The luncheon is coming to an end.

Qian Xiaogang, Qin Feng, and Yang Biao discussed the contribution distribution plan. Qian Xiaogang received 15,000 contribution points alone, while Qin Feng and Yang Biao each received 10,000 contribution points.

After the three people completed the distribution of contributions, they immediately started taking action.

In fact, the matter regarding Wanfeng and the Wan family was almost completed before, and now it is just finalized.

Especially regarding Wanfeng's matter, after he entered the patrol station, he faced more and more bad news. All the things that had been buried in the past broke out, pushing Wanfeng into the abyss step by step.

Wanping is also struggling to deal with the troubles at the shareholders' meeting of Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group, because the Wan family only has 28% of the equity in Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group. If there are other shareholders supporting it, there will naturally be no problem.

But now, due to the intervention of external forces, the attitudes of shareholders who originally supported Wanping have changed and they no longer support Wanping, leaving Wanping unable to control the situation.

After just over an hour of shareholders' meeting, Wanping completely lost power in the Wanshifengping Shipping Group!

The Wan family, which was originally prosperous, is actually on the verge of collapse.

It’s nearly five o’clock in the afternoon, Fudan University.

An Liang drove a BMW X5 over. He had previously purchased a BMW X5 as a mobility scooter in Shanghai. Now when he goes to Fudan University, An Liang chooses to drive himself.

In the open-air parking lot of Fudan University, An Liang contacted Li Xiyan

"Honey, are you in the lab? An Liang asked.

This morning, Li Xiyan and his party went to Nanhui Watermelon Planting Base to secretly investigate the abuse of expanding agents and ripening agents. They bought more than ten watermelons and came back for testing to prove the issue of expanding agents and ripening agents..

Li Xiyan responded,"Yeah, we're still in the laboratory, I'll send you the location.""

"good."An Liang responded.

Li Xiyan hung up the call and sent the location on WeChat. An Liang arrived via walking navigation in more than ten minutes.

When An Liang arrived, Li Xiyan and his party just walked out of the laboratory..

An Liang stepped forward and asked proactively,"Have the test results come out?"

"Um."Li Xiyan nodded,"The results were quite bad. We divided into three groups and purchased four watermelons from three melon farmers. The final test result was that all twelve watermelons contained puffing agents and ripening agents."

"completely annihilated?"An Liang was surprised

"Yes, the whole army was wiped out!"Guo Yuqing answered on the side,"We originally thought that only a small number of people in the watermelon planting base in Nanhui used puffing agents and ripening agents, but now it seems that is not the case.

Yao Qi sighed,"The benefits are exciting!""

The world is bustling, and it's easy to come and go!

Ma Yingjun took the initiative to say hello to An Liang,"Classmate An, long time no see." An Liang smiled and nodded,"

Long time no see.""

An Liang and Ma Yingjun were just acquaintances. They said hello and did not continue their awkward chat.

"How do you plan to handle this? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan thought about it for a moment before speaking,"If we report this incident, it will have a huge impact on the melon farmers in Nanhui, but there is indeed something wrong with these watermelons. We journalists should have the courage to expose such things!"

The consciousness of this little fool is quite high!

Guo Yuqing expressed difficulty,"If we report it, the watermelon planting base in Nanhui will probably suffer heavy losses. What I'm worried about is the follow-up problems, so we must handle it carefully. Yao Qi seconded,"

Those melon farmers may do extreme things."

Ma Yingjun said with certainty,"Those melon farmers may take revenge on us!""

"You timid, fat idiot!"Li Xiyan hummed.

Ma Yingjun smiled bitterly and did not refute.

Journalists are indeed prone to retaliation. In the real history of the past, there were even cases where journalists died due to retaliation.

Ma Yingjun's worries also Not unreasonable

"Mr. An, how do we think we should handle it?"Yao Qi asked An Liang for his opinion.

Faced with the ball kicked by Yao Qi, An Liang responded calmly,"Since our Xiyan has justice in her heart and wants to expose the evil deeds of those unscrupulous melon farmers, I will definitely support our Xiyan."

Li Xiyan suddenly showed a happy look. She walked to An Liang and took An Liang's arm. She was obviously very satisfied with An Liang's answer.

Ma Yingjun still said worriedly,"Those melon farmers are a big problem. The melon farmers have lost more profits than us. It is even bigger than expected. If we report it, it may bring losses of more than 100 million to Nanhui. Under such circumstances, what if they jump over the wall in a hurry?..."

An Liang looked at Ma Yingjun calmly. He suddenly felt that Li Xiyan was right. Ma Yingjun was indeed a bit timid.

No wonder Guo Yuqing doesn't like Ma Yingjun, because this guy really has no shining points!

A look of disappointment flashed in Guo Yuqing's eyes.

She and Ma Yingjun are high school classmates, and An Liang and Li Xiyan are also high school classmates, but why are there such a big gap between them?

Yao Qi listened to Ma Yingjun's words, and she also gave Ma Yingjun a cross in her heart.

Ma Yingjun's concerns are indeed not wrong. After all, it is normal for ordinary people to have such concerns. But Ma Yingjun's mistake is that he only has concerns and does not think about solutions!

Even for ordinary people, facing the current dilemma, there are actually solutions!


Update time: May 31, 2021 00:01:52. Happy holidays and good night in advance.

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