The network security personnel of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau chose to physically isolate the internal network, thus keeping the internal network data of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau completely safe.

After the internal network is physically isolated, the external network loses the support of the internal network supercomputer, and the network security firewall collapses in an instant.

Four hacker groups broke into the network system of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. They quickly discovered the problem. The internal network of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was offline. Even if they broke through the network security firewall, it was meaningless and they could not intrude further. internal network

"BOSS, the target has taken the internal network offline, what should we do now?"Lucifer, the leader of the Seven Sins Organization, asked in the encrypted voice communication channel.

The leaders of the Dark Green Organization and the Brave Alliance also asked almost simultaneously.

Faced with the choice of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation also made a mistake. In this hexagram, the other party actually disconnected the physical link directly. This can be regarded as losing the car to save the commander, right?

No. 4 Tianji Shenshu responded,"Our original plan was to invade the internal network. Now the other party's internal network is directly physically isolated, so our original goal failed."

"However, since everyone risks losing control of the supercomputer by compromising the target, we will pay 100% of the bounty."Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 added.

This is where No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator is brilliant!

Although the mission failed, he still settled the bounty in full, thereby winning the favor of other hacker organizations, and more importantly, establishing the reputation of the Dongming Holy King organization. Credibility!

After all, credibility is the best sign in the deep web.

"This time the target chose to physically go offline to avoid being invaded by us, but we will organize the next invasion. The specific situation will be discussed later. We will now tamper with the official website of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, and still call for Neon The imperial court abandoned its plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation has been added.

This task is very simple!

The internal network of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has disconnected the physical link and cannot provide support to the external network. The official website of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has been offline without service, which is equivalent to The door was opened and four hacker organizations were waiting to enter.

The dark green organization completed this task immediately. After all, it was an extreme environmental protection organization behind the scenes. Is it a familiar way to do such a thing? The dark green organization even went a step further and combined a A broiler server was used to load the official website of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, thereby severely humiliating the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. After

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan personally checked the official website of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, he entered the three encrypted voice communication channels It said at the same time,"This mission is over, and the relevant bounty has been distributed to the electronic wallet you provided."

After Tianji Shensuan No. 4 finished speaking, he did not immediately cut off the encrypted voice communication channel. Instead, he waited for the leaders of the three hacker organizations to report that the e-wallet had arrived, and then Tianji Shensuan No. 4 disconnected the link.

This time he invaded the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau. Although the operation has not been completely successful, it has achieved strategic significance.

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation is arranging for the Dongming Shengwang organization to publicly admit the invasion of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau on the global Internet, and stated that this invasion operation is to combat Neon The imperial court's nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan.

It was also definitely announced that the attacks by the Dongming Shengwang organization will continue. The targets of the attacks include but are not limited to the Neon court organization, and may even target Neon's railway transportation system, aviation system, and ships. Transportation system, etc.

This is an open threat!

For the Neon Court, such an open threat severely affects the authority of the Neon Court. If the Neon Court does not take strong retaliatory actions, then the Neon Court will simply be disgraced.


It's nearly eight o'clock in the morning.

An Liang woke up energetically. Because he lived in an old house in Tianhu Community, An Liang went out to eat Liu Wu Spicy Noodles after washing up.

"Uncle Liu, Erliang Xiaomian."An Liang said in greeting.

"It's An Liang. Are you alone today? Liu Wu said jokingly.

An Liang responded casually,"Well, it happens to be over here.""

While waiting for the spicy noodles, An Liang checked the message sent by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan in Renyi Security Company's confidential communication software.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan described the invasion of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau and said that the mission was not a complete success. , and explained the follow-up actions.

After An Liang read the message sent by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, he first opened Weibo to check the hot topics. Sure enough, there was a topic about the invasion of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, and he also mentioned the official website of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau. Screenshot of the information that the website was hacked and tampered with


#The Dongming Holy King organization invaded the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau#

Yesterday morning, the Dongming Holy King hacker organization, which had publicly stated on the Internet that it would target the Neon court, brazenly launched an operation to invade the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

According to anonymous sources, the Neon Intelligence Bureau finally chose to take the internal network physically offline to successfully avoid the risk of being invaded.

According to information disclosed by anonymous sources, if the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau had not unplugged the network cable, their confidential information might have been stolen by the Dongming Holy King organization.

From this point of view, this Dongming Holy King organization is a bit fierce!

The Dongming Holy King organization stated on the Internet that it will continue to target the Neon Court, and not only target the Neon Court departments, but may also target the public sector.

Suddenly I began to worry, what if the Dongming Holy King organization attacks the railway system again?

After all, the Dongming Holy King organization has attacked the railway system once before. Although no casualties were caused by the kindness in the end, will the Dongming Holy King organization still show kindness during the next attack?

Secretly looking forward to it!


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