Facing Yang Maoyi's inquiry, An Liang asked,"Based on your experience, what do you think?"

Yang Maoyi thought for a while before responding,"Judging from Sanbu's cooking skills, he is really good at it. But the specific situation can only be confirmed after tasting it tomorrow."

An Liang responded with a smile,"I think he is really capable!"

"Um?"Yang Maoyi was confused.

An Liang smiled and said nothing, otherwise what else could he do?

Could it be said that the interpersonal relationship scanning system provided by the Life Winner System could determine that Chen Sansheng has a professional elite level in the culinary arts?

It is precisely because of this At some point, An Liang felt that Chen Sansheng was really capable.

An Liang himself was a professional elite in the field of racing. If An Liang was allowed to participate in a racing competition, although he might not be able to win the championship, he would definitely kill a lot of ordinary professional players in an instant. The same was true for Chen Sansheng, although he was His cooking skills have not reached the peak, but his professional elite level can still allow him to kill a lot of ordinary professional chefs in an instant.

"This is a man's intuition! An Liang said half-jokingly and half-seriously,"Chen Sansheng doesn't seem to be an impetuous person, and he is a smart man. From his proactive attitude, we can analyze that he should hope to expand his career.""

"Since you have the ambition to expand your career, you must have the confidence, otherwise why would you have such ambition?"An Liang's analysis.

This analysis is reasonable!

Just like An Liang's analysis, if you don't have a trump card and you have to forcefully develop and expand your business, you either have a brain problem or your thinking is abnormal.

Yang Maoyi nodded,"That seems to be the case."

"In fact, we don’t need to think too much. No matter what the situation is, the truth will be revealed tomorrow, so just wait patiently."An Liang said in conclusion.

"Uh-huh!"Yang Maoyi nodded obediently.

"By the way, today’s recording of San Bu Guo, what do you think? An Liang asked casually.

Yang Maoyi immediately showed a happy look,"This program is great!""

"oh? An Liang was confused,"To be honest, to me, the taste of Sanbu Niao is very ordinary.""

Yang Maoyi responded affirmatively,"From the perspective of desserts, San Bu Guo is indeed just a very ordinary dessert, with neither exquisite shape nor distinct taste."

"So why is it awesome?"An Liang asked back.

"Because of its fun, interactive nature and universal applicability to overseas regions."Yang Maoyi explained.

Yang Maoyi continued,"Three non-stick features include non-stick dishes, non-stick chopsticks, and non-stick teeth. These three non-stick properties are indeed very interesting."

"I also used a knife and fork to test it, and it didn't stick to it. In addition, it is a simple sweet style, so it is suitable for most overseas regions and has wide applicability."Yang Maoyi added

"Finally, there is interactivity. Its cooking method seems very simple, but in fact it has very strong skills, and there is a strong contrast that turns the ordinary into something magical! Yang Maoyi sighed.

The cooking method of Sanbu is indeed very simple, and there are no difficult cooking techniques, but the cooking results are completely different. The successful Sanbu has various non-stick characteristics, and the failed Sanbu The sticky one is completely glutinous and will stick directly to the pan.

This dessert, which is simple to cook but has a huge contrast in the results, is very interactive.

Yang Maoyi can definitely launch a three-non-stick food through this food documentary challenge, allowing the audience to cook the three-non-stick challenge themselves, and then post the cooking video to share on the Internet.

The benefit of this is not only to strengthen the stickiness of fans and give fans a sense of participation, but also because there are more three-non-stick challenge videos Appeared to further promote Yang Maoyi's food documentary.

When Yang Maoyi agreed to Chen Sansheng to record a food documentary for Sanbu Niao, she thought of these benefits, so she agreed to Chen Sansheng to produce a food documentary for San Bu Niao.

Chen Sansheng has He hopes to gain fame through Yang Maoyi's food documentary, so as to develop and expand the Palace Sanbu Nian store.

Yang Maoyi also has her own deep intention, and she is planning to launch a food challenge through San Bu Nian to further expand her popularity and gain more customers. Fans.

Chen Sansheng can benefit, and Yang Maoyi can also benefit.

Both parties are mutually beneficial!

"Wow, is our little fox so smart? An Liang hugged Yang Maoyi jokingly.

Yang Maoyi snorted,"I have to work hard to get closer to the king!""

Yang Maoyi used to be just a little anchor who didn't know anything, but after being with An Liang, she kept trying to change and moving forward through trial and error, and she has developed to where she is today, promoting Xia Guo through food documentaries. The delicacies will further promote the beautiful image of Xia Country.

Such a great cause!

This little vixen...

An Liang was filled with emotion. It turned out that this little vixen worked so hard to get closer to him?

It must be said that this little vixen always moved him in silent places.

Who doesn’t like such a little vixen?


An Liang: The little vixen is mine. Who approves and who opposes?


Update time: June 10, 2021 00:02:31, good night.

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