundred people.

It is precisely because of the huge difference in the number of security personnel on duty that they chose to launch the attack in the dead of night.

In the Deep Web, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan established a confidential voice communication channel, and established three confidential voice communication channels respectively, thereby independently contacting the three hacker organizations of Dark Green, Seven Sins, and the Brave Alliance.

"Are you ready?"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 asked in English.

In the Deep Web, hackers prefer to communicate in English. After all, they can pretend to be hackers from English-speaking countries. The leaders of the three organizations of Dark Green, Seven Sins, and the Brave Alliance respectively stated in their The independent encrypted voice communication channel responds to the No. 4 secret calculation, and the three hacker organizations are all ready.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan ordered the attack on the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau without hesitation.

When the order was issued, the Dongming Holy King organization led by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan did not take the first action. Instead, it waited for the other three organizations to take action first.

The dark green organization was the first to attack!

The Dark Green organization is not a pure hacker organization. Behind them is an extreme environmental protection organization defending nature, so Dark Green was the first to launch an attack.

When Dark Green attacks, so does the Brave Alliance.

The Brave Organization prefers bounty organizations. They have a good reputation in the deep web. As long as the bounty is in place, their work efficiency is quite high.

The Seven Sins organization is very mysterious. This hacker organization has no particular bias. It has the characteristics of a bounty organization, has launched hacker attacks without warning, and has a record of attacking imperial organizations many times.

That's why the Seven Sins organization was recruited.

The Seven Sins Organization also launched an attack, because the Seven Sins Organization knew very well that the Dongming Holy King Organization had not yet launched an attack, and it was waiting for them to launch an attack.

Lucifer, the leader of the Seven Sins Organization, also discovered the actions of the Dark Green Organization and the Brave Alliance. He said to himself,"Sure enough, they have also united with other organizations!"

Although No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation contacted them through a single lineThree hacker organizations, but each of the other three hacker organizations knows that the Dongming Holy King Organization must have united with other hacker organizations.

After all, it is impossible for any of the three of them to break through the network security firewall of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau in cooperation with the Dongming Holy King organization.

After the Seven Sins organization joined the offensive sequence, the three organizations discovered the existence of the other two organizations, but they were not clear about their specific identities.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan never thought that he could continue to hide it after the operation started. Anyway, when the other three organizations discovered each other's existence, they only discovered each other's existence, and they would never reveal their identities.

After all, they are invading the Neon Intelligence Bureau, and it is not a good thing worth publicizing. Once their true identity is exposed, they may be blacklisted by the Neon Intelligence Bureau, and what if they are settled by Qiu Hou?

When three hacker organizations attacked the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan also ordered the Dongming Holy King organization to join the battle.

The four hacker groups used a large number of broiler servers and even supercomputers to participate in the war.

There are essential differences between the hacker wars of twenty years ago and the modern hacker wars. In today's hacker wars, when the technological gap is not particularly large, the more computing resources, the easier it is to win.

Taking the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau as an example, its internal network is supported by supercomputers. If there were no supercomputers involved in the intrusion, even the network security firewall of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau would not be able to be broken.

As for the plot of using a laptop to defeat a supercomputer in literary works and film and television works, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator just wanted to sneer. This cold joke is not funny at all.

Laptops beating supercomputers?

Logically speaking, even if the computing power of a laptop is overclocked to the point of explosion, the supercomputer will not be able to cause even a tenth of a second of lag.

Whether it is the Deep Blue Organization, the Seven Sins Organization, or the Alliance of the Brave, they have all invested in supercomputers as their main combat force.

The Dongming Holy King organization also has supercomputers as its main combat force, but it is not Corea's supercomputer. Corea does not have a powerful supercomputer at all.

To be precise, Corea cannot build a supercomputer by itself, and does not even have the relevant technology.

Corea's existing supercomputers are all imported products.

Didn't you expect this?

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