After Lu Wenshan asked, he quickly added,"Brother Liang, I don't mean to find fault. I just want to find out what the cause of this problem is." An

Liang scolded with a smile,"If a gentleman asks this question Question, I think it’s okay. But when you ask questions, I think you are causing trouble."

Ma Long seconded,"Wenshan is a bitch who is often eccentric, and I also think he is causing trouble on purpose!"

Shen Shizhong also agreed," To be honest, Wenshan, even if you speak seriously, I feel like you have a yin and yang flavor."

"..."Lu Wenshan is unable to complain

"Okay, okay, since Wenshan wants to know, let's continue the analysis. Before answering this question, we first analyze the location difference between square wells and circular wells."An Liang responded.

Since we want to get to the bottom of the matter, let's get to the bottom of the problem and analyze it.

"Gentlemen who often drive will probably find that most of the wells on the road are round, and there are very few other shapes. There will be more square wells on sidewalks or inside communities, or inside buildings such as schools, right?"An Liang asked.

Shen Shizhong responded affirmatively,"From my personal experience, I don't seem to have seen many special-shaped wells other than round wells on the highway."

Ma Long agreed,"Although I don't drive, it seems to be true. Lu Wenshan also agreed,"

My experience is the same.""

"We also use different environments and different situations to analyze. On the highway, if it is a square manhole, it means using a square manhole cover. When vehicles pass by, the square manhole cover will be subject to uneven stress, which will eventually cause the square manhole cover to sink. Even the situation of being crushed. An Liang said analytically.

Lu Wenshan seconded,"I've seen square manhole covers on the sidewalk sink."

An Liang laughed,"Even if I cut corners and used a plastic manhole cover!""

Some manhole covers on sidewalks are actually made of plastic in order to save costs.

"Let’s go back to the issue of shape. If circular wells are used on highways, the force on the circular manhole cover will be uniform, so problems will not occur easily. This is the biggest reason for using circular wells on highways. After all, it is for safety and long-term durability. Stable and conducive to later maintenance." An Liang explained.

Lu Wenshan asked again,"Since there are so many advantages of circular wells, why not use circular wells on sidewalks?"

"Brother Liang, you also said before that the internal space of circular wells is larger and the durability of circular manhole covers is better, so round wells should also be used on sidewalks, right?" Lu Wenshan added

"You little bitch, how dare you say that you are not picky?"An Liang said with a hum.

Lu Wenshan waved his hands repeatedly,"I'm not, Brother Liang, don't accuse a good person unjustly!"

"You are a good guy?"An Liang complained

"Forget it, I am the good guy, I will continue to analyze it for you!"An Liang responded

"Circular wells have the advantages of circular wells, but as I said, we have to analyze them from different environments and situations. In a highway environment, circular wells have more advantages. Outside of a highway environment, the advantages of circular wells will be affected. The impact of other circumstances."An Liang explained

"Think about it, how should you build a circular well? An Liang asked.

Before the three roommates could answer, An Liang asked additionally,"Do you think it is easier to dig a circular well or a square well?" Shen

Shizhong responded with a sudden realization,"It must be more troublesome to dig a circular well!""

An Liang seconded,"Yes, of course it is more troublesome to dig a circular well. Not to mention small circular wells, even large circular potholes are also a huge challenge for excavators. Only masters with high skills can dig them. can be done"

"Generally, apprentices who come out of Brusque Academy cannot solve the problem of circular wells at all."An Liang added

"Circular wells are built on highways because the constraints of the highway environment require circular wells. Under comprehensive conditions, circular wells have become the best choice."An Liang explained

"But on the sidewalk, without the restrictions of the highway environment, naturally, circular wells, which are more difficult and expensive to build, will no longer be used. Simple square wells are more suitable."An Liang added

"The problem of internal space can be solved by building larger square wells. The problem of uneven force is only established in the highway environment, and there is almost no such problem on the sidewalk."An Liang continued

"There is a more critical question! An Liang reminded him.

Lu Wenshan was confused,"What's the problem?""

"The difference between sidewalks and roads! An Liang explained,"Asphalt or concrete is generally used on highways, which is easier to shape. However, most of the sidewalks are paved with floor tiles. Taking the outside of our second cafeteria as an example, it is paved with terrazzo tiles, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"The terrazzo bricks outside the second canteen are rectangular. If a circular well is to be built, it means using a circular manhole cover. How do the circular manhole cover and the terrazzo bricks fit together?"An Liang asked back.

"Even though a lot of manpower was spent on polishing the terrazzo bricks in an arc, and finally matching the circular manhole cover, subsequent maintenance became a big problem!"An Liang raised a new question

"If the curved terrazzo tiles around the circular manhole cover are broken, just arrange someone to polish them again. Wouldn't that be very troublesome? An Liang continued,"So I simply used a square well. The square manhole cover and the square terrazzo bricks fit directly together. No additional processing is required at all. This not only saves labor costs, but also directly solves the problem of subsequent maintenance.""

"So in the sidewalk environment, there will be different situations, and thus different choices will be made. This is the essential answer, rather than simply asking why the manhole cover is round."An Liang analyzed this classic question one by one and finally gave an answer based on economics.

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