Xinfeng County, Gonggong Sanbu Nian store.

Facing Chen Sansheng's stunned look, An Liang continued,"Boss Chen said before that jade shredded pork is your signature, with a sales volume of more than 30 servings in a single day." This is indeed what Chen Sansheng said before.

"Through the reverse analysis of the single-day sales of Jade Shredded Pork, based on the average daily reception of 40 tables of customers and the average consumption of a single table of customers of 150 yuan, your average daily turnover is 6,000 yuan."An Liang said analytically.

"Adding in the booking revenue from Fugui Chicken and Wanfu Meat, your annual turnover is probably between 2.3 million and 2.6 million, right?"An Liang deliberately exaggerated the annual turnover calculation.

Chen Sansheng smiled bitterly,"It's too high!"

"The average consumption of our single table guests is much less than 150 yuan."Chen Sansheng added.

The price of meat dishes at Gonggong Sanbushi Restaurant starts at 18 yuan, and the price of vegetarian dishes is 10 yuan. Even if you have two meat dishes, two vegetarian dishes and one soup, you can only spend more than 100 yuan.

"The average consumption of our single table guests is actually only more than 70 yuan. Most customers choose one meat and one vegetable, or two meat and one vegetable."Chen Sansheng explained in detail.

The price per customer is very low!

"Our annual turnover in 2019 just exceeded one million, but the actual profit was very small. After excluding store expenses, labor expenses, and various operating expenses, the net profit was only a little over one hundred thousand."Chen Sansheng didn't hide anything.

Because Chen Sansheng didn't think that existences of the level of An Liang and Yang Maoyi would like their store, so he started the mode of telling everything he knew.

This profit is very reasonable!

After all, Some people misunderstand the profit margin of the catering industry. In fact, the profits of large chain catering companies are almost in the range of 10% to 15%, including the large chain hotpot industry in Shengqing.

Those who say that the profits of the catering industry are at least 5% People who are 10 just need to ask why they don’t enter the catering industry?

Lao Ma once said: If there is a 20% profit, capital will be ready to move; if there is a 50% profit, capital will take risks!

If the profits of the catering industry really reached 50%, wouldn't the giants who control capital take risks?

Since the capital giants have not taken risks, it means that the catering industry does not have 50% profits.

If the profits are enough, the capital giants will not take risks. The giants can do anything, such as community group buying, which is under huge pressure from fishing boats.

Anliang has never thought about whitewashing the capital involved in community group buying, but Anliang will not wrongly accuse good people for no reason.

Capital giants surround the fresh vegetable market The game with small businessmen and hawkers is a battle of interests. Why are ordinary people busy lining up?

Whether they are capital giants or small businessmen and hawkers, everyone is full of food. What qualifications do ordinary social animals have to care about them? ?

"Has Boss Chen ever thought about growing? An Liang asked calmly and knowingly.

Yang Maoyi answered on the side,"If Master Chen wants to develop and grow, we can provide some help." Chen

Sansheng responded without hesitation,"We want to develop and grow!""

"Ms. Yang, you should have noticed that we hope to promote ourselves through your food documentary and then use this opportunity to grow."Chen Sansheng said frankly.

"We are currently looking for opportunities to develop in Yuanfeng City, where there is a larger market and better transportation. With Ms. Yang’s food documentary, we have the opportunity to develop." Chen Sansheng added

"Yuanfeng City?"An Liang asked and answered his own questions,"Although Yuanfeng City is not bad, there is an upper limit after all."

Chen Sansheng is a smart man. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked cautiously,"What does Mr. An mean?..."

"Have you ever heard of the 'one step' theory? An Liang asked.

Chen Sansheng asked respectfully,"Mr. An, please speak frankly.""

"This is a theory in the field of consumption. Under normal circumstances, consumption in one step is often the most economical." An Liang explained.

An Liang continued to add examples,"For example, when buying a camera, don't think about the shooting skills before you get started, so just buy an entry-level camera, and then buy a more advanced camera after the skills are improved."

"According to the one-step theory, buying the most high-end camera you can afford from the beginning means you can enjoy a better camera from the beginning without the residual value loss caused by replacing the camera."An Liang added

"The second is the issue of sunk costs. If you want to hone your photography skills and buy an expensive camera from the beginning, the sunk costs will be very high. There is a high probability that you will continue to study. However, if you buy a cheap camera and the sunk costs are acceptable, then there are Maybe just give up."An Liang listed another truth.

Chen Sansheng listened silently.

"I guess you plan to test it out in Yuanfeng City first. If it develops well, you will move there completely. If it doesn't develop, you will retreat back to Xingfeng County, right?"An Liang guessed.

Chen Sansheng smiled bitterly. He had to admit that An Liang guessed it right!

In fact, Chen Sansheng made third-hand preparations. The small restaurants in Xinfeng County continued to operate, and Yuanfeng City wanted to expand new markets. If it failed, Guangharu disciple

"Mr. An guessed right."Chen Sansheng sighed

"Have you ever wanted to soar into the sky?"An Liang threw out the bait, and he believed that Chen Sansheng couldn't refuse!

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