It was just after twelve noon.

Three black Mercedes-Benz S450L arrived outside an old-fashioned alley. Anliang and four others got out of the car, followed by eight security personnel from Renyi Security Company. Three security personnel acting as drivers drove away to find a parking space.

Guo Yuqing led the way, then pointed to a wooden plaque and said,"This is the family."

An Liang looked at the wooden plaque. The material of this wooden plaque was very ordinary. It was just an ordinary miscellaneous wood. The plaque was engraved with the name" Chengyang Fish Noodle's store sign.

The font used in the shop's sign is also very ordinary. It's not ordinary calligraphy, just ordinary brushwork, and the inscription technique is not very good.

The only feature should be that the wooden plaque is full of age.

Guo Yuqing walked in front and said hello,"Grandpa Chen, are there any more yellow croaker noodles?"

An old man with gray hair and wearing a white chef's uniform was cooking noodles. He is Chen Quan, the contemporary chef of Pincheng Yellow Croaker Noodles.

Chen Quan glanced at Guo Yuqing and then responded,"Also, I haven't been here for a long time."

Guo Yuqing responded,"We have moved for several years, Grandpa Chen forgot?"

"How many bowls of yellow croaker noodles do you want?"Chen Quan changed the subject.

Guo Yuqing looked at An Liang

"In addition to yellow croaker noodles, do you have anything else?"An Liang asked, because An Liang didn't see the menu, neither on the wall nor on the table.

Chen Quan heard An Liang speaking Mandarin, so he switched to Mandarin and responded,"Only yellow croaker noodles, one serving of yellow croaker noodles 58 Yuan, an additional portion of yellow croaker is 10 Yuan, and an additional portion of noodles is free.

An Liang answered,"Twelve bowls first, add a portion of yellow croaker to all of them.""

"Okay, you guys sit down first."Chen Quan responded.

After An Liang responded that he wanted twelve bowls of yellow croaker noodles, a middle-aged man took a young man and started cutting noodles. The middle-aged man was very skilled in cutting noodles, and he could easily see the difference.

Guo Yuqing On the side, he introduced,"Those are Grandpa Chen’s son and grandson. Their yellow croaker noodles are passed down from generation to generation.

An Liang asked curiously,"Old man, how many years has your noodle shop been open?""

Chen Quan responded while mixing ingredients,"It started in 1902 and has been passed down to this day. How many years do you think it has been?"

Starting in 1902?

" An Liang expressed surprise!

It is now 2020. If it starts in 1902, the history of this yellow croaker noodle restaurant will be more than a hundred years!

Guo Yuqing smiled on the side,"This is the first time I know I was also very surprised!"

Li Xiyan sighed on the side,"It's actually a century-old restaurant. I don't know if it tastes good. If it doesn't taste good, then it has failed to live up to its century-old history!"




Whether it was An Liang, Yao Qi, or anyone else, they were all speechless.

Guo Yuqing looked at An Liang helplessly.

Chen Quan, who was mixing the condiments, paused for a moment. He had no intention of responding. It seemed that he was preparing to prove the reputation of the century-old restaurant with its taste, right?

Li Xiyan seemed to be fine. She looked at Chen Quan who was mixing the seasonings and asked casually,"Why don't you prepare the seasonings in advance?"

In Shengqing's noodle restaurants, most of them prepared the seasonings in advance. materials, thus improving efficiency.

Chen Quan responded,"Make the condiments in advance and the taste will be different."

An Liang discovered another detail. Chen Quan only made three condiment bowls, but they had just ordered twelve bowls, so An Liang asked Got this thing.

Chen Quan continued,"We can only cook up to three bowls of noodles at a time. If we cook too many noodles at one time, the water temperature will be affected and the cooking time will be longer, which will affect the taste of the noodles."

How can you be so particular?

Based on such details alone, An Liang feels that the taste of Pincheng Yellow Croaker Noodles is not bad!

But why are there no other guests besides them?

Li Xiyan also discovered this, and she asked bluntly,"Your business is a little bad, isn't it?"..."

"Ahem!"An Liang coughed and interrupted Li Xiyan.

If Li Xiyan were allowed to continue speaking, who knows what silly words Li Xiyan would say?

Guo Yuqing was helping Chen Quan to get out of the siege. She explained,"Here's The location is too remote and there is no parking space around, so there are relatively few outside customers."

Chen Quan himself added,"Our yellow croaker noodles are priced a little higher than ordinary yellow croaker noodles, and the surrounding local residents have relatively limited spending power, so our business is not very good."

This is why Guo Yuqing asked if there were any more yellow croaker noodles when she came to the door, because the number of yellow croaker noodles they prepare every day is limited.

"I see! An Liang responded on the side.

In fact, when Chen Quan said that a bowl of yellow croaker noodles cost 58 yuan, An Liang guessed the reason. This is a common problem in the catering industry. After a while, the first batch of three bowls of yellow croaker noodles were cooked. After finishing, An Liang showed his gentlemanly behavior and let Li Xiyan and the others eat first.

Li Xiyan naturally picked up a piece of yellow croaker meat and fed it to An Liang. She liked feeding An Liang, and it was a natural idea, not a deliberate one. attitude.

An Liang did not refuse. He chewed the yellow croaker meat fed by Li Xiyan. There were no fish bones, and the fish meat was full of flavor without any fishy smell. This was handled very well! It can only be said that he is worthy of being a century-old man. The store reflects the extraordinary in various details.

‘Ding! '

When An Liang swallowed the yellow croaker meat, the Winner of Life system sounded a prompt....

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