Yang Maoyi understood what An Liang meant, but that happened at night. What was she worried about now?

Yang Maoyi looked at Wang Ya again,"Is the situation at home okay?"

"fine..."Wang Ya nodded nervously, and then used the bamboo pole in her hand to drive the hens home.

Because Wang Ya had to drive the hens and chicks back, the originally three-minute journey took a full quarter of an hour.

Wang Ya drove the hens and chicks into her yard. She carefully counted the number of chicks. After making sure there were no problems, she greeted Yang Maoyi and An Liang,"Teacher Yang, Uncle An, you guys come in quickly." Come on, let me get you some water."

After entering the room, a weak female voice came from the back room,"Girl, who is here?"

Wang Ya responded immediately,"It's Teacher Yang, and Teacher Yang's boyfriend."

Yang Maoyi said in a low voice next to An Liang,"That's Wang Ya's mother. She's not in good health and has been bedridden."

An Liang nodded slightly. He looked at the situation at Wang Ya's house. Wang Ya's house was an old-fashioned earthen house with horizontal rows. , on the left is Wang Ya's mother's room, in the middle is the main living room, on the right is Wang Ya's room, and there is a semi-open kitchen.

However, in the living room of the main hall, except for an old wooden table and four stools, there is no other belongings. It can be said that it is a model of a house with bare walls.

Wang Ya came back carrying a thermos bottle and two earthenware bowls. She placed the earthenware bowls on the bench, and then carefully poured out the warm water from the thermos bottle.

An Liang observed the earthenware bowl. There were chips and a sense of age, but it was very clean.

After Wang Ya poured out the warm water, An Liang didn't dislike it or was polite. He directly picked up a bowl of warm water and drank most of it.

Wang Ya watched An Liang drink the warm water. There was a happy look in her eyes. It was obvious that An Liang did not dislike it, which made her sigh in relief.

Yang Maoyi also drank a few sips of warm water, and then took the initiative to speak,"Wang Ya, do you still want to study next year?"

Hearing Yang Maoyi's inquiry, Wang Ya opened her mouth first, but did not speak, and finally responded in a low voice,"I...I don’t want to study anymore."

This is a sensible child!"

An Liang asked on the side,"What's going on with their family?" Yang

Maoyi did not answer immediately. She asked Wang Ya,"Can the teacher tell Uncle An about your family's situation?""

Wang Ya looked at Yang Maoyi, then at An Liang, and finally nodded. Just now An Liang drank warm water without objection, which made Wang Ya have a good impression of An Liang.

Yang Maoyi immediately explained,"Wang Ya's father a year ago Shen Lun became addicted to gambling, and then he lost all his family's money and all the things at home that could be exchanged for money while gambling. His parents were so angry that Wang Ya's mother was also so angry that she fell ill. He left more than 300,000 yuan in gambling debt and ran away."

"So her father ran away irresponsibly?"An Liang raised his eyebrows

"Um."Yang Maoyi responded affirmatively,"Now the burden of the family falls completely on Wang Ya's shoulders. If the village did not provide some food relief, I am afraid that..."

Wang Ya's eyes were red as she listened. She hated and complained, but to no avail. She could only carry the burden of the family on her young shoulders.

What else can be done?

"So you want to help her?"An Liang understood what Yang Maoyi meant.

Yang Maoyi nodded without hesitation,"Yes, Your Majesty, I want to help her."

Before An Liang answered, Yang Maoyi continued,"Although I can't help everyone, I can do my best to help the people I see who need help."

This little vixen's wording is very decent and fully takes care of Wang Ya's emotions.

"How are you going to help?"An Liang asked back.

Yang Maoyi proposed three methods,"Provide student aid, provide basic living material assistance, and try to apply for the court's poverty subsidy."

"fine!" An Liang said in agreement, and then added,"To prevent the spread of her father's gambling debts in advance, you can discuss it with Principal Lin. If the problem of gambling debts spreads, Principal Lin can help first and notify us as soon as possible."

"Uh-huh! Yang Maoyi nodded obediently, then looked at Wang Ya,"Wang Ya, the teacher wants to help you and let you continue going to school. Do you want to go to school?""

Wang Ya hesitated.

An Liang said on the side,"Only if you study hard and study hard can you have a chance to change the future.

Before Wang Ya could answer, An Liang continued,"You want to raise chickens to improve your family environment, right?""

Wang Ya nodded, and she answered cautiously,"Yeah."

"I just counted, the number of chicks is 19, right?"An Liang asked again.

Wang Ya answered affirmatively again,"Yes."

"19 chicks, we analyze based on 100% survival rate, and refer to the situation at your home. You cannot feed them with feed or grain, so in most cases, they need to forage in the wild. After one year, their weight Whether he can grow to five pounds is really a big question."An Liang narrated.

It is true that An Liang has never raised chickens, but Yunpo Village provides free-range chickens for Yuyue. Alpine free-range chickens are free-range chickens that forage in the wild, so An Liang knows more or less relevant information.

"If each chicken is 5 kilograms, the total weight of 19 chickens is 95 kilograms, and based on a rough analysis of the price of local chickens in rural markets, I will give you a calculation of 30 yuan per kilogram, which is definitely a high price, and the total income is 2,850 yuan."Anliang calculated the expected income and analyzed it based on the optimal situation.

"Can you guess how much this piece of clothing on Teacher Yang's body is worth?"An Liang asked casually.

Yang Maoyi pulled An Liang's arm,"Your Majesty!"

Yang Maoyi is wearing a Louis Vuitton T-shirt today. It is a fashionable style and does not have a huge logo. It looks a bit low-key.

An Liang said calmly,"The price of this piece of clothing is 7,200 yuan."

Wang Ya looked at Yang Maoyi in surprise. She had never thought about a piece of clothing worth 7,200 yuan. In her world view and values, that was impossible.

After all, in Beilin Village or Xingfeng County, The most expensive clothes in her eyes are probably more than 100 yuan a piece, and her own clothes only cost more than a dozen yuan!

An Liang continued to add,"I tell you this just to tell you that the world is wonderful, and you are the only one." The opportunity for change is to study hard, study hard, and move towards the outside world step by step through the ladder of knowledge, instead of staying in Beilin Village forever, do you understand?"

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