After Nagai Shota asked Tenye Naruhito to investigate the real identities of the members of the Dongmei Holy King organization, he left his office and went to the Intelligence Minister's office to report on his work.

""Dong dong dong~"

Shota Nagai knocked on the door of Intelligence Minister Yuki Kazama's office.

"Enter."Yuuki Kazama's serious voice came out.

Shota Nagai opened the door and entered. In the office of the Minister of Intelligence, in addition to Yuuki Kazama, the Minister of Intelligence, there was also Takeda Akimura, Director of Overseas Affairs.

"Is there any result?"Kazama Yuuki saw Nagai Shota and asked first.

Nagai Shota reported the relevant information and then added,"We are now passive and can only passively defend. There is no other way for the time being."

No matter which country's court agencies they are in, they all face this dilemma. Their enemies are completely hidden in the darkness behind the scenes before taking action.

The same is true for the Dongming Holy King organization!

Although the Dongming Holy King organization has been exposed, the Dongming Holy King The organization is a hacker organization, what’s the use of exposing a name?

"Mr. Takeda, do you have any information from Corea?"Shouta Nagai asked.

Akira Takeda is in charge of the Overseas Affairs Department. They are also investigating the Dongming Holy King organization, and they are investigating on Corea's side.

"No information about the Dongming Holy King organization has been found for the time being. We have investigated the members of the Coria Council who were involved in operations related to the Dongming Holy King organization, but we have not been able to obtain it."Takeda Akimura responded.

Nagai Shota sighed,"In this case, our Cybersecurity Department will enter a state of emergency, cancel all holidays, arrange more personnel on duty, and maintain a 24-hour contact status."

This time, the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was easily defeated by the Dongming Holy King Organization and three other hacker organizations. The main reason was that the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau had too few security personnel on duty, so that no effective resistance was organized at all..

If there are more security personnel on duty, even if the number of security personnel on duty rises to twenty or thirty, they can resist for a longer period of time, thereby delaying the return of others to their posts to fight against the invasion.

Intelligence Minister Yuki Kazama seconded the proposal Said,"Then let the Cyber ​​Security Department enter a state of emergency and all staff of the Cyber ​​Security Department cancel their holidays.""

"Hi!"Shouta Nagai responded affirmatively.

Yuuki Kazama looked at Takeda Akimura again,"Takeda-kun, your investigation operations must also speed up. I will approve more funds for you and mobilize more field personnel. I hope Please step up your investigation"

"Hi!"Takeda Akimura also responded affirmatively.

After Nagai Shota and Takeda Akimura left, Kazama Yuuki re-examined the manuscript of the press conference that the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau was about to release.

Kazama Yuuki read the manuscript again, After confirming that there was no problem, he picked up the phone and called his assistant Motokyo Kikai and asked the assistant to hold a press conference. In the press conference hall of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, Yuki Kazama personally attended the press conference.

After being the host, After the basic process, Yuuki Kazama stood in front of the podium. He first solemnly announced

"We, Neon, will never bow to the forces of terror!" Kazama Yushu said loudly.

"In response to the threat from a certain hacker group, Neon strongly condemns the other party's illegal behavior and has launched an investigation."Yushu Kazama expressed his attitude again, and did not name the Dongming Holy King organization.

After all, if he named the Dongming Holy King organization, it would be more honorable to the other party.

After Yuuki Kazama made some routine remarks, the news was released The meeting will enter free speech time.

The Asahi Shimbun reporter first asked,"Sir Kazama, how much loss did you suffer in this hacker intrusion?""

Kazama Yushu responded calmly,"There is almost no loss. If we had to quantify the loss, it would probably be 100,000 yen."

It is naturally impossible for Kazama Yuuki to disclose the true losses. Wouldn't that be a slap in the face?

The Yomiuri Shimbun reporter asked the second question,"Excuse me, Mr. Kazama, if we continue to be attacked by the Tomei Holy King organization , will the imperial court consider canceling the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan?"

Yuki Kazama directly denied it,"I said from the beginning that we will not bow to any terrorist forces, let alone compromise to terrorist attacks, and we will use legal means to protect the safety of the people!

A reporter from NHK TV station also asked,"Sir Kazama, what do you think of the nuclear wastewater discharge plan? After all, this matter is indeed our Neon's fault.""

Good guy!

This NHK TV station is indeed a standard spy TV station!

It actually defined the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan as a wrong behavior right from the beginning.

Yuki Kazama first corrected the NHK TV reporter's statement,"Our nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan There is no problem. After our nuclear wastewater is treated, there is no harm at all, and it even reaches the standard for direct drinking. Therefore, there is no illegal problem in the nuclear wastewater discharge plan!"

This answer is very formulaic and full of perfunctory flavor.

As a well-known media traitor and spy, how could the NHK reporter easily give up the opportunity to make things difficult for the Neon Intelligence Bureau?


Update time: May 26, 2021 00:02:26, ​​good night.

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