Yang Maoyi is indeed prepared to invest in Chen Sansheng, because Chen Sansheng has shown value worthy of investment.

An Liang is also very optimistic about Chen Sansheng.

An Liang had eaten Li family cuisine in the imperial capital. Anyway, Li family cuisine had not been certified as a food award by the Life Winner System. However, three of the six dishes cooked by Chen Sansheng had been certified by the Life Winner System as a food award.

That's why An Liang felt that Yang Maoyi had a vision!

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Yang Maoyi was silent for a few seconds before speaking analytically,"I have seen the menu of Master Chen's house before when I was at Gong Gong Sanbu Stick. He currently specializes in Nanhe cuisine."

Yang Maoyi continued," Yesterday he showed his cooking skills in palace cuisine and Xichuan cuisine. The palace cuisine scored very high, although the Xichuan cuisine scored slightly lower, but it was also very good."

"From what we know, Chef Chen masters three cuisines. I think this multi-cuisine fusion style is more suitable for big cities."Yang Maoyi explained

"Big cities are more tolerant, have stronger catering consumption capabilities, and have larger market capacity. If we use palace cuisine as a gimmick, combine it with Nanhe cuisine and Xichuan cuisine, and use Master Chen's skills, I believe it will be easy to become famous even if you start from scratch! Yang Maoyi added.

In the catering industry, if it is a mid- to low-end restaurant that is ignored by everyone, it is indeed very difficult to develop. After all, it is too substitutable and cannot retain customers.

But high-end restaurants are different!

High-end restaurants have With topicality, if there is a distinctive high-end restaurant that meets the positioning of a high-end restaurant in terms of taste, and is promoted on the Internet, it will be easier to develop.

This is also the charm of big cities!

An Liang was a little surprised when he listened to Yang Maoyi's analysis. It feels like a dream. It turns out that Yang Maoyi was also growing rapidly when she was making food documentaries.

"Your Majesty, I plan to choose one of the three cities of Imperial Capital, Magic Capital, and Shengqing to invest in."Yang Maoyi responded.

An Liang flicked Yang Maoyi's smooth and jade-like forehead,"Why did you put Sheng Qing in there?"

Although Shengqing is also known as a new first-tier city, the gap between it and the imperial and magical cities is actually very big.

Taking the catering industry as an example, Shengqing's high-end catering industry, whether in terms of quantity, customer source, or customer In terms of unit price, it cannot be compared with the Magic City and the Imperial City.

They are not at the same level at all, okay?

"You want to choose the Imperial City, right?"An Liang saw through Yang Maoyi's thoughts.

Yang Maoyi responded a little embarrassedly,"Well, Your Majesty, I want to choose the Imperial City. Nanhe cuisine is relatively well accepted in the Imperial City. Palace cuisine is also suitable for the development of the Imperial City. Xichuan cuisine is also very popular in the Imperial City. Good development prospects"

"Master Chen's status as an imperial chef for his ancestors is suitable for telling stories in the imperial capital, thus creating a high-end dining atmosphere."Yang Maoyi added

"The most important thing is Master Chen’s cooking skills. I think he can gain a firm foothold in the Imperial Capital!"Yang Maoyi explained.

In fact, there is another core reason that Yang Maoyi did not say. If she develops an industry in the imperial capital, she can come to the imperial capital often and meet An Liang in the imperial capital. Even if

Yang Maoyi knows that An Liang must have other women in the imperial capital, But she can choose to turn a blind eye. She just wants to be with An Liang.

An Liang also guessed Yang Maoyi's thoughts. The danger premonition ability did not send out any danger warning, so An Liang would naturally not be able to refuse Yang Maoyi.

"The imperial capital is pretty good! An Liang was the first to confirm,"It just so happens that I have resources in the capital and I can provide help.""

Yang Maoyi is very smart. She understood An Liang's subtext. If An Liang is willing to help, it means that An Liang does not object to her plan.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Yang Maoyi thanked you first, and then added the purpose,"I can also accompany your Majesty when you have time in the capital from now on.""

Facing Yang Maoyi's confession, An Liang pinched her little face and said,"Well, I will take you to the Jingang International Circuit in the future!"

"OK, OK!"Yang Maoyi responded happily.

After the two people discussed it, they got up together and then went to the Gonggong Sanbu store in Xingfeng County again.

The Gonggong Sanbushi store is still open. Although Chen Sansheng has the intention to develop and grow, he lacks Capital, he still needs to plan carefully.

When An Liang and Yang Maoyi came to the door, Chen Sansheng came out of the kitchen and greeted,"Mr. An, Ms. Chen, welcome."

Chen Sansheng looked at Yang Maoyi a little nervously. He was worried that something had happened to the food documentary.

"Does Boss Chen have time now? An Liang asked.

Chen Sansheng nodded repeatedly,"Of course!""

"We have something to discuss with Master Chen."Yang Maoyi explained

"Okay, no problem. What can I do? Chen Sansheng asked politely.

An Liang answered straight to the point,"What is your family's annual turnover?""

"ah?"Chen Sansheng was stunned for a moment. He had never thought that An Liang would ask this question.

When Yang Maoyi came over before, Chen Sansheng personally greeted him outside the store. Chen Sansheng naturally saw the Lexus LX570 that Yang Maoyi was riding in and the two accompanying cars. Land Cruiser 5700, he knew very well that the total value of the three cars exceeded 4 million.

In Chen Sansheng's view, Yang Maoyi and An Liang were at a level that he could not contact at all, so when An Liang asked about their annual turnover, he Only then fell into a daze.

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