When Qian Xiaogang said he was going to Shengqing for a trip, An Liang knew what Qian Xiaogang meant. This friend must have wanted to buy Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum for free.

Qian Xiaogang responded seriously,"I just love Shengqing!"

"Did I believe it?"An Liang complained

"Please believe brother!"Qian Xiaogang's affirmative expression again

"I believe you!"How can An Liang believe it?

After complaining, An Liang took out two cans of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum from his cross-body messenger bag and placed them on the dining table,"Thanks to Lao Qin and Lao Yang for Wanfeng's incident this time. It is a souvenir of our Heavenly Baiyujing Club, I hope you won’t dislike it. Qin Feng's eyes lit up,"

Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum?""

Yang Biao sighed,"I've heard about the famous name for a long time! Thanks Brother Liang!

Qian Xiaogang looked at An Liang expectantly,"Brother Liang, Brother Liang, have you forgotten me?""

"..."An Liang looked at Qian Xiaogang speechlessly, and finally took out another bottle,"Brother Gangzi, you are really poisonous!"

"After all, it is a bit difficult to obtain contribution points.Although a bottle of peach gum only requires 100 contribution points, it’s worth saving a little. Qian Xiaogang responded while bringing over Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum.

Qin Feng and Yang Biao both looked at Qian Xiaogang expectantly.

Qian Xiaogang immediately complained,"You two are dogs, right?" Qin

Feng picked up the wine glass and said in a friendly manner,"Brother Gang, we have known each other for almost ten years, right?""

"Wait a minute! Qian Xiaogang complained,"Are you trying to say that one day is like three autumns?""

"So we have known each other for thousands of years?"Qin Feng asked in turn

"..."Qian Xiaogang was speechless.

Yang Biao added on the side,"As the old saying goes, there are four iron relationships in life. Brother Gang, we have two of them, so we are iron brothers, right?"

"Stop talking, there are so many tricks, this bottle must be mine. Qian Xiaogang responded,"However, I can draw you into the peripheral organization of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, and you can earn your own contribution points.""

"Brother Liang, what do you think of me bringing them into the peripheral organization? Qian Xiaogang asked An Liang.

An Liang nodded with a smile,"Of course it's no problem.""

"Since Brother Gangzi wants to recruit Lao Qin and Lao Yang as peripheral members of our club, I will personally issue a help mission through the club, hoping that other members of the club can help me solve Wanfeng's matter and resolve the Wan family's involvement in Wanshi Feng The power of Ping Shipping Group."An Liang explained.

Qian Xiaogang immediately responded with interest,"How much contribution does Brother Liang give?"

"Zhao Wanxi told me a way to measure contribution before, which is to quantify through value estimation. The Wan family still has 28% of the equity in Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group. The market value of Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group is 1.2 billion, so We can roughly quantify it as a market value of 336 million."An Liang said calculatedly.

"According to our club’s calculation method of one in 10,000 contribution points, the estimated value of 336 million can be converted into 33,600 contribution points. I personally round up the contribution by 1,400 points, which is 35,000 contribution points." An Liang added.

Qian Xiaogang responded immediately,"I'll take this task. Brother Liang, don't put the task in the club."

Qin Feng heard what Qian Xiaogang said just now. A bottle of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum only requires 100 contribution points, so he is not willing to give up 35,000 contribution points.

"Brother Gang, I’m glad to see you! Qin Feng responded.

Yang Biao was naturally not to be outdone,"I want one too!" Qian

Xiaogang said helplessly,"This matter is very simple. I can do it myself. Why bother two good brothers?""

"Since we are good brothers, we must help! Qin Feng responded.

Yang Biao seconded,"Yes, yes, since we are all good brothers, we must help!"

Qian Xiaogang looked at An Liang and suggested,"How about Brother Liang increase his contribution even more?""

An Liang scolded with a smile,"Go, go, don't even think about it. You are also a founding member of the club. Don't you know that the contribution level is not something that comes out of thin air? My contribution level is obtained by making contributions, and it is not how much I want. As many as there are."

This sentence was meant for Qin Feng and Yang Biao. They had just joined the club's peripheral organization and did not know the contribution system yet, so An Liangcai said something meaningful to clarify the rules of the contribution system.

Qin Feng and Yang After listening to An Liang's words, Biao paid more attention to contribution, so they must participate in this mission.

"Brother Gang, take care of your brothers!"Qin Feng said solemnly.

Yang Biao also seconded,"Brother Gang, we have known each other for many years, please bring your brothers to make a fortune together."

Actually, it's not like Qian Xiaogang didn't lead the two of them. He is a smart man. He can see Anliang's purpose. Anliang uses the contribution system to let the two local snakes target Wanfeng to solve the problem once and for all.

This is heaven The scary thing about the Bai Yujing Club's contribution system is that after Anliang invested in rare products with stable contribution value, the value of the contribution immediately soared, thus entering the harvest period.

For example, in the current situation, Anliang doesn't even have to do anything, just Through contribution, Wanfeng and the Wan family can be completely destroyed.

The power of contribution begins to appear!

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