On the way to the Bund, Li Xiyan finally remembered those crashed cars. She was always protected by An Liang and had never worried about these things. In addition, Qian Xiaogang just said that there was no need for compensation, so compensation was what ordinary people were most worried about. The question was directly ignored by Li Xiyan

"Very easy to solve."An Liang responded casually. He didn't care about the damage to those vehicles. It would be weird if Qian Xiaogang asked him to compensate, okay?

The only thing that needs compensation may be Qin Feng's BMW M8, but it's just a small matter.

"Well, then I'm relieved!"Li Xiyan said with a sigh of relief.

Guo Yuqing in the back seat looked at Yao Qi. She felt that she should envy Li Xiyan again, because Guo Yuqing had already checked that the total value of the four damaged cars exceeded 20 million.

However, under such circumstances, An Liang did not even scold Li Xiyan, and Guo Yuqing expressed envy of the real-name system!

Nearly an hour later, everyone arrived at the Bund, and under the leadership of Qin Feng, they went to the Fisherman’s Friends Fish Cuisine store.

After entering the store, An Liang discovered a small detail. There were no other customers in this store, but the decoration of this store was exquisite, and the service staff also paid attention to details when welcoming guests in. Naturally, it was impossible that there were no customers. Could it be that Qin Feng had reserved the place directly?

When everyone entered the store, chef Qiao Yibin personally brought the menu and introduced himself. This made An Liang further confirm that it was a reservation.

"Xiyan, see what you like to eat. An Liang signaled Li Xiyan to order, and took care of Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing by the way,"You can order whatever you want to eat.""

"Okay, thank you, Mr. An."Guo Yuqing thanked her.

Yao Qi also expressed her gratitude, and then the three girls looked at the menu together.

An Liang took the initiative and said to Qin Feng,"Old Qin, what is your account?"

Qin Feng naturally understood what An Liang meant. An Liang wanted to compensate for his BMW M8, but how could Qin Feng ask An Liang to compensate?

"No, no, no, brother Liang, my car is just scratched. It's just a very small problem. It can be solved by giving it to the BMW 4S shop to repaint it. It's not a big problem at all!"Qin Feng explained.

However, this was not the case!

An Liang naturally looked at the situation. The side of the BMW M8 was dented by the Ferrari. This is not a problem that can be solved by spraying paint. The door should be replaced directly.

But since Qin Feng said it was a minor problem, An Liang also knew what the other party meant. It was nothing more than selling a favor.

"Then I won’t thank you enough! An Liang responded with a smile.

Qin Feng waved his hands repeatedly,"It's just a small matter. Brother Liang is too polite.""


Nearly two hours later, the fish meal ended in a harmonious atmosphere. Li Xiyan ate her heartlessly and became a little fool again. Naturally, in this state, she could not return to Shengqing immediately.

But it was only close to three o'clock in the afternoon. After asking Li Xiyan's wishes, An Liang booked a flight at eight o'clock in the evening, and Qian Xiaogang also wanted to go with him.

In order to eat as quickly as possible, Li Xiyan took Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing to Lujiazui, opposite the Bund, for shopping. An Liang and Qian Xiaogang naturally followed.

While shopping, Qian Xiaogang sent messages in the Didu friends group

‘Qian Xiaogang: @李cuyuan: @云海海: Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, I’m going to Shengqing, are you going?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Why did Brother Gangzi go to Shengqing?’

‘Yun Haiyang: [Doubts]’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I met Brother Liang by chance in Shanghai...’

Qian Xiaogang explained what happened by chance

‘Qian Xiaogang: @云海海: Brother Haiyang, I suddenly feel that your driving skills are really good!’

‘Yun Haiyang:? ? ?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Damn it, Brother Gangzi, are you suddenly so weird?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I’m serious!’

‘Li Cunyuan:?’

‘Yun Haiyang:? ? ? '

An Liang told what happened to Li Xiyan

‘An Liang: Brother Gangzi suffered heavy losses!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Hahahaha!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Isn’t this too outrageous?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: When I watched it at the scene, everyone was dumbfounded. I thought it would be best for my sister-in-law not to drive!’

‘Yun Haiyang: If this is the case, I also think it would be best for my sister-in-law not to drive.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Arrange a full-time driver to solve all problems’

‘An Liang: I think so too’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, are you coming to celebrate?’

‘Li Cunyuan: [Picture]’

‘Li Cunyuan: The air tickets have been booked. Brother Haiyang and I have already set off for the airport. Can we let go of this opportunity to have sex with Peach Gum?’

‘Yun Haiyang: I love free sex!’

‘Yun Haiyang: How could this kind of free prostitution be missing without me?’

‘An Liang: No, Brother Haiyang, haven’t you changed?’

‘Yun Haiyang: It’s different!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I have money, but no contribution, so wouldn’t it be nice to have sex with Shiliwan Peach Gum for free?’

‘An Liang: I vomited! '

Although the three brothers in the imperial capital all expressed their intention to engage in prostitution for free, Anliang did not refuse because their relationship was particularly good and both parties were core partners.

An Liang would not suffer at all from this kind of free prostitution, but would instead deepen the friendship between the two parties.

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