
After a busy night, the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has restored normal order. The network security firewall has been fully restored, optimized and adjusted, and several additional layers of firewalls have been added.

In the office of the Director of Cyber ​​Security Shota Nagai, the first technical section chief Tenya Naruhito is reporting information.

"Mr. Nagai, after our investigation, the hacker organization that invaded us this time is definitely not the Dongming Holy King organization!"Tianye Mingren was the first to tell the result.

"To be more precise, this invasion is definitely not just the Dongming Holy King organization." Tianye Mingren added

"We have investigated the Dongming Holy King Organization. This hacker organization is a newly established hacker organization. It was established about two months ago and mainly operates in Corea."Tianye Mingren introduced the situation of Dongming Saint King's organization.

"We suspect that the Dongming Holy King organization has deep connections with the Corea court, because the Dongming Holy King organization has carried out many operations to eliminate scandals related to the Corea court."

"Secondly, it is impossible for the Dongming Holy King organization to independently break through our network security system. In addition, we found data flows from four main sources in the intrusion traces, so we suspect that four hacker organizations participated in this operation."Tanya Naruhito added.

Nagai Shota nodded slightly,"Do you have any clues about the other three hacker organizations?"

"Sorry, Nagai-dono, the other party has cleared all traces."Tianye Mingren lowered his head and responded.

"What about other information?"Shouta Nagai asked again.

"There is another important piece of information."Tianye Mingren said quickly,"Our network security firewall was broken through too fast. It is absolutely impossible under normal circumstances."

Shouta Nagai is the director of the Cybersecurity Department. It is naturally impossible for him to be completely ignorant of technology, so Shota Nagai made a guess,"Did the other party use a supercomputer?"

"Yes!"Tianye Mingren affirmed,"And the other party used the supercomputer in our Neon Territory!"

Tianye Mingren added,"If it weren't for the supercomputer in Neon, it would be impossible for the other party to quickly break through the network security firewall due to the hindrance of network delays."

"Have you found out which supercomputer it is?"Shouta Nagai asked back.

"When we came over in the early morning, we suspected that a supercomputer was involved in the war, so we immediately sent a message to the domestic supercomputer ownership department and asked them to conduct a thorough inspection. Finally, we found that it was the Atari II machine of the Imperial Observatory."Tianye Naruhito explained.

Nagai Shouta sighed,"It turns out to be an Ateri second-generation aircraft. No wonder we were broken through so quickly!"

"At present, the Imperial Observatory has completely blocked the external projects of the Atari second-generation aircraft to avoid being used again."Tianye Mingren added,"In addition, the personnel on duty of the second-generation Atre machine are comprehensively checking its internal system to avoid being left with backdoor programs."

"This is indeed a problem!"Nagai Shouta nodded cautiously,"Have you found any clues in the Ateri second-generation machine?"

"The other party seemed to know that we would definitely find the second-generation Atry aircraft, so nothing was found in the second-generation Atry aircraft."Tianye Mingren said regretfully.

When investigating the invasion, Tianye Mingren had a feeling that every step of their investigation was completely guessed by the other party, thus making them return without success.

"How big is our loss?"Nagai Shouta asked again.

Tianye Naruhito looked at the information on his mobile phone before reporting,"Our economic losses are about 30 million yen, mainly caused by the delay in communication between other departments and us."

"Because we physically cut off the network link immediately, there is no loss of confidential information. We only need to repair the device that physically cuts off the network link, which is expected to be no more than 100,000 yen."Tianye Mingren supplemented the secondary losses.

"However, we are under tremendous pressure from fishing boats, and the intangible losses in terms of fishing boats and authority cannot be estimated for the time being."Tianye Mingren added.

This kind of invisible loss is indeed very difficult to estimate.

The network security system of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau was breached, and the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau was forced to take the internal system offline physically. It seems that the loss was avoided , but if there is an emergency, major problems will occur.

For example, when a field staff of a certain Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau needs identity verification, at this critical moment, the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's network cannot be connected. How to carry out identity verification?

What if this identity verification determines life or death?

"Lord Tianye, you are now going all out to track down the members of the Dongming Holy King organization, and use the deep web to offer rewards for them, trying to find them in the real world!"Shouta Nagai ordered.

Powerful hackers are almost omnipotent in the online world. They are like gods in the online world!

But if the true identity is exposed, in the real world, it may be a fat otaku young man or an Internet addict. Young man, so once the true identity is exposed, it will be very dangerous for hackers.

Nagai Shota is preparing to get rid of it once and for all. What if the true identity of the members of the Dongming Holy King organization is discovered?

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