The effect of the first draw was average, so Anliang started the second draw. After all, Anliang had the blessing of Hebi, so he believed in his luck!


‘Congratulations to the host for getting a super consumption cash back card!’


Super consumption cashback card:

Maximum limit: 100,000,000 yuan

Number of cashbacks: 1 time

Cashback coefficient: 1.01-2.00


If a single consumption is less than 100 million yuan, the cashback amount will be calculated based on the actual consumption amount


The reward for the second draw was quite impressive, directly providing An Liang with a consumption cashback of 100 million yuan, but for the current An Liang, this was just a small surprise.

The question is, Brother Liang is not short of money!

The third draw continues. An Liang believes that he will get good things in the third draw.


‘Congratulations to the host for getting [an opportunity】’


An opportunity:

Please wait patiently. An opportunity to expand the industry is brewing. When the opportunity arises, please seize the opportunity decisively!


‘Huh? 'An Guangliang was secretly surprised.

This reward is a bit interesting. There is no clear reward information. It just makes An Liang wait.

‘What a coincidence! My patience is very good! 'An Liang is full of calmness, and his patience is indeed very good. Since the Life Winner System prompts that there is an opportunity, he can just wait patiently.

Evening, six o'clock.

Yang Maoyi paused the recording of the food documentary to let the filming team and Chen Sansheng rest. She personally posted the Gong Gong San Bu Stick food documentary on Youtube, Beer Station, and Baer Video.

After Yang Maoyi released the gourmet documentary"Gong San Bu Stick", An Liang paid attention to the data.

Among the three publishing channels, Youtube has the highest revenue, Beer Station also has a certain amount of revenue, and Peer Video’s revenue is minimal.

Bald Eagle Country is currently implementing daylight saving time. Six o'clock in the evening in Summer Country is six o'clock in the morning in Bald Eagle Country. However, YouTube is not just users of Bald Eagle Country. It has users all over the world.

So even though it was six o'clock in the morning in Bald Eagle Country, the number of YouTube views of"Gong San Bu Stick" was still rising rapidly. In just ten minutes, the number of views exceeded 200,000.

The number of plays on this one is pretty amazing!

This means that after Yang Maoyi uploaded the food documentary of Gong San Bu Stick, a large number of fans who follow Yang Maoyi immediately watched the video. These fans are basically Yang Maoyi's biggest fans.

An Liang checked the barrage information on Youtube...


There is no barrage on Youtube?

Of course, the naive YouTube does not have barrage, but Xia Guo’s enthusiastic netizens created a plug-in called Dmooji, which turned Youtube into a beer site in seconds and realized the gorgeous barrage function.

Wai Guoren also likes the barrage function, but YouTube’s barrage is all kinds of weird. It comes in all languages, such as neon language, Koriya, Alabai, etc. Various languages ​​are mixed together, and the experience of barrage is great. A little strange.

Yang Maoyi released a cooking challenge at the end of Palace Three Non-stick, hoping that fans will challenge cooking Palace Three Non-stick and record a video for release.

This challenge is just a challenge without any reward, but for Wai Guoren, such a challenge is very interesting. Quite a few comments, as well as comments in the traditional comment area of ​​Youtube, expressed their intention to participate in the challenge.

An Liang also discovered an interesting thing. Yang Maoyi’s food documentary posted on Youtube actually contained a large number of Xia Mandarin barrages. These Xia Mandarin barrages were obviously posted by netizens of Xia State, so are Xia State netizens trying to steal YouTube’s money? ?

It was close to eleven o'clock in the night.

The filming of the six-dish food documentary was completed. When the filming was over, Chen Sansheng was almost exhausted, but his heart was filled with happiness because Chen Houxing had already watched the palace three non-stick delicacies on Youtube, Beer Station, and Peer Video. The documentary, according to the comments and barrage feedback on various sites, seems to be very effective.

What's more important is that someone left a message in the comments, indicating that he hopes to go to Tradewind County to taste Gonggong Sanbumu.

Although the person who left the message may have been a bit of a bastard, I have to say that such a message gave Chen Sansheng a lot of encouragement.

Early in the morning.

In the Norma Deson Navigator RV, Yang Maoyi was nestled in An Liang's arms. She said softly,"Thank you, Your Majesty, for accompanying me to record the documentary."

This little vixen is always so easily satisfied!

An Liang gently ruffled her long hair,"It's getting late, we've had a busy day today, let's go to bed early."

He really felt pity for Yang Maoyi, because since lunch, Yang Maoyi has been busy filming food documentaries , except for resting for nearly half an hour in the evening, she was busy until nearly eleven o'clock late at night.

How could An Liang be willing to continue tormenting her under such circumstances?

"King~" The little vixen called An Liang

"Go to sleep!"An Liang gently supported Yang Maoyi's little head,"I will stay with you for many more days!"

"Uh-huh!"Yang Maoyi responded happily, then huddled in An Liang's arms and fell asleep in less than two minutes. She was indeed very tired today....

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