The Life Winner System issued a prompt indicating that An Liang had completed the [Quantum Void Second Ring Mission: Chasing Worldly Happiness]. An Liang immediately checked the rewards for this mission.



‘Congratulations to the host for his net worth assessment exceeding one trillion Xia Guoyuan!’

‘Congratulations to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for its evaluation exceeding one trillion Xia Guoyuan!’

‘Congratulations to the host for completing the second ring mission of Quantum Void and receiving special rewards to fully unlock [Decision of Destiny: Quantum Void]】’

‘Special reminder: The corresponding rewards will be automatically opened at the right time, so the host does not need to deliberately pursue the arrangement of fate.’


After An Liang read the prompts of the Life Winner System, he thought of a possibility. Could it be that the system has found the corresponding solution?

But the Life Winner System also said that Anliang should wait patiently.

An Liang put this matter aside. He needed to go back to school. Tianfu School of Economics had started. An Liang received messages from the dean and counselor. They hoped that An Liang could speak at the orientation party to encourage the new students.

Perhaps because of Anliang, the number of new students at Tianfu School of Economics this year has increased by about 6%. This situation makes the school leaders of Tianfu School of Economics very happy.

An Liang did not refuse the invitation to speak at the welcome party. Since the welcome party was tomorrow, he planned to return to Tianfu tomorrow at the latest.

At nearly four o'clock in the afternoon, An Liang received a call from Zhao Wanxi. He answered it smoothly and asked first,"What's the matter?"

"Can't I come to you if nothing happens?" Zhao Wanxi asked back.

An Liang responded teasingly,"I think if there is nothing between us, it is best to have less contact. After all, if you fall in love with me and I don't accept it, it will be a very bad result!"

"Are you so confident?" Zhao Wanxi asked back.

An Liang responded with a snort,"Didn't you say that it all relies on other people to support you?"

As the saying goes, comparison creates gaps.

Although Anliang is not perfect, compared to others, it is much better.

"Why don't you accept it?" Zhao Wanxi asked straightforwardly.

An Liang also answered straightforwardly,"I like to eat cherries from Xia Kingdom, but I will not refuse cherries. I like to eat kiwis with red hearts, but kiwis with yellow hearts are also okay, and kiwis with green hearts are also okay. No problem either, because I achieved fruit freedom. An

Liang continued to add,"I have another bad habit. I can only eat the fruit I have eaten by myself. If other people dare to touch it, I will be very angry!""

"With the energy I currently have, if I get angry, the consequences will be serious."An Liang was calm and confident.

Zhao Wanxi understood what An Liang meant, and she asked in turn,"You just want to eat alone?"

"No, no, no, I mean, what’s in my bowl must be mine, no one else can touch it."An Liang replied forcefully.

"You are really domineering!"Zhao Wanxi snorted.

"The first day you met me? An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi was silent for a few seconds before she asked back,"Do you have a favorite fruit?""

Before An Liang answered, Zhao Wanxi continued to add,"Which fruit has the highest status in your heart?"

An Liang also understands what Zhao Wanxi means. This kind of temptation is obvious!

"I don’t have a favorite, I like them all. It’s impossible to give up cherries for cherries, and it’s impossible to give up yellow and green kiwis for red kiwis."An Liang explained.

"Do you think I believe it?" Zhao Wanxi asked back.

An Liang thought for a moment and guessed what Zhao Wanxi meant. Zhao Wanxi knew An Liang's situation very well, and even more clearly the situation of An Liang's girlfriends.

Taking Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang as examples, the big cat in the imperial capital Their status is higher than that of Bingshan Girl.

As for Song Qian who buys one, gets one free?

That status is a little lower!

But this status gap is not caused by An Liang, it is an internal decision between them, and An Liang also They will not participate in such things. They have their own agreement, which is their own internal agreement. If Anliang gets involved, it may cause conflicts.

"I said, I like kiwi fruit with red heart, yellow heart and green heart all very much. But which of the three kiwi fruits is sweeter is their own decision."An Liang responded.

In fact, An Liang had already let it slip, because An Liang used the anthropomorphic word 'who' to describe the kiwi.

An Liang added,"Three kinds of kiwis all grow under the same sunlight, and they get more sunlight. It's the same, there won't be any difference."

Zhao Wanxi did not ask about this matter again. The relationship between her and An Liang was indeed complicated. Zhao Wanxi hoped that An Liang could treat her wholeheartedly, but she knew that it was impossible.

"You should go back to school, right?"Zhao Wanxi changed the topic.

"Well, I'll go back tomorrow afternoon at the latest and attend the school's welcome party in the evening."An Liang said frankly.

Zhao Wanxi extended an invitation,"Because the North District gold mine project made a lot of money, our club has arranged an event. Let's have a party tonight. Will you come with us?"

"Where?"An Liang asked back.

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