Why are manhole covers round?

This question is very classic on the Internet, with various stories and scientific analyses, and the various answers even seem reasonable.

In dormitory 307, An Liang asked this classic question

"Wenshan, if you were asked to analyze why manhole covers are round, what do you think?"An Liang looked at Lu Wenshan.

Lu Wenshan responded slightly awkwardly,"Can I check the answer online? An

Liang refused and responded,"If you can't search for information online, what do you think?""

"We must learn to think independently, rather than passively receiving answers. An Liang added,"The answers on the Internet are the answers listed by others. They are just the results of other people's thinking. We need to think about the answer to this question ourselves."

"Champion brother, gentlemen, you can also think about the specific reasons."An Liang signaled Ma Long and Shen Shizhong to join in.

Lu Wenshan thought silently. He didn't understand the relevant industry conditions, let alone the standard rules that manhole covers should abide by under the urban construction standard system.

"this...Brother Liang, we are students at the School of Economics and don’t know much about manhole covers."Lu Wenshan said slightly awkwardly.

Ma Long responded,"I saw an answer on the Internet before. The biggest advantage of round manhole covers is that the diameter of the circles is the same. When opening the manhole cover, accidents may happen. time, the manhole cover will not fall into the sewer."

This answer has indeed received a lot of support on the Internet, and it seems to be the same thing, as if it is the correct answer.

But it is not!

Shen Shizhong frowned,"It shouldn't be this answer. I have some ideas in my mind, but I can't summarize them. Is it related to efficiency?

Lu Wenshan asked An Liang for advice,"Brother Liang, what do you think?""

"Before answering the question of why manhole covers are round, let’s go back to Dean Qin’s speech at the welcome party. Dean Qin only spent 1 minute and 18 seconds. The first meaning is high efficiency. I already said it at the orientation party."An Liang said remindingly.

"Could it have other meanings?"Lu Wenshan was surprised.

Shen Shizhong and Ma Long also looked surprised. Is the meaning that originally seemed very profound to them actually the first level of meaning?

"Of course there are other meanings!"An Liang responded

"Why does Dean Qin pursue an efficient welcome speech?"An Liang asked.

Lu Wenshan and the other two looked thoughtful.

"Because we are Tianfu School of Economics, we are an economics school. In the economic field, high efficiency is a key factor, so Dean Qin chose high-efficiency lectures based on the fact that we are an economics school. This kind of speech is very important in the economic field. Different choices made in different environments and situations are the deeper meanings." An Liang revealed the answer.

Lu Wenshan suddenly realized something. He even guessed that An Liang's welcome speech was based on Qin Daorong,"Is that why Brother Liang's welcome speech imitated Dean Qin?"

"It means that. An Liang did not deny it.

Shen Shizhong also responded with understanding,"If we now return to the question of why the manhole cover is round, we must also make different considerations based on different environments and situations, right?""

"Yes."An Liang nodded,"The answer just mentioned by Brother Champion is just one situation in one environment."

"If we think deeply, are all manhole covers really round?"An Liang asked back.

Lu Wenshan responded negatively,"It seems not."

"no!"Ma Long also responded.

Shen Shizhong explained more specifically,"In our school, many manhole covers are square."

"So let’s go back to the original question, why are manhole covers round? This question itself is a partial generalization, and there are very big mistakes. The answer is not comprehensive in any way."An Liang explained.

"The shape of the manhole cover actually depends on the shape of the well. This is the most intuitive answer."An Liang responded

"If the well is round, then the manhole cover should be round because in most cases, this will fit perfectly. You can’t use square manhole covers for round wells and round manhole covers for square wells, right?"An Liang joked.

Although square wells can also be forced to use circular manhole covers, the circular manhole covers must be made larger to cover the square well. However, this will cause waste and is not in line with the laws of market economy.

"So why are wells round?"Lu Wenshan got to the bottom of things

"Yes, I also know to ask further to get to the root cause."An Liang praised him first.

Lu Wenshan responded awkwardly,"Brother Liang, I'm really curious, and I don't mean to be shady."

"..."An Liang was speechless. Does this Onmyoji think that everything is Yin and Yang's strange energy?

Did An Liang really praise Lu Wenshan?

"We have learned mathematics that when the circumference is the same, the circular area is the largest. One reason for choosing a circular well is that the internal space is larger, which is more convenient for later maintenance and repair."An Liang said analytically.

"So outside the second canteen, the manhole covers on the walking path are square. What is the reason for this?"Lu Wenshan asked again.

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