Chen Sansheng’s three specialty dishes did not disappoint. Even the Jade Shredded Pork, which did not receive the Food Award certification, was not unpalatable, but An Liang was just too picky.

"Ms. Yang, Mr. An, what do you think?"Chen Sansheng asked slightly nervously.

Although Chen Sansheng is full of confidence in himself, taste is a personal preference, and An Liang and Yang Maoyi are the final judges.

An Liang motioned to Yang Maoyi to evaluate, and Yang Maoyi is the creator of the food documentary. The standards were also established by Yang Maoyi himself, so An Liang asked Yang Maoyi to evaluate.

Yang Maoyi did not refuse,"Master Chen, since your family is in the county, I will only rate the dishes and ignore the restaurant ratings for the time being."

Chen Sansheng nodded repeatedly,"Okay, okay."

He is very clear about Yang Maoyi's scoring rules. Restaurant scoring is based on five criteria, and dishes are only scored on taste and appearance.

"The taste and appearance of Jade Shredded Pork are both rated 7 points, while the taste of Fugui Chicken is rated 8 points, while the appearance is only rated 6 points."Yang Maoyi explained.

The main reason is that the appearance of Fugui Chicken is really bad!

However, most Xia people don't pay too much attention to the appearance of the dishes, and only pay attention to the core taste score.

"We rate Wanfu Pork very highly, giving it 9 points in terms of taste and 8 points in terms of appearance. If you can improve the sophistication of the plating, the appearance score will go even further."Yang Maoyi added.

Chen Sansheng's eyes showed a look of surprise. He has watched all Yang Maoyi's food documentaries, and the taste score is 9 points, which is the top evaluation!

"I would like to take the liberty to ask, Ms. Yang, can Wanfu Pork and Fu Gui Chicken be used to produce food documentaries?"Chen Sansheng asked a little extravagantly.

Yang Maoyi did not reveal her thoughts. She asked back,"As you said yesterday, you are going to make two Xichuan dishes. We want to try them first."

"no problem."Chen Sansheng responded immediately. He guessed that Yang Maoyi wanted to use Xichuan cuisine to decide whether to shoot a food documentary.

But no!

In fact, no matter how well Chen Sansheng's Xichuan cuisine is done, Yang Maoyi will shoot another food documentary for Chen Sansheng. In particular, Wanfu Pork will be photographed and recorded.

After a while, Chen Sansheng brought a piece of boiled meat and a plate of twice-cooked pork, as well as mushroom stewed chicken. An Liang tasted them one by one.

To be honest, boiled meat The sliced ​​meat and twice-cooked pork were both delicious, but they did not surprise An Liang. Yang Maoyi gave the taste a 7-point rating. It was a delicacy, but not surprising. The final mushroom chicken soup was certified by the Life Winner System as a gourmet food. It was directly and Gave An Liang a random lottery gift package

"Boss Chen, your shiitake mushrooms are not ordinary shiitake mushrooms, right?"An Liang asked.

Chen Sansheng smiled and said,"Yes, all the mushrooms in our house are wild mushrooms purchased from the mountains, and processed with our unique techniques to form this kind of mushroom flavor, but not anti-customer. Cover up the flavor of chicken soup"

"sharp!"An Liang praised.

Yang Maoyi also praised,"Although the mushroom and chicken soup is not a palace dish, I can give it 9 points in terms of taste and 8 points in terms of appearance."

"That..."Chen Sansheng asked hesitantly,"Ms. Yang, are you still willing to record another food documentary?"

Yang Maoyi nodded with a smile,"Of course! And it's not one, but two, three palace dishes, plus two Xichuan dishes, and mushroom stewed chicken, recorded in two episodes"

"Master Chen, do you have time?"Yang Maoyi asked back

"Yes, yes! Chen Sansheng responded affirmatively,"When will Ms. Yang plan to record?""

"This afternoon will do. We hope to work overtime and try to complete the recording today."Yang Maoyi explained,"The Palace Three Bu's Sticky video recorded yesterday, we plan to upload it today."

"No problem, we will fully cooperate with Ms. Yang’s recording work."Chen Sansheng said happily.

Originally, Chen Sansheng only expected Yang Maoyi to record one episode of the food documentary for their Palace Sanbumu store, but now he has recorded three episodes in succession. Chen Sansheng's heart is full of joy. After this recording , Chen Sansheng is ready to start the road of expansion.

In the past, he did not dare to expand because he did not have enough capital and could not obtain enough capital.

Now Yang Maoyi has recorded three food documentaries for them, whether through bank loans or finding It should be easier to borrow money from relatives and friends, right?

After lunch, the recording work began. An Liang accompanied Yang Maoyi to record the food documentary. While Yang Maoyi was working, An Liang was mentally preparing to open the three random lottery gift packages he had just received..

He is going to do a three-stroke draw.

Three draws in a row at once, he should be able to draw something good, right?


‘Congratulations to the host for getting the ultimate experience 001, quantity 10 boxes. '

? ? ? this...

What does ten boxes mean?

Are you giving such an exciting reward for the first draw?

An Liang felt a little uncomfortable, this reward was really...

It’s hard to describe in one word!

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