After Chen Siyu ended the call, he pulled An Liang and walked quickly towards the open-air parking lot of the National Conservatory of Music.

On the way, Chen Siyu asked casually,"Where are we going today?"

An Liang briefly explained the situation, including the mountain running in Baipu Temple. Chen Siyu's eyes lit up after hearing this. This big cat in the imperial capital likes to race cars. Before We also achieved very good results at the Golden Port International Circuit.

"Husband, I want to run in the mountains too!"Chen Siyu held An Liang's arm and acted coquettishly.

An Liang used his danger premonition ability to feel it, but did not agree immediately,"It depends on your performance!"

Chen Siyu's face suddenly turned red. She was obviously thinking wrong again?

"Husband, I’ll show off again when I get back in the evening."Chen Siyu said softly.

An Liang laughed.

"Husband, can I run in the mountains?"Chen Siyu asked worriedly

"Remember to stay safe! An Liang reminded.

Chen Siyu cheered and said,"Yeah, I'll pay attention!""

In the open-air parking lot of the National Conservatory of Music, when An Liang and Chen Siyu arrived, Song Qian had already arrived in advance, and Ning Ruoshuang was standing next to her. Because she had to run in the mountains, Chen Siyu naturally had to drive a BMW M8C there.

Ning Ruoshuang She and Song Qian were left to An Liang by Chen Siyu. She couldn't wait to take the first step, obviously planning to run in the mountains first.

"Ah! woman! These are the Plastic Sisters!"An Liang said teasingly.

Song Qian responded cheerfully,"Master An, please stop provoking, our relationship is fine!"

"Yeah?"An Liang asked back.

"certainly!"Song Qian responded affirmatively.

"We got in the car and set off, picking up that guy Zhao Wanxi on the way."An Liang got vaccinated in advance.

Ning Ruoshuang shook her phone and answered,"Sister Wanxi is asking when we will pick her up."


An Liang felt that he had a lot of question marks!

What did Zhao Wanxi do?

An Liang had doubts in his mind. When he got on the bus, he paid special attention to the seats where Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian were waiting for a while.

According to the Logically speaking, if Chen Siyu ran away first and had to pick up Zhao Wanxi later, Ning Ruoshuang should sit in the passenger seat, let Song Qian sit in the back, and leave a seat in the back for Zhao Wanxi. location.

But the actual situation is that both Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian chose the back seat!

If the security personnel of Renyi Security Company were driving, then there would be no problem for Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian to sit in the back seat, but now An Liang is driving the car in person and has arrived in advance They said they would take over Zhao Wanxi’s matter later, but these two guys actually left the core C position to Zhao Wanxi?

What kind of cunning operation is this?

An Liang felt that he had many question marks!

But An Liang did not ask, he As if he had not discovered such details, he started the engine and headed from the National Conservatory of Music to Xiaobieyuan.

The distance between the two was indeed very close. On the way, An Liang said casually,"Shuangshuang, please contact Zhao Wanxi." That guy, we'll be there in five minutes at most"

"Uh-huh!"Ning Ruoshuang responded,"Master An, I have already told Sister Wanxi that Sister Wanxi is waiting for us outside the small courtyard."

"OK."An Liang responded.

In less than four minutes, An Liang drove to the entrance of the small courtyard. As expected, Zhao Wanxi was already waiting on the roadside. When An Liang parked the car, Zhao Wanxi naturally opened the passenger door and got in.

Although An Liang Such an outcome had been predicted in advance, but when such a thing really happened, An Liang was still full of curiosity. What did Zhao Wanxi do to make Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian take the initiative to give in? Zhao Wanxi sat From the passenger seat, she showed a faint smile,"Master An, shall we set off?"

Mr. An Liang stared at Zhao Wanxi with death, and then complained,"Which of you taught her?

Song Qian quickly denied,"It's not me anyway!"

Ning Ruoshuang also denied,"It's not me either.""

"Is that Siyu?"An Liang snorted.

Ning Ruoshuang added,"No.

Zhao Wanxi answered on the side,"Can't I learn it myself?""

"In fact, the title Master An is quite nice, after all, he is a master!" Zhao Wanxi teased.

An Liang was unable to complain.

‘Master An's 'master' means that An Liang has a skill in yin and yang strange energy and can be called a master, so he is called Master An.

On the way to Baipu Temple, Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to start the conversation

"Master An, I have interesting news for you."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Um?"An Liang's doubts about cooperation

"The club organized a mountain running race at Baipu Temple. After discussion among the club members, the first prize of this mountain running race was an interesting reward."Zhao Wanxi did not directly explain

"The first prize is a place that will directly enter the final round of the next internal club secret auction." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang responded,"This prize is interesting. Who suggested it?"

"Yun Haiyang, Lin Yili, and Ye Xiangyu proposed it."Zhao Wanxi replied

"It turned out to be these three unlucky guys!"An Liang couldn't help laughing.

Although mathematically speaking, the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club secretly adopted a random drawing scheme, but in fact there is a theory of metaphysical luck, especially for Yun Haiyang, his luck is very bad

"There are even worse things!"Zhao Wanxi showed a bright smile


Update time: July 20, 2021 00:02:04, good night.

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