Chen Sansheng took the initiative to ask questions, but he actually had his own profound meaning!

At present, the biggest problem encountered by the Gonggong Three-Non-stick Store is the small market capacity. After all, the total population and the number of immigrants in Xingfeng County are quite limited, so the Gonggong Three-Non-stick Store cannot expand and grow.

But now comes the opportunity!

Starting from business logic, the problems encountered by Gonggong Sanbun are nothing more than solving the problem of demand. Chen Sansheng wants to develop and expand Gonggong Sanbun, but the total market size of Xinfeng County limits development. How should such demand problems be solved? ?

There was once an interview question on Huaban Mobile. The load-bearing capacity of a small wooden bridge is 1,000 kilograms. How to transport a 2,000 kilogram buffalo across it?

At first glance, this question may seem unsolvable to ordinary people. After all, the weight of the buffalo is twice that of the small wooden bridge. Once it goes up, it will crush the bridge. How can we get across?

Unless you are bragging, let the cow fly!

A slightly smarter person might find the qualifier 'buffalo' and discover the hidden condition of the 'small wooden bridge', which means that the water spanned by the small wooden bridge is not too large, and thus propose that the water buffalo can be allowed to cross the water on its own. s solution.

In addition to these conventional answers, there are also various imaginative answers.

However, the real test of this question is to solve the demand problem.

The core purpose is: transport cattle across.

But what about the corresponding demand direction?

Should we transport the cattle intact, or can we kill the cattle first and then transport the beef, offal, hides and other products? And whether there is any subsequent demand, etc.

If there is follow-up demand, what is the scale of the follow-up demand? If the follow-up demand is very large and the demand is stable, in order to improve efficiency, then another bridge can be built.

If there is only one demand, and the buffalo must be kept alive, and the buffalo cannot cross the water on its own, there are many restrictions, then this business can be completely abandoned.

After all, it didn't say it had to be completed.

Chen Sansheng asked Yang Maoyi if he could produce a food documentary for Gong Sanbu Nian, which was actually to determine the demand.

If Yang Maoyi is unwilling to produce a food documentary for Gong Gong San Bu Nian, then Chen San Sheng can only maintain the status quo and continue to consolidate the already stable situation in Xingfeng County, which is equivalent to giving up development.

If Yang Maoyi is willing to produce a food documentary for Gong Gong San Bu Niao, it will be equivalent to becoming famous for Gong Gong San Bu Niao, and then Chen San Sheng will have more choices.

Whether you move directly to Yuanfeng City, which is more prosperous and has more convenient transportation, or choose to open up franchises, or even teach and recruit apprentices, etc., you all have better development prospects.

Yang Maoyi is a very smart little vixen. When Chen Sansheng asked her, she knew what Chen Sansheng meant. However, Yang Maoyi's purpose was to make a food documentary, so she naturally had no objection.

"Master Chen, we can make a gourmet documentary for your Sanbu-stick, but we will record the process of making Sanbu-stick from all angles. In this process, your unique craftsmanship or recipes will appear in In the footage of the documentary, there may be a risk that the technology and formula will be leaked."Yang Maoyi explained the risks in advance.

Although it is important to gain super popularity through food documentaries, the exposure of confidential recipes is an unbearable consequence.

It is precisely because of this that some people refused to record Yang Maoyi's food documentaries.

Chen Sansheng has watched all of Yang Maoyi's Food documentary, he naturally knew this, but he didn’t refuse at all

"The method of making Sanbu-stick is actually very simple. What’s more important is experience, including the control of the heat, the rhythm and intensity of beating during frying, etc. These are all personal experience and abilities. There is no secret recipe or exclusive craft."Chen Sansheng also said frankly.

Yang Maoyi nodded slightly. In fact, this is the case for most people who agree to shoot food documentaries. There is no unique craftsmanship or secret formula. It is just a matter of personal ability and experience. press

"In this case, when will Mr. Chen have time to record?"Yang Maoyi asked.

Before Chen Sansheng answered, Yang Maoyi continued,"We plan to shoot this shooting from beginning to end, including preliminary preparations, etc. If Master Chen can explain the cooking essentials during the cooking process, then Better!"

Chen Sansheng responded,"No problem, I can tell you some basic essentials."

"So how long does it take to make a three-stick meal from start to finish?"Yang Maoyi asked

"Start by beating the eggs into the flour and then kneading the sugar in. If you calculate the fermentation time, the taste will generally be best in about two hours."Chen Sansheng explained

"If you skip the fermentation process, it only takes less than half an hour." Chen Sansheng added.

Yang Maoyi thought about it for a moment, then responded,"We will record a two-hour version."

"OK"Chen Sansheng responded affirmatively.

Although Yang Maoyi decided to record a two-hour version, the playback time will definitely not be the two-hour version, and there will inevitably be an editing and condensation process.

"Master Chen, please prepare first, including the cleanliness of the kitchen, the neat placement of various kitchen utensils, dishes, and seasonings, as well as personal clothing. It is best to choose white chef uniforms."Yang Maoyi explained the shooting needs.

This is the most basic need!

If the kitchen is a mess, all kinds of seasonings are randomly placed, and the cleanliness is terrible, then why make a food documentary?

Chen Sansheng naturally understands these truths, and he is sure Responded,"No problem, please don't worry, Ms. Yang, I will start processing it right away.""


Update time: June 9, 2021 00:02:57, good night.

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