On the way to Baipu Temple, Zhao Wanxi was talking about the situation at Baipu Temple.

"After discussion among the club members, although everyone agreed on this prize, Hu Xiaoyu and Yun Haiyang were specifically disqualified from participating."

"What the hell? An Liang was a little surprised,"Brother Haiyang suggested a prize, but he was disqualified from the competition?""

"Yes. Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively,"You know the reason!""

"All right!" An Liang couldn't help laughing.

Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian also laughed.

Song Qian even said,"Is it because Brother Haiyang always gets into car accidents? Zhao

Wanxi responded affirmatively,"Yes, and it's because he always causes other people to have car accidents."

Ning Ruoshuang asked curiously,"What about Xiaoyu? Why was she banned from participating?""

An Liang replied on behalf of Zhao Wanxi,"She is very lucky. If she competes, no one can guarantee that she can win. Plus, she doesn't need that quota, because she is very lucky and belongs to the koi species. This carp's situation."

Zhao Wanxi agreed,"Yes, Xiaoyu is very lucky, and she doesn't care about the prize, so she is simply prohibited from participating."

"And me? An Liang asked back,"Everyone knows about my skills. I have maintained the club's number one lap time at the Golden Port International Circuit. Aren't you worried about my participation?" Zhao

Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"Will you participate?" An Liang shook his head,"

Forget it, I won't participate and let them play by themselves.""

In the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, most of the things that need to be secretly photographed are basically the benefits provided by An Liang, so does An Liang need that quota?

Just kidding!

"Your Chen Siyu participated." Zhao Wanxi responded, and added,"This is a supplementary rule for the mountain running race. Because not all club members like drag racing, club members are allowed to arrange for one person to race on their behalf. An

Liang said half teasingly and half confidently,"Doesn't that mean someone invited professional players to participate?""

According to the benefits of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, if you win a secret auction, you will get huge benefits, so arranging professional players to participate should be a routine operation, right?

After all, the benefits provided by the Tiantian Baiyujing Club are enough to make people excited!

Zhao Wan Xi explained,"There are restrictions. The mountain running race is a time race. If a professional player participates, we will increase the penalty time. For example, if a first-class professional player participates, then at least 60 seconds of overtime will be required."

"Even semi-professional players still have overtime penalties." Zhao Wanxi added

"What is the overtime penalty for our Chen Siyu?" An Liang asked casually.

Zhao Wanxi was silent for a few seconds before responding,"She didn't get overtime punishment."

So is Chen Siyu too good at it?

Ning Ruoshuang obviously thought of this as well. She answered,"Siyu's driving skills seem to be very good, right?""

"You can be more confident. An Liang responded,"Her lap record at the Golden Port International Circuit is very close to mine. Her talent in driving is very high. I suspect that she may win the mountain race this time.""

After An Liang finished speaking, he thought of a possibility, that is, everyone gave him face, so they did not set an overtime penalty for Chen Siyu.

After all, what if Chen Siyu won in the end?

It is not equivalent to An Liang winning.

After An Liang wins, It doesn’t make much sense, so why set an overtime penalty for Chen Siyu?

I have to say that the guys in the Tiantian Baiyujing Club are all smart little guys!

When Anliang and the other four arrived, the mountain running race organized by the Tiantian Baiyujing Club It's over. Just as An Liang guessed, Chen Siyu really won.

Chen Siyu came to An Liang with cheers, and she said happily,"Master An, I won!"

This big cat in the imperial capital was called husband before to participate in the mountain running race. Now that he is the champion, he is called Master An?

An Liang hugged the happy Chen Siyu, and he responded with a smile,"It's good if you win! But the reward is still given to others"

"Uh-huh!"Chen Siyu said nonchalantly.

An Liang asked curiously,"If you give up the prize, who will win?"

"I don’t know her. Sister Wanxi told me about it before, but I didn’t remember it."Chen Siyu responded.

Zhao Wanxi answered,"It should be Sun Yan"

"Old man Sun's son?"An Liang asked back.

"Um. Zhao Wanxi nodded,"Did you and Uncle Huang join forces to trick Sun Shangshu?""

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense! An Liang directly denied it,"That was what Lao Huang did. I didn't even know it. By the time I found out, Lao Huang had already reached an agreement with Old Man Sun.""

Zhao Wanxi didn't ask any more questions. While they were chatting, Li Cunyuan came over and said,"Brother Liang, there will be a beer competition later, will you participate?"

"Beer contest? An Liang said confidently,"Isn't that giving me the championship?""

To be honest, with the advantage of dual talents, An Liang could defeat Li Cunyuan and Yun Haiyang by himself, plus Qian Xiaogang.

Huang Junfeng can drink fake wine without getting drunk, while An Liang can drink real wine without getting drunk. Drunk strongman!

According to Anliang's drinking capacity, he felt that the beer competition was to give him the championship.

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