Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang were Anliang's initial partners, and they were also the core partners.

Although currently, there are partners in Tiantian Bai Yujing Club who are more powerful than Li, Yun and Qian in all aspects, An Liang has never forgotten his roots.

This is not only the character created by An Liang, but also An Liang's choice.

It is precisely because of this choice that Anliang rises rapidly in the imperial capital circle.

After all, who likes an ungrateful guy?

A drop of water's kindness is reciprocated by a spring, which makes it more popular!

At around ten o'clock in the night, An Liang, Li Xiyan, and Qian Xiaogang landed safely. Li Cunyuan and Yun Haiyang greeted them at Shengqing International Airport.

"Good evening, sister-in-law!"Yun Haiyang greeted with a smile on his face.

After this guy knew that Li Xiyan's driving skills were worse than him, he was filled with comfort.

Li Cunyuan also said hello,"Good evening. Li

Xiyan responded politely, and then asked,"Do you want to have barbecue? We can have supper later.""

Before Li Cunyuan and the others answered, An Liang responded first,"Baby, these guys have already booked the bar."

"ah? Li Xiyan was stunned for a moment, and then responded with a refusal,"I won't go. I'm a little tired today.""

Li Xiyan spent the afternoon shopping in Lujiazui, and returning to Shengqing from Shanghai. Even if she traveled first class, she felt very tired, so she didn't want to go to the bar.

"Well, then I'll take you back first. An Liang responded, and then added,"I will accompany them to play for a while, just drink." Li Xiyan rolled her eyes at An Liang,"

I'm too lazy to care about you!""

Although Li Xiyan said that she didn't care about An Liang, she couldn't help but smile.

On the way to send Li Xiyan back, An Liang sent a message to her old high school classmate

‘An Liang: Kaizi, are you at home?’

‘Liu Kai:...’

‘Liu Kai: Brother, dear brother, I beg you, please don’t call me Kaizi again!’

‘An Liang: Okay, Kaizi’

‘Liu Kai:...’

‘Liu Kai: I was wrong, brother, you can call me factory’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Are you worthy?’

‘An Liang: Let’s talk about business, are you at home?’

‘Liu Kai: Yes, we are working together with Liang Chao and Zhou Kang to score points. If there are no accidents, we will all be noble diamond players.’

‘An Liang: Put the game away for a while. I was delayed when I said we would get together. Do you have time today?’

‘Liu Kai: If you have time, can we meet at the same place?’

‘An Liang: I brought three friends from the Imperial City here today. We are going to go to the bar to have fun. You three, work harder today and fuck them hard!’

‘An Liang: Their ability to drink is average, so you don’t need to be afraid!’

‘Liu Kai: Making trouble? '

The so-called 'Zhachangzi' is Shengqing dialect, which means 'cheering'

‘An Liang: Yeah!’

‘An Liang: Let the guys in the imperial capital know how powerful we are!’

‘Liu Kai: Seriously, Brother Liang, I don’t believe your nonsense about their average drinking capacity. I’m afraid they have a good drinking capacity, right?’

‘An Liang: Don't talk so much, are we brothers?’

‘Liu Kai: I regard you as a brother. Are you going to send your brother on his way?’

‘An Liang: Stop talking nonsense. Hurry up and call Zhou Kang and Liang Chao. I will pick you up downstairs at your house later.’

‘Liu Kai: OK!’

‘Liu Kai: I have to help Brother Liang get into trouble today!’

‘Liu Kai: But, Brother Liang, if we win today, you should stop calling me Kaizi from now on. I always feel that it’s you who calls me Kaizi, and that’s why I can’t have a sweet relationship.’

‘An Liang: That’s because you haven’t tasted salty love!’

‘Liu Kai:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: No more talk, see you later. '

Since Liu Kai doesn't understand, how can An Liang explain?

Because we don’t understand, that’s why we always break up, right?

Half an hour later, An Liang sent Li Xiyan back to Fanhuayuan and sent her home before returning to the Audi a8l car.

An Liang and Li Xiyan were in a car just now. Now Qian Xiaogang is driving, Yun Haiyang is sitting in the passenger seat, and An Liang and Li Cunyuan are sitting in the back seat.

As long as Yun Haiyang is not driving, Anliang can pick him up....

Wait a minute!

Now we have to add Li Xiyan. After all, Li Xiyan's driving skills are even more outrageous than Yun Haiyang's. An Liang has experienced it himself. It is indeed much more outrageous than Qian Xiaogang's.

"Brothers, when I went to the bar later, I asked three high school classmates to cheer me on. Let’s have a fight?"An Liang said casually.

Qian Xiaogang was the first to ask,"Is Brother Liang coming with us or with his high school classmates?"

"I am neutral as the referee, you three, the three of them, I think it is fair!"An Liang said aloof from the incident.

"So you won't drink? Qian Xiaogang asked back

"So you want to have a drink with me?"An Liang asked the same question.

"I think Brother Liang’s suggestion is very good. I will teach them why the flowers are so red!"Qian Xiaogang said boldly.

In fact, An Liang is more optimistic about the trio of friends from the Imperial City. After all, the trio of Imperial City friends have been hanging out in bars for a long time. They have withstood the test of alcohol and have already developed their drinking capacity.

Liu Kaisan It should be difficult for people to win, right?

If you were more confident, then Liu Kai and the others would definitely lose!

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