Although An Liang had determined in advance that Li Xiyan was not in danger through his danger premonition ability, An Liang still had to make a three-part agreement with Li Xiyan to avoid unexpected situations for this little fool.

Guo Yuqing asked curiously,"What kind of agreement does Mr. An have?""

"First, you can only visit secretly and film with hidden cameras."An Liang explained.

Undercover visits combined with hidden cameras can ensure maximum safety, thereby avoiding the irritation of melon farmers who abuse bulking agents and ripening agents on the spot.

Guo Yuqing nodded in agreement,"Well, this is our original plan."

"Second, you are just going to take pictures of the situation. At most, you can buy a few watermelons and take them back for testing, but do not interview local melon farmers."An Liang said the second restriction.

"Uh-huh, okay, we agree! Li Xiyan responded.

Yao Qi answered,"What about the last one?""

"In the last chapter, of course I will send people to protect you, two men, two women and four security personnel, and they will protect Xiyan on a regular basis from now on." An Liang explained.

Li Xiyan asked curiously,"Are you saying they will all stay with me in the future?

Yao Qi responded jokingly,"Do you think they weren't with you before?" Li

Xiyan was stunned for a moment, then looked at An Liang,"You, a big bad guy, have been sending people to protect me?""

"certainly!"An Liang responded affirmatively.

"I'm not a child! Li Xiyan snorted, and then asked,"Why didn't I find them?""

"They are top security personnel. If they are discovered by you, what will happen?"An Liang responded with a smile.

This little fool's focus seems a bit strange?

But she didn't care that An Liang arranged security personnel around her, let alone whether An Liang arranged for someone to monitor her.

"It's good to have security personnel, in case an accident really happens. That fat guy ran away first. I think he is a coward!"Li Xiyan threw another knife out.

The miserable Ma Yingjun was stabbed.

An Liang asked back,"You are going to Shanghai, have you bought the ticket?"

"not yet! Li Xiyan responded,"I'm going to buy it when it arrives. If this flight doesn't work, then I'll take the next one.""

"..."An Liang was speechless.

As expected of a little fool, huh?

"Let me handle it!"An Liang called Li Yang through a Bluetooth headset and asked Li Yang to handle this matter.

After a while, Li Yang replied to the message

"Mr. An, I have properly processed Ms. Li’s ticket. There are still available seats in the first class cabin. Do you need to upgrade Ms. Yao and Ms. Guo’s cabins to first class?"Li Yang asked

"Then deal with it together."An Liang responded casually.

"OK"Li Yang replied.

A few minutes later, Li Yang reported the information again, saying that Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing's cabins had been upgraded to first class.

In fact, Yao Qi can also afford first class, but Guo Yuqing has greater pressure to afford first class. , so Yao Qi accompanied Guo Yuqing to choose the economy class, which shows that Yao Qi has a good personality.

If they were plastic sisters, they should be flying first class by themselves at this time, right?

After An Liang hung up the phone, he said casually ,"Nvxia Guo, Yao Qi, my assistant has upgraded your cabin to first class. You owe me a favor. When I go to Shanghai, you treat me to dinner."

Guo Yuqing responded in an exaggerated manner,"Huh?" No! Mr. An, do you want us to treat you to dinner?"

"You should do what the landlord wants, right?"An Liang asked back.

Yao Qi agreed generously,"No problem. When Mr. An comes next time, we will treat Mr. An to eat Magic City's special yellow croaker noodles, so that Mr. An can taste the flavor different from Shengqing spicy noodles.

Guo Yuqing immediately agreed,"Yellow croaker noodles are very good!"

An Liang replied with feigned disdain,"I really have you!""

Yao Qi responded,"Yellow croaker noodles are indeed a specialty of our city. In the future, neon nuclear pollution wastewater will be discharged into the sea. Even if you want to eat yellow croaker noodles, you won't be able to eat it. Haofa?"

"Yes, yes, the yellow croaker noodles are pretty good too."An Liang still deliberately used a disgusting tone.

It was early nine in the morning.

An Liang drove to Shengqing International Airport, and then Li Xiyan and the three of them realized something was wrong, because An Liang also arranged a ticket for himself!

"Are you going too?"Li Xiyan looked at An Liang in surprise.

"Can't I go? An Liang asked back,"I'm still worried about your safety, so I went with you.""

"What about what you did in Shengqing?"Li Xiyan asked

"The processing has basically been completed. After you go to the magic city to settle the secret visit of Xigua, we will return to Shengqing and let you report on the opening ceremony of the Sail Power Production Base."An Liang described Li Xiyan's schedule.

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan happily held An Liang's arm.

Guo Yuqing covered her mouth with her right hand,"Stop feeding me, please stop feeding me, I'm really full!"

Yao Qi responded in agreement,"I'm really full!""

"Can you think of us single nobles? Guo Yuqing complained.

An Liang responded calmly,"No!"

Li Xiyan agreed with a smile,"No!""


Update time: May 27, 2021 00:02:41, good night.

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