Of course, An Liang did not agree with Huang Guoxiang's greedy proposal. An Liang was not a fool. If he agreed to this kind of thing, apart from offending the household department and Old Man Sun, what practical benefits would there be?

How could Anliang not understand the principle of not worrying about scarcity but about inequality?

Huang Guoxiang also knew that An Liang would not agree, so he just mentioned it casually.

What if An Liang agrees?

About ten minutes later, An Liang and Huang Guoxiang discussed the matter of 'pursuing tax'. Huang Guoxiang added,"The effect of thousand-year-old astragalus slices is very good. The physical fitness of those experts who have received thousand-year astragalus slices has greatly improved.""

"Anliang, thank you for this!"Huang Guoxiang said seriously.

An Liang also replied sincerely,"I admire those experts very much, and I am also grateful for the contributions those experts have made to the country and the people, so I am also willing to make the contribution I can."

"Thanks again."Huang Guoxiang secretly sighed.

An Liang is too precise in the face of big concepts of right and wrong, and always makes choices that no one can be picky about.

So even if An Liang doesn't do well enough in some small places and has certain flaws, he can always do it. If you are forgiven, you will even get extra help.

For example, Huang Guoxiang has repeatedly allowed An Liang to do some innocuous things.

"One more thing."Huang Guoxiang added

"Um?"An Liang was confused.

"Abe Jinshan, the former chief minister of Neon, informally contacted the imperial court and stated that he would visit the imperial capital on the National Day of our Xia State and participate in our country's National Day celebrations, thus bringing the relationship between Xia State and Neon closer."Huang Guoxiang said official clichés.

An Liang teased,"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this guy!"

"You should know his situation. He wanted thousand-year-old Astragalus slices, but we intercepted the intelligence personnel he arranged. When the off-stage methods failed to work, he could only come over openly."Huang Guoxiang explained the situation.

Huang Guoxiang added,"Our field personnel have been fighting wits with your Renyi Security Company for a long time and have developed their field business capabilities, so we easily intercepted the intelligence personnel arranged by the other party.

An Liang complained in response,"Are you praising us or hurting us?""

"Of course I am praising you!"Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively.

"I believe you! An Liang snorted twice, and then added,"Let me declare in advance that even if the former chief minister of Neon comes to attend an event on National Day, I will not give him a thousand-year-old Astragalus slice."

An Liang added,"Others also have slices of thousand-year-old astragalus." Huang

Guoxiang complained,"Others only have one or two pieces. The key is that this thing is life-saving and no one will take it out.""

"Forget it, I want to contact Shibida Transportation Company. I can't get through this matter." An Liang expressed his intention to terminate the communication.

Before ending the call, An Liang said in a serious tone,"I am willing to give slices of thousand-year-old Astragalus to those experts and professors because they have made great contributions to our country, but Neon Who the hell is a former First Minister?"

An Liang mocked the former chief minister of Neon, then hung up the voice communication with Huang Guoxiang, and then contacted Shibida Transportation Company.

The relationship between Shibida Transportation Company and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is very close, and An Liang directly contacted Zhu Yi, the person in charge of Shibida Transportation Company.

An Liang once met Zhu Yi, who was a taciturn middle-aged man, but very efficient.

After An Liang contacted Zhu Yi, they took more than two minutes to After completing a 100 billion Xia Guoyuan business, Zhu Yi didn't have Huang Guoxiang's routine at all.

After the communication with Zhu Yi, An Liang finally had time to check his own final income.

This time the fake gold mine plan, the life winner system did not advance Giving rewards for victory, from the beginning of weaving the scam to the final harvest of the Bald Eagle Country Investment Company, An Liang controlled everything behind the scenes.

Of course, the danger premonition ability gave the greatest support!

If there is no danger premonition ability, then the fake gold mine The plan was a complete joke, but An Liang had the ability to foresee danger and was very good at applying it, so he promoted the fake gold mine plan to be perfectly realized. The fake gold mine plan also brought huge benefits to An Liang, even if An Liang eventually distributed 300 billion Xia Guoyuan, but Anliang still received 621.6 billion Xia Guoyuan, which is close to 100 billion U.S. dollars.

In addition, Anliang already had a capital reserve of more than 200 billion Xia Guoyuan, making Anliang's total funds exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars. Such funds It is also at the level of financial giants in the U.S. stock market!

After all, Berkshire Hathaway's capital amount is only"more than 200 billion U.S. dollars"!

When An Liang checked the data from Anxin Investment Feedback, the Life Winner System Send reminder message


‘【Quantum Void Second Ring Mission: Pursuing Worldly Happiness] Completed! An

Liang raised his eyebrows. The reward for this task seems to be...


Update time: July 19, 2021 00:02:05, good night.

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