Faced with Yang Maoyi's inquiry, Chen Sansheng did not directly give a time. He thought about it for a while before responding,"The specific preparation time also depends on the dishes to be eaten."

"If Ms. Yang wants to eat Buddha and jump over the wall, the preparation time will take longer."Chen Sansheng added.

An Liang was surprised,"Master Chen can still become a Buddha and jump over the wall?"

Chen Sansheng said a little embarrassedly,"Although our restaurant does not offer Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, the money we earn through the restaurant will be used to improve our living standards, such as cooking some palace dishes at home and practicing our cooking skills. art."

Chefs also believe that practice makes perfect!

That's why An Liang was surprised that Chen Sansheng could jump over the wall like a Buddha.

"Throughout 2019, our family ate Buddha Jumps Over the Wall 16 times, all of which I cooked myself." Chen Sansheng added

"..."An Liang was speechless, he had underestimated Chen Sansheng.

Yang Maoyi was also speechless. Is this Chen Sansheng really a hidden gem in the ocean?

"What is Master Chen good at?"Yang Maoyi asked back.

Chen Sansheng thought for a while in silence before responding,"I am good at three dishes. The first one is Wanfu Pork. The characteristic of this dish is to remove the fat from the fat meat and make it. It is fat but not greasy, and does not add any coloring or MSG. It only uses star anise and cinnamon, plus sweet noodle sauce and soy sauce, and simmers it slowly over a slow fire to create a rich aroma."

"The second dish is Fu Gui Chicken, which is actually a beggar’s chicken, but its name was changed in palace cuisine. This dish is served in our store, but it needs to be booked in advance, and at least thousands of them are sold every year."Chen Sansheng said in a slightly complacent tone.

"The third dish is Jade Shredded Pork, which is actually fried shredded pork with green pepper. It is also the signature dish of our store. The sales volume exceeds 30 portions every day, and it is a must-order for almost every table!" Chen Sansheng explained.

An Liang asked casually,"Fugui Pork is not sold in the store?"

"It has been done before, but cooking rich pork is too troublesome. It takes more than two hours to simmer it slowly. How can a small restaurant like ours have that kind of attention?"Chen Sansheng laughed at himself slightly.

"Now, except for special reservations from regular customers, we will not be doing Fu Gui Pork." Chen Sansheng added,"Even if it is booked by regular customers, the price of Fugui Pork is relatively high, with each portion priced at 198 yuan."

Gonggong Sanbu Niao is a small restaurant in the county town. In the era of 2020, their vegetarian dishes are only 10 yuan a piece, and the starting price of meat dishes is only 18 yuan.

With such a low unit price, a unit price of 198 suddenly appeared The dishes are priced at RMB 68, and regular customers are required to make reservations, which is enough to explain the problem. An

Liang glanced at the shredded green pepper pork and the price per customer of Fugui Chicken.

There are two prices for Fugui Chicken, one is 68 yuan, and the other is [Reservation] The unit price of green pepper shredded pork is 38 yuan, which is far higher than the price of ordinary meat dishes.

An Liang asked directly,"What is the pricing of Fugui Chicken?""

Chen Sansheng responded,"The 68 yuan one is white-feathered chicken with ordinary feed. The taste is quite ordinary, but after adjusting with seasonings, it tastes good."

"The reservations are for local chickens that we purchased, and we sell them at a price of 100 yuan per pound."Chen Sansheng added.

So it seems that this palace San Bu Nian is not actually as poor as imagined?"

"Since Master Chen is best at Wan Fu Pork, Fu Gui Chicken, and Jade Pork Shreds, can you prepare some for us tomorrow? Yang Maoyi asked.

She continued to add,"We should be considered regular customers, right?""

The subtext of this sentence is that she is just a customer and still does not accept any free entertainment from Chen Sansheng.

Chen Sansheng is a smart man. He understands Yang Maoyi's subtext. He responded affirmatively,"Ms. Yang is a distinguished guest of our family, we are sure. We will prepare rich meat and purchase local chickens to cook rich chicken."

"Ms. Yang is from Shengqing. I cooked two Xichuan dishes by the way, and I also hope that Ms. Yang will taste them together." Chen Sansheng added

"no problem!"Yang Maoyi responded affirmatively.

An Liang joked on the side,"Master Chen, if your level of Xichuan cuisine is not good enough, I advise you not to add any unnecessary fuss. We have a very low tolerance for Xichuan cuisine and will point out the slightest flaw."

After all, An Liang and Yang Maoyi are both from Xichuan. Isn't it right for them to have higher requirements for Xichuan cuisine?

Chen Sansheng responded confidently,"I am confident!"

"Then wait and see!"An Liang responded with a smile.

Yang Maoyi added on the side,"Master Chen doesn't need to be under any psychological pressure. Even if your Xichuan cuisine fails to perform well, we won't care. After all, we only examine palace cuisine. Chen Sansheng is still confident,"

I am confident!""

"hope so."Yang Maoyi responded casually.

The two parties exchanged details about tomorrow's tasting of palace dishes, and then An Liang and Yang Maoyi left the palace three-stick shop.

On the way back, Yang Maoyi asked,"Your Majesty, what do you think Master Chen is? Are you telling a story, or do you really have the ability?"

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