The next day.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, An Liang woke up first. Yang Maoyi was still sleeping. She was indeed very tired yesterday, so she needed more rest time.

An Liang carefully used his mobile phone to check the playback record of Palace Three Non-stick released by Yang Maoyi yesterday.

It has been 14 hours since the release of the Gong San Non-stick Food Documentary. An Liang first checked the situation on Youtube. This is Yang Maoyi’s most profitable leek field.

This little vixen followed closely in An Liang's footsteps and extended the sickle for cutting leeks overseas.

On Youtube, Palace Three Non-Stick is very popular. It originally took 24 hours to reach 10 million views, but now it has exceeded 10 million views in just 14 hours, reaching a height of 13 million.

An Liang checked the messages, and most of them were about participating in the challenge, saying that they would successfully cook the palace three-non-stick cooking. It was obviously the three-non-stick cooking challenge, which made this video more popular.

After all, some people choose to watch it repeatedly in order to learn from the palace’s three non-stick practices.

Yang Maoyi has not yet uploaded the full version of the Palace Three Non-stick cooking video. This is to harvest another wave of leeks later. After the audience cannot learn from the three-minute edited version of the video, the full version will be released to attract viewers.

If the full version is released from the beginning, how can people watch the three-minute edited version over and over again?

An Liang switched to Beer Station. The playback volume of Beer Station was less, mainly because the user groups it targeted were different. There were too many food bloggers in Xia Kingdom, and the internal competition was too serious. Yang Maoyi's popularity in China was far less than that of overseas..

But even so, the playback volume reached 2 million 14 hours after its release, exceeding the usual 24-hour playback volume.

An Liang took a look at the most popular comments in the comment section.


Nanhe College Student:

First of all, thank you Fox for recording our Nanhe delicacies.

As a Nanhe person, when I see San Bu Nian, my first feeling is one of kindness, and my second feeling is that of a nightmare.



Because three-non-stick is something that looks easy but is extremely difficult to make.

Watching the video, it feels like you just need your hands. Is there really someone who doesn’t know how to cook in this simple way?

However, once you make it yourself, you will immediately find a big problem, because you cannot produce the three-non-stick effect no matter what, as if the three-non-stick effect does not exist.

This is where the three non-stick tests put people to the test!

Although I am from Nanhe, I don’t know how to make three non-stick products. I can only say that if any netizen can make it, he will definitely be a master among masters!

Wait for the master to show up and worship in advance!


This comment has become the most popular comment, because some netizens have tried to make three-non-stick products, but none of them succeeded. They all failed because of the non-stick properties of three-non-stick products.

An Liang looked at Pair Video again. It is a short video platform owned by Anxin Media. Although An Liang has invested some money, Pair Video is currently tepid.

Yang Maoyi’s Palace Three Non-Stick Food Documentary released on Peer Video, even though it was recommended on the home page, the number of views was only just over one million.

The data of Peer Video are all real. Whether it is the number of views, likes, comments, etc., all data are real and there will be no fraud.

This is also one of the selling points of Pell Video.

After all, the playback volume of various video platforms contains moisture, especially when the video platform officially sells traffic data, that kind of false playback data is simply embarrassing.

An Liang looked at the data of the three platforms and related comments for a while, and then Yang Maoyi woke up.

"King."Yang Maoyi called softly

"Um?"An Liang responded.

"When did the king wake up?"Yang Maoyi asked

"About half an hour ago, I was looking at the video data you posted. Generally speaking, as you predicted, this issue of the Palace Three Non-stick Food Documentary has experienced a huge explosion in playback volume."An Liang explained the data.

Yang Maoyi responded happily,"As expected!"

"Your Majesty, I'm thinking about something."Yang Maoyi added

"What's up?"An Liang asked back.

"About investing in Master Chen. Yang Maoyi responded,"Master Chen is a very capable and thoughtful person. He took the initiative to invite food documentaries to be filmed. I guess he wants to use food documentaries to expand and develop.""

"So you want to invest in him?"An Liang asked back.

Yang Maoyi nodded affirmatively,"Yeah! The biggest problem Master Chen encountered was that he was trapped in a small county. The second was the problem of funds. If he wanted to develop and grow, he would definitely need financial support. Yang

Maoyi added,"If we provide funds to cooperate with Master Chen, we can definitely make money based on Master Chen's cooking skills!""

This little vixen actually has a business talent!

Her analysis is completely correct, and according to Chen Sansheng's cooking skills, as long as you cooperate sincerely, you can indeed make money.

"Do you have any specific ideas? An Liang asked,"For example, how much is the investment, where will the Palace Sanbu Nian be opened, what cooperation methods will be used, etc.?""


Update time: June 12, 2021 00:03:04, good night.

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