It’s close to twelve o’clock at noon.

An Liang and Li Xiyan arrived at the Magic Capital International Airport safely. For An Liang, who has the ability to foresee danger, the probability of an air crash is extremely low, and it is impossible for An Liang to meet him.

Of course, unless An Liang did it on purpose!

Near the exit of the airport, a shout came

"Brother Liang?"

An Liang looked around and saw that it was Qian Xiaogang!

"Brother Gangzi!"An Liang responded and waved.

Qian Xiaogang walked over quickly. On the way, he naturally saw Li Xiyan holding An Liang's arm, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing

"Hello sister-in-law!"Qian Xiaogang took the initiative to greet Li Xiyan.

Li Xiyan knew Qian Xiaogang, and she nodded in response.

Qian Xiaogang said jokingly,"Brother Liang, are these two beauties sisters-in-law? An

Liang laughed and scolded,"Gungun, you bad friend, you want to harm me as soon as we meet!""

After An Liang complained, he introduced them to each other.

"By the way, why are you in Magic City? An Liang asked curiously,"Shouldn't you be studying high mountain wild dates in the imperial capital?" Qian Xiaogang complained,"

It sounds poisonous!" After Professor Zeng decided to hit the Nobel Prize, all kinds of work increased, and strict recording of data and research processes were required. I worked more than ten hours a day, and worked for many days in a row. It was really overwhelming. Can't stop it!"

"Professor Zeng worked so hard?"An Liang was surprised

"It is a Nobel after all! Qian Xiaogang responded,"I came here this time because I was invited by a friend. There is an event here at the Magic City Circuit. Our Imperial City Lamborghini LCF Club is here. Brother Liang, let's go and have fun together?""

"when?"An Liang asked back.

"Just this afternoon, I brought three cars over to the Magic City Circuit, Lamborghini SVJ, Porsche 911GT2RS, and Ferrari 488Pista. Liang Ge just picks! Qian Xiaogang said generously.

An Liang did not respond to Qian Xiaogang immediately. He asked Li Xiyan,"Baby, when are you going to make an unannounced visit?""

"We agreed to leave tomorrow morning. Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang asked again,"Then do you want to go to the track to play?"

Li Xiyan said with bright eyes,"Think about it!" But, I don’t have a driver’s license, can I really go on the track?"

If it is a closed track, you can legally drive a car even without a driver's license.

But Li Xiyan's driving skills...

Just don’t mention it!

After all, Li Xiyan's driving skills are even more outrageous than Yun Haiyang's

"sure! Qian Xiaogang responded on the side,"Don't worry, sister-in-law, the track is a closed environment and is not a [road] in the legal sense, so traffic laws do not apply to closed tracks."

Li Xiyan responded happily,"Then I want to try it!""

"An Liang, let me try too, okay?"Li Xiyan asked An Liang.

An Liang looked at Qian Xiaogang sympathetically,"No problem. Anyway, Brother Gangzi brought three cars over. Let's have fun in the afternoon."

Qian Xiaogang suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Wait, Brother Liang, my sister-in-law doesn’t have a driver’s license? Qian Xiaogang belatedly discovered the blind spot.

Li Xiyan responded on behalf of An Liang,"I haven't gotten my driver's license yet, but I have already taken the test for subject three.""

Qian Xiaogang breathed a sigh of relief. The subject three test is very simple. Driver's license candidates who enter subject three can already be regarded as quasi-drivers.

But Qian Xiaogang obviously doesn't know how outrageous Li Xiyan's driving skills are!

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing also looked at Qian Xiaogang sympathetically. If Li Xiyan were to drive, I'm afraid Qian Xiaogang's car would be in trouble, right?

"By the way, Brother Gangzi, would you like to have lunch together?"An Liang invited.

Qian Xiaogang showed a hesitant look, and he said slightly embarrassed,"Our LCF club has made an appointment for lunch, and there are also some local friends from Shanghai. There are a lot of people. We all gather together to eat. I It's a bit embarrassing to worry about."

Qian Xiaogang said while winking at An Liang.

An Liang understood instantly!

These old dirty crows probably don't simply eat, right?

With three girls around, An Liang is really not suitable to participate in such a dinner, he responded He said,"It's okay if there are too many people. You can eat by yourselves. It just so happens that our best friend Xi Yan wants to treat me to dinner."

Having said this, An Liang looked at Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing,"Does what you said before count?

Yao Qi nodded," Of course!""

"no problem!"Guo Yuqing also agreed.

"Okay, brother Liang, I'll send you the location. We'll start at two o'clock in the afternoon. You can come over at any time."Qian Xiaogang took out his cell phone and shook it to indicate contact.

An Liang waved his hand,"No problem!

After Qian Xiaogang left, An Liang said to Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing,"So where should we go to eat yellow croaker noodles?" An

Liang asked as he led the three of them towards the underground parking lot. Qin Tianxiang from Renyi Security Company had prepared a pick-up and drop-off convoy for An Liang and was waiting in the underground parking garage.

"Do you really want to eat yellow croaker noodles? Yao Qi asked back

"why not?"An Liang asked the same question, and Li Xiyan said on the side,"We have eaten yellow croaker noodles before, and we thought it was quite delicious."

"Since you have eaten yellow croaker noodles and found them delicious, I will take you to a restaurant where I ate yellow croaker noodles when I was a kid."Guo Yuqing explained.

Li Xiyan's eyes lit up,"You ate it when you were a child. Isn't it more than ten years old?

Guo Yuqing responded with a smile,"You can ask yourselves later.""

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