In the afternoon, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company sent Huang Ying to the hospital in Yuanyi City. After examination, it was determined that it was just an innocuous problem and she could recover as long as she was treated in time.

Yang Maoyi took An Liang with her, and under the guidance of Principal Lin Mei, visited the special delicacies of Xingfeng County to choose options for filming a food documentary.

Since quitting the Huya platform, Yang Maoyi’s main income comes from food documentaries. On the Youtube channel, after more than half a year of hard work, Yang Maoyi’s food documentaries have become popular.

Currently on the Youtube channel, Yang Maoyi's food documentary can almost reach more than 10 million views within 24 hours of release. This number of views is very impressive.

What's more important is that Yang Maoyi's food documentary has very strong user stickiness. There is no chance that the number of views will skyrocket on the first day and then plummet on the second and third days.

The number of views of Yang Maoyi's food documentary in 72 hours is between 20 million and 30 million. The specific number of views depends on the current food documentary.

Food documentaries that are rarer, more interesting, and more unique will have a higher number of views.

The number of views in a week can climb to 40 to 50 million, and the highest record in one month is 100 million!

According to Youtube's reward plan, the reward for 10 million views is about 10,000 US dollars.

In fact, it will also be comprehensively considered based on the video length, completion rate, number of likes, number of comments, etc. However, the specific calculation is too complicated, so Anliang only made a rough calculation.

According to rough calculations, 100 million views a month is an income of 100,000 US dollars.

Yang Maoyi's production of food documentaries is relatively slow. Sometimes, there are only five or six videos a month. Sometimes, there are only two videos a month.

Although the number of food documentaries released by Yang Maoyi is small, they are all very well-produced, including the use of high-definition high-speed camera shooting, high-fidelity recording, professional photography, etc.

These are the reasons that ensure that Yang Maoyi’s food documentary becomes popular.

If you casually shoot with your mobile phone and expect to become popular, the probability will be very small except for sleeping and dreaming.

The local delicacy that Yang Maoyi wants to photograph today is called 'San Bu Gu', which is a golden semi-liquid food that is evenly stir-fried with eggs, starch, and sugar.

The reason why it is called"three non-stick" is that although it is a semi-liquid food, it does not stick to dishes, chopsticks, and teeth. It tastes sweet and has the feeling of melting in your mouth.

Although the raw materials of three-non-stick are very simple and the method is simple, it is actually very difficult to make three-non-stick, especially how to achieve the effect of three-non-stick.

The three-non-stick shop recommended by Lin Mei is called [Gong Sanbu-stick]. It was rumored to come from the palace chef of the Qing Dynasty, but neither An Liang nor Yang Maoyi believed it. Are you sure this kind of rumor is not to put money on your face?

Gong Gong San Bu Niao is a restaurant in Xingfeng County. Its main specialty is San Bu Niao. However, the size of the store is not large and the decoration style is somewhat antique.

An Liang and Yang Maoyi first ordered a three-non-stick test. They wanted to at least try out whether the three-non-stick product in this store could really make it work. If it really could, Yang Maoyi would negotiate with the store. Film a corresponding food documentary.

In fact, Yang Maoyi's negotiations were not successful every time. Some people also refused Yang Maoyi to shoot a food documentary. After all, not everyone wants to be famous.

After a while, a middle-aged man came up with a plate of golden San Bu Niao. He took the initiative to introduce himself,"Hello, I am the owner and chef of this store. My name is Chen Sansheng."

Chen Sansheng added,"I have to examine myself three times every day."

An Liang asked casually,"Is there anything wrong with Boss Chen?"

"I know her."Chen Sansheng looked at Yang Maoyi

"oh?"An Liang raised his eyebrows

"She is the most popular food documentary blogger in the past six months. Whether it is overseas Youtube, domestic beer stations, or Peer Video, her food documentaries are very popular!"Chen Sansheng said quickly

"Our family's 3-non-stick is a specialty, and our family has been in business for 26 years. I guess Ms. Yang is now evaluating our family's 3-non-stick to determine whether to make a video about our family's 3-non-stick. Is it right? Chen Sansheng guessed.

Yang Maoyi did not deny it,"Yes.""

"Welcome Ms. Yang to review our three-stick products."Chen Sansheng responded quickly to express his welcome. He did not add any extravagance to invite guests or anything, nor did he indicate that he wanted to give gifts.

Because Chen Sansheng has watched all Yang Maoyi's food documentaries, he knew that Yang Maoyi did not accept gifts or treat guests to dinner. She only did Food records that I like.

Yang Maoyi will not make food documentaries just because she receives money. That is not in line with Yang Maoyi’s original intention.

This little vixen also has her own ambitions. As her food documentaries become more and more popular, Yang Maoyi is even planning Make a food evaluation standard, just like Michelin star restaurants and Black Pearl restaurants.

So Yang Maoyi pays special attention to the quality of food documentaries!

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