Human beings have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

It's normal for Ma Yingjun to worry about danger, but if he only worries about danger and doesn't consider solutions, he lacks some responsibility.

If An Liang were to solve this trouble and do it as an ordinary person, it would actually be very simple.

2020 is an era of universal internet.

Whether it is exposed through long posts on Weibo or through short video apps, good results can be achieved.

Especially when short video apps can spend money to buy traffic, if you want to solve the traffic problem, you only need to pay some money.

As for the security of personal identity?

Whether it is Weibo or short video apps and other large Internet companies, it is not that they will not compromise, but they will not compromise with melon farmers.

How can some melon farmers get major Internet companies to compromise?

Therefore, through the newly created trumpet operation, one's personal information will not be exposed at all, thereby avoiding being targeted by melon farmers.

These operations were very simple and easy to handle, but Ma Yingjun only considered the risks and not the solutions.

This time, Ma Yingjun shot himself in the foot when investigating the abuse of expanding agents and ripening agents at the Nanhui Watermelon Planting Base.

His original intention was to find a big news to win Guo Yuqing's favor.

But the news was so big that Ma Yingjun became afraid, which exposed his weak character and made his image in Guo Yuqing's heart even worse.

"You summarize the laboratory report and write a press release, and I will handle this matter."An Liang said as he made a decision.

When dealing with Wanfeng and the Wan family, Qin Feng said that he could let the local news media in the Demon City fully report Wanfeng's previous scandals, so An Liang is ready to let Qin Feng report this time The matter of Nanhui Watermelon Planting Base.

Anyway, Anliang controls the contribution system of Tiantian Baiyujing Club. Through contribution, Anliang can easily handle these trivial matters.

"Uh-huh! Li Xiyan responded happily,"We will complete the press release as soon as possible." Guo

Yuqing seconded,"The problem with Nanhui Watermelon is very serious. Consumers have the right to know about the problem with Nanhui Watermelon.""

After everyone discussed it, it was almost six o'clock. An Liang took advantage of the situation to arrange dinner. He chose a local restaurant in Modu, but only Li Xiyan, Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing attended.

Ma Yingjun was a little lost. Obviously he also knew that his performance was not good.

The others were not familiar with An Liang, so they naturally did not participate shamelessly.

On the way to the local restaurant, Yao Qi asked casually,"My friend just gave me Sent an interesting message. Li Xiyan asked with interest,"

What's the interesting news?""

Guo Yuqing also looked at Yao Qi curiously.

Yao Qi looked at An Liang who was driving through the rearview mirror. She secretly marveled at the energy that An Liang had mastered,"Do you still remember Wanfeng who I met in the parking lot yesterday?"

"That fool? Li Xiyan was curious,"What happened to him?""

Guo Yuqing also looked at Anliang through the rearview mirror, and she vaguely guessed the answer.

"That guy was arrested by the patrol and is currently being detained at the patrol station. I heard that the problem is serious and he may be sentenced to more than twenty years in prison. Yao Qi said in response.

Li Xiyan was surprised,"What's wrong with him?" Yao

Qi asked,"Mr. An, what do you think is wrong with him?"

Li Xiyan reacted,"You did it?" An

Liang denied,"Of course it's not me. If the patrol wants to arrest him, he must have violated the law.""

"I don't believe it!"Li Xiyan snorted.

An Liang responded again,"That Mr. Wanfeng did have bad records, so he was arrested and investigated. I only provided a little bit of evidence."

Yao Qi knew that An Liang was just being modest, because she hadn't finished speaking just now. The message her friend sent her was not only about Wanfeng being patrolled and investigated, but also about the Wan family being kicked out by the Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group.

An Liang easily solved the Wan family in just one day, which shocked Yao Qi.

After dinner, An Liang and Li Xiyan naturally returned to Yangyun Aman, whether it was Li Xiyan , or Anliang, they all like the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere of Amanyangyun.

Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi naturally went home together.

On the way, Yao Qi took the initiative to ask,"Are you completely disappointed with Ma Yingjun now?"

Guo Yuqing complained in response,"He is indeed quite disappointing!""

Yao Qi sighed in agreement.

"So I really envy Xiyan!"Guo Yuqing sighed

"Then let me tell you something that will make you envious of Xi Yan even more."Yao Qi told the story of the Wan family being kicked out.

"this..."Guo Yuqing was shocked,"Does Mr. An also have such strong resources in Magic City?"

"According to what I know, his development is very fast. Yesterday’s Qin Feng and Yang Biao are all the top second generations of our Magic City. However, their attitude towards Mr. An is very respectful, so Mr. An is in Magic City. They all control a lot of resources, which is actually quite normal. Yao Qi said with a sigh.

"I envy Xi Yan in real name!"Guo Yuqing sighed again.

Yao Qi also sighed,"Who wouldn't be envious?"

"Do you still want to compete with Xiyan?"Guo Yuqing suddenly asked.

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